Evolution vs Religion

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Gamefreak103, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
  2. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    Trusting in Science is all a belief in human logic. We have not "proven" anything using science, we've simply all come to similar conclusions dealing with "scientific" issues. I choose to not put much faith in science, as, to me, it's all a series of conclusions that we -think- are true.
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    What do you mean?

    Science isn't like mythology, man. Religion is a form of mythology, as it has -zero- proof. Science has countless pieces of physical biological evidence supporting it. If it weren't true, then why do we teach it in schools?

    It wouldn't make sense to make an entire classroom dedicated to something that weren't true. This is why religion isn't really taught in the same manner. It's not accepted as easily because, well, where's our dozens of layers of subjects to learn about?

    Science has genetics, biology, chemistry, physics and many more. Religion has countless religions that aren't connected whatsoever.
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    LMAO! :D

    As an archaeolgist/geologist I find it hard to agree with something that claims the Earth is only 6000 years old and that humans were created as we are!

    I also think it's a bit hypocritical for people to call science nothing but "beliefs and conclusions" surely religion is also based on belief?

    There is some sound archaeological evidence for some of the stories in the Bible, but there is also a hell of a lot of evidence for evolution which can't be discounted.

    I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that fossils etc have been planted deliberately to test my faith! Science and religion have been fighting for a such a long time, surely it's time to come out of the dark ages and realise that both are seperate to each other! They both have their own purpose, I believe in my religion but I have also seen too much evidence to support evolution and science to not trust in that!

    Hehehe religion gives us beliefs and science helps us to understand those beliefs in a way! Anywayz I'm now rambling......:D


    Disclaimer: Any offence or general annoyance can not be deemed the fault of Catch The Rain! No intention of offence was meant and Catch The Rain can not be held accountable for damage her opinions may cause! :D :p
  5. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    True but in science, we have some what tangible evidence that we evolved. I can not say that we have proof of the big bang, but as for evolving over time that I can beilive completely cause I have seen scientific fact infront of my eyes. Where as with creationism, I find it hard to put faith in something so intangible that all I have to run on is a sense of feeling which is not sufficenty enough to give my ful beleif.
  6. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    I'm just saying this because I AM a Christian...

    Evolution is not true, because God did not make us as monkeys, and on a NON CHRISTIAN NOTE: Why are there still gorillas, apes and monkeys out there?
    Besides...Darwin said his theory was a bust, anyhow.
  7. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I beg to differ Darky. I can understand what you're saying but I had twelve years of religion classes. Granted they were mostly "Read this passage of the Bible and interpret it." or "Read this passage and rewrite it in modern terms." or "Memorize this and this and this and this." classes. They weren't the same as say your chemistry or anatomy courses but I had to take them all the same. I'm just glad it's done.

    I'm more scientific in my thinking and I prefer an evolution standpoint. Since it's hard for me to accept some all knowing being in the sky just magically creating everything past and present as a fact. But the spark that started evolution?

    I had a science teacher in high school. She wasn't in the Evolution Vs. Creationism group. But rather she had the idea of God/Allah/Bhudda/whatever setting evolution into motion. Sort of melding the two ideas together into a format that worked for her.

    Myself, I like the scientific standpoint that humans did evolve from apes since it can be seen in the similarities in the bones of "Lucy" to those of our own.
  8. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    No no no, Saix.
    I can't accept what you say!
    There is a higher being.
    God DOES exist!
    I've seen things happen that ONLY GOD can explain!
  9. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Perhaps I havn't seen the same things that you have. To avoid the whole 'Hellfire and Brimstone' posts I've seen in previous discussions. I won't comment too much to keep the thread on topic. -nods to the staff-

    Perhaps your faith is stronger than mine in the whole religious figure up in the sky thing.

    But back to Evolution vs. Religion...

    My views still stand. I like the Evolution Theory better since it's more easily proven.
  10. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Your last line is what gets me. You don't put faith in science because it's a 'series of conclusions that we -think- are true'. How is religious faith any different? And furthermore, these 'conclusions that we -think- are true' in religious faith are for the most part, less 'provable' than scientific truth.

    You can have your faith, I really don't care, but your justification based off that statement is just really weak.
  11. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006

    I will address every issue in the last 30 or so posts in this one post.

    God does not exist, there's no evidence and the whole idea of him is beyond farfetched. Anything "miracles" you people may have seen, well, you can believe them if you want, but I'm an evolution guy, that's just the way it is.

    There's FAR more proof towards evolution and sicence then religion and intelligent design. Seriously, how can you prove anything that happened in the bible. You're really gonna believe a religion to tell you about your past? The bible was written by men, for men, it's not a history book, it's a story.

    We developed from apes, how do we know this? We've found bones...humans bones...that were combinations of apes and humans. We've found hundreds of them. That not enough proof for you? Why have we found these bones, these boens that are chemically and scientifically, more then 6000 years old? Because we evolved from them, long before the bible was written.

    Noah's arc, never happened. A small scale variation of it might have. Like a farmer in a Valley in mesopotamia, he might have loaded his sheep on a small ship to wade out a storm or something. But it's physically impossible for Noah's arc to exist. SERIOUSLY. There's not enough water on the planet, not in the atmosphere, IN the earth, or in every human being combined, to flood the entire planet. There never was that much water and there never has been that much water. Anyone who thinks that Noah's Arc has been proven, you're a dumbass and misinterpretted something.

    Okay...come on people, keep em coming, I've got all day. ;D
  12. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    I'm sorry. I read the first line and I almost puked.
    You can not say, can NOT say "There is no God..." You CAN'T!
    There is proof out there. If you actually read the bible a bit, you would find it.
    Scientists have, over and over again, proven God....because they try to prove themselves but can't.

    So don't you DARE say "God doesn't exist"
    Because that is the biggest bull crap ever said.
  13. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    I HAVE read the bible, 4 times in fact. And everytime I do it seems more and more wrong. God doesn't exist, it's s simple fact and a simple concept to grasp. Evolution and random coincidence is all that created us. And the chances of someplace like the Earth being created...well...it had to happen. The universe is so infinitly big, that the chances, although very slim, are still pretty good. And scientists have proved god exists? Give me this "proof". Go ahead...give me everything you've got. I'll disprove it. You can believe what you want, but don't push your religion on me, I'm a stone that cannot be broken when it comes to my views.
  14. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    You won't convert?
    I respect that, but PLEASE, don't ever let me hear you say you -KNOW- God doesn't exist...

    Darwin theory....did you know he said it was fake? Before he died...he said it was all false? Did ya know that??
    Noah's Ark DID happen. They FOUND EVIDENCE!
    Look at the Bombardier Beetle...could that happen "by chance"
    Could something come from nothing?
    Could someone get healed by "Chance"?
    If by God, ya!
    I have seen people get healed of CANCER and other diseases when someone put their HANDS on the HEAD of the person!
  15. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    1. The Darwin theory. Darwin was alive back ina very religious time. Of course he'd think it to be fake. He was christian, and although they were his discoveries, evolution would tear his world apart. You can't disprove evolution byt eh inner struggle of a christian man.

    2. Show me the evidence. I've studied this particular topic many times before, and have never seen anything more thent he ravings of Christians who refuse to believe that they based their entire lives on something false.

    3. Bombardier beetle? Yes...it could.

    4. There was never "nothing". The big bang, if that's what you're refering to, happened due to many chemical reactions and collisions caused by demensions and universe unknown. As in, there was never nothing, there was something before that big bang that caused it, as in MATTER, not god. If, in a sense, you're trying to say that you can't get something from nothing, well, can you get anything from God? Has god ever shown himself to you? In the flesh? If you truly beleive god created everything, then you would aslo know, when god was creating things, they just popped into existance out of nowhere. Soemthing from nothing, there you go, you just disprovved yourself, good job.../:

    5. Dude...it's called pressure points and body anatomy, as well as lack of stress, hypnosis, and tension. You can cure someone of cancer by touching their forehead, because those status ailments are caused by the body. It's easy to trick the body and make it do whatever you want. You can make an insane person sane by hitting them hard enough. Deseases and things...well...that's another story. Cancer is a desease caused by foreign materials entering the human body. The body creates chemicals to counteract it but overcompensates, and then begins to destroy itself. Cancer can be caused by stress, smoking, radiation, and many other things. But overall, something like cancer is a desease caused by yourself. If you beleive you can get rid of it, you can. If you lack hope, you can't. You can trick yourself into getting rid of it. The "touch of god" you're refering to is just as much crap as you probably think is spewing out of my evil little devil-infested mouth right now. But guess what...it's the truth. And the only truth with evidence.

    Okay man, give me more, this is fun! =D

    Ps: You do realize the touch of god is a scam? It doesn't exist, they use actors and things to draw in peoples money. It's been going on for years. 80% of those things are completely fake. The rest of them are what I stated above.
  16. Cloaked-Schemer Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 9, 2007
    Catch The Rain's Closet of Doom and Suffering!!!
    i personally believe in the evolutionary theory but we have no right to force our beliefs upon others, it's up to ourselves what we believe in that is what makes us humans so special being able to have our own opinions
  17. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Cin, I think I love you. xD

    Anyone who can shove the Bible in my face and say 'This is proof God exists.' Deserves to be smacked several times in the face. I'm sorry but I've read the book too many times to pick out all the errors and mistakes in it.

    The whole thing reminds me of the whole Jesus can't be black cause he's the son of God arguement. Granted he's not dark but he's not Nordic pale either.

    But yes a Book written by Men for Men is not proof God exists. It's like saying that Talking animals exist because of Garfield.

    As for the laying on of hands, yes it's a nice example of faith but complete bull pucky. As Cin said, the body can do wondrous things when it wants to. If a cancer patient BELIEVES enough that they can get well then there is a better chance they will. But if it goes with 'I'm going to die in 6 months.' Then there's a greater chance it will happen.

    If a patient with cancer gets blessed by a priest, they'll feel better about themselves and want to get better.

    But as for believing there is a God, I'm sorry, but don't shove your views on me. I had enough of that growing up for it to happen on an internet forum as well. I know we evolved from primates because we -ARE- yet primates. We have more in common with chimpanzees than some of us would like to admit. We aren't these perfect beings we make ourselves out to be.

    But I'll stop before this turns into a rant.
  18. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Cin you have my respect! *clicks karma* :D
    IPraise so do you!
    There are a lot of really good arguments coming across here! But I just want to say that as I said earlier there is too much evidence for evolution for it to be fake or false! But I don't think anyone can say that God does not exist! Science can prove many things but the existence of any God cannot be proven or disproven by man!

    Although can I just ask, someone said that evolution can't be real because there are still primates and stuff but then tell me where all the damn unicorns are! God created unicorns so why aren't they still around?

    :rolleyes: For every argument there is a counter argument, at the end of the day (it's night) no seriously at the end of the day what people believe isn't going change overnight, nor should they be so stop trying to make people!

    :D *goes off with a really big net* Now I'm gonna go catch me a Unicorn......
  19. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    i get the feeling this argument is going to go on for the rest of time, cos neither side is probly ever going to be able to prove for certain that the other is wrong, and as long as theres the slightest chance that both are possible, it will continue
  20. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    1. Darwin SAYS it's false. Does that make it false? No.

    Noah's Ark?? WTF. You must know nothing about it, clearly. Noah's ark...wasn't even "Noah". It was a tweaked story about a farmer in ancient Mesopotamia who suffered from the floods of the Tigris/Euphrates.

    And how can someone get healed by chance? I find that beyond impossible. You know Leroy Jenkins? The famous healer? Yeah, only 66 out of his BILLIONS of healings were ever miracle. What does that tell you? That tells me it's either cured right after or the person convinced themselves of being cured--therefore curing themselves.
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