Evolution vs Religion

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Gamefreak103, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
  2. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    That is what I am, and I have to say it really kinda sucks. I would love to belive one or the other, but the idea of something bigger controlling life is so hard to comprehend, but at the same time so is the big bang. But either way I lean to evolution, it is truly a much more logical and tangible idea compared to creationism.
  3. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    I'm gonna skip like, the last 3 pages since it's all either anti-religion posts or anti-science posts... No debating...

    To answer Darky's last post to me, I mean that the only difference between Science and Religion is that Science deals with the human world, human existance and human creation. Religion dabbles in all of that, but focusses on extraordinary themes like the spiritual world, death and life. Science is claimed to be fact ONLY because it matches what a few smart people have said, and it's easier to understand than something spiritual. We cannot disprove religion, but we cannot prove it, so we choose Science over religion simply because it's easier. I do hope you understand what I mean. xD I'm having difficulty explaining at this hour...

    Basically, I don't believe in Science. I believe in Religion. To me, Religion is fact, and Science is just our way of explaining things we don't comprehend. It's a crutch for us to lean on.
  4. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    Squishy, i agree with your last little phrase there!
  5. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    To say the least I have to disagree with the last line, I find it hard to put my faith in something that I can not feel is there. Trust me I have tried really hard, I have read the bible many times, and yet nothing. I envy people that can fully believe in it really. But scientific fact clicks for me, I know that nothing we know is 100%, but I do know that it help explain alot of things.
  6. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    Oi vay!
    If my bible teacher was here, we would all be DEAD from boredom...
    Anyways...I agree with it a lot!
    I know I seem like the ONLY one...but I seriously want to stand up for what I know is right...even though I may not be able to PROVE I'm right...I KNOW I am.
    God is out there...You just need to open up to him and INVITE Him in.
  7. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    You mean what you 'believe is right', and that you 'believe' God is out there.

    Don't push your opinions on others like that, with the entire 'I know I'm right' comment. If you can't prove it then you can't 'know' you're right. You can believe you're right. At least scientists put the word 'theory' behind a lot of their stuff, and use careful words like 'suggestive evidence'.

    Such vocabulary isn't found in religion, where it's all spoken like fact--when it isn't.
  8. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    But the thing is that I have tried to open to it, alot of people can not seem to find it in for them, and It will be hard if not impossible to convice people something like that. People can try but, not everyone is so open to it. And I love how much enthusiasium for christ, many of my friends are as well, and I wish you the best at proving it to people. Really to prove he is really is impossible people think differently, and not everyone will comprehend it.

    I second what ロクサス said above.
  9. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    You might want to go tell the others about that, too. Us believers in God aren't the only ones pushing our ideals. I remember Cin saying several times that he/she knows there is no God and that there is no supreme power in existance. I try not to push my beliefs, though, and I do try my best to note that they are only MY beliefs, not fact.

    I think that Science is as much a belief as Religion is, the only difference is that there are more things we've found to match up with Science. However, I also believe that Religion and Science can intertwine with one another. For instance; God could have -started- evolution and perhaps we took the bible's creation a little too literally. Or perhaps all of our links using DNA to put every creature into a single evolutionary tree are simply coincidence, and we really have nothing relative to them in terms of creation.

    Both Religion and Science are formed of speculation, assumptions and similarities. Religion is also filled with speculation, assumptions and similarities. There are just fewer similarities and more speculation and assumptions. But I still prefer to hold fast in my faith, and put little into Science. Why? Because if religion is right, and I hold my faith, I'll be sent to paradise. If I hold my faith in religion, but science is right, it makes no difference.
  10. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    Evolution is just a theory & religion is just a faith.
    Theories about evolution & any other theories for that matter are constantly changing... scientists can never keep their stories straight, but some of them do have strong evidence that there theories are right.
    Nobody can prove if God exsists or if he doesn't, people just have a faith in him. They get a type of comfort feeling believing that he is real.

    It's completely up to people what they want to believe, i myself believe in God but i do accept & listen to what other people think about these things.
    So you's all should listen & respect what other people believe in & stop trying to enforce what you think is "right".
  11. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    I like what you have to say there, Kitty.
    It's true that theories can and can't be true. It's all what we believe and WANT to believe.
    I respect that Cin wants to be atheist and that Darky wants to be agnostic (Did i get that right O.o )
    But at the same time, I hate it when people say they -know- there's no God.
    All I have to say. Thanks for listening.
  12. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    I'm not trying to 'push any ideal' by saying this, but if that's the only reason why you're choosing faith, it seems more like you choose religion out of fear rather than genuine belief to me.

    Lots of people who choose science over religion do it not because they 'disrespect God' or think it's stupid, they just have much more reassurance in the scientific explanation than the religious one. People who lack faith aren't always considered sinful.

    I am a baptized Roman Catholic, and have attended mass and taken religion all the way through Grade 12 (mass still ongoing), and it was only in Grade 12 that I learned several things about the Roman Catholic religion--one being that:

    - non-believers aren't always sent to hell

    So if God is real, you're saying everyone different from your faith is going to hell, including the Buddhists, the Hinduists, the Shintoists, the Taoists, not just the Atheists and the Agnostics.

    And that's really another thing people hate about the religious ideal being pushed onto others.
  13. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    I didn't say that is why I hold my faith, I said that is why I put little into science...

    I figured you'd understand I'm quite faithful by now. xD
  14. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Squishy, I'm sorry to say this but I personally believe your ideas to be warped. Religion is the "crutch" in todays society. Science is the "fact". Meaning that we are taught to beleive science and evolutionary theory is correct. However, when we fall upon bad times, most people don't look to science to comfort them. They look to religion because they've had it with the facts and want something to beleive in. Religion gives people hope, either out of fear or out of stress or pain, it's the crutch of society. Athiests, well, they're strong in their opinions, and we fight a lot for our views. But our views are sad ones. We don't beleive in heaven, when you die, you rot in the ground and any conciosness of you is erased. You are gone. I'd LIKE to beleive the bible, I'd LIKE to believe in religion, but I can't. Science is my foundation, and it's a scary and sad thing to believe in, mostly because the truth hurts. People turn to religion because the truth hurts and they go into denial about it and say there's always a god and a heaven waiting for them. People beleive in religion out of fear, wether you think you do or not, that's the only reason. Subconciouslly you're scared of what death truly means, so you go for the happiest interpretation.

    Getting back to evolution...XD...it's a theory...yes...but the Earth cannot lie. Someonthing that big can't. And it has given us countless evidence that humans derived from something simpler, and that...hey, maybe gods did create the Earth, but if they did, the bible is wrong. Maybe gods put the evolution into motion, maybe they created Earth a lot longer ago. The bible was written by man and therefore cannot be trusted. wether or not it's the "word" of god. If the gods wrote it, then presented it to us, then I might be a christian right now. But humans did write it, claiming god told them what to write. Humans are imperfect, and we always will be. But we're getting closer and closer to our full potential.
  15. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    But it is man that is creating these theories so... can we not trust these theories.
  16. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    I wish you people would stop brining up the word "theories". 90% of science has been proven.
  17. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Correct. However, there is also PHYSICAL evidence holding up these theories. Yes, the theories are fallable; all things made by man are. However, the reason why I do not agree with the bible is that it has NO physical evidence. A man named Jesus may have existed, but a man named Muhhammed may have also.
  18. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Actually, science just has concepts of how they 'think' things in general work.

    Theory is 100% accurate.
  19. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Thinking and knowing is two different things. Everything that we're taught in school, unless it has a big word called "theory" next to it, has , thus far, been proven. We know human anatomy, it's not like there's little gremlins running around inside us making us breath. If we didn't know these things, after long long long trials and experiments, then we would not present them to society as fact.
  20. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau

    That's not my point. That's not at all what I was referring to. I'm trying to say that we call 99.9% of everything a 'theory' because it's how we 'think' it works. Evolution is a theory, science is mainly theories. Biology is entirely different, Cin, for this argument. Biology makes up a small percentage of science.
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