Evolution vs Religion

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Gamefreak103, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    -Has a mild seizure due to the above-

    You put all your faith in the pages of a book to disprove the so-called Evolution Hoaxes. You believe with all your being that everything we know just poofed into existence in 6 days time? You believe that Man was created from dust and Woman created from a rib?

    All that just seems ridiculous to belief. Like believing that a rabbit hides eggs every Easter Sunday.

    I like how something can be called a hoax when there is loads of scientific belief to back up its existence.
  2. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    Well obviously everything that is technological up to this point is mere CHANCE and LUCK (sir Jedi there doesn't believe in luck or chance so it just POOFED into existence as well).

    Same for medicine, research and treatments don't do anything, its ALL GOD.

    Also, all extinct life-forms have no say in whether God is real or not, because they weren't mentioned in the bible so they do not exist. (AKA Dinosours.)

    Those are sadly in a lack of stock as we can see hundreds of posts later. I think the reason why "intelligent design" hasn't been brought up yet is because a certain....book seems to take priority in their minds.

    To argue the grossly general "intelligent design" arguement, which usually uses a watch as an analogy- watches or other complex machinery do not reproduce through an exchange of organic materials. Therefore the analogy is not a wise one and is somewhat voided of validity.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    I agree with you. I'm Buddhist and have no problem with Creationism and I know many Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Wiccans etc that don't either. The Christian people I know mostly believe in Intelligent Design, which means they believe in evolution but that it was an intended design with God kicking it off and now and then involving himself in it. The Christians most against it are fundamentalist bible-thumpers that are also the same ones who claim Harry Potter is evil, and thus steal books and burn them or believe anything that does not have the word God or Jesus somewhere in it is corrupting children. They happen to also instruct their kids to walk out of classrooms for Science and to cause a ruckus when there is any sign of evolution being taught at all.

    Faith can be a beautiful thing, but not at the expense of intelligence and comprehension. If God wanted you stupid, you wouldn't be here. Unfortunately, once the issue gets to a certain point, all that can be done is to hear them say 'Jesus died for you because we all are SINNERS and you should get down and pray!' Again, not all of us are Christian. I'm not a sinner at all. I make mistakes and I fix them. I err because I am human and that's the way it goes. I am wording this rather carefully so as to not offend other Christians here, because I do not dislike Christians as a whole. They tend to mostly be righteous people that screw up as much as I do and learn from it.

    However, bible thumping, zealot Christians are some of the worst people out there. No one else can sit on TV or right in front of you in a classroom, or bully you in the hallway, etc...and tell you that you can be SAVED because Jesus died for your sins, and repent!!! and in the next moment be smiling all brightly with glassy eyes and condemn you to Hell or worse, try to beat on you for being different or ruin your property, steal and burn things of yours. If you've ever seen it or heard it, we share a common bond. These zealots are ignorant of life. They will tell Christians of other denominations that they are not 'true' Christians even. These people are psycho and have no respect for anyone else.

    Evolution is not a hoax. It is something that still transpires and will go on long after humanity, religious or not, fades away. Even if sentience is wiped out, something will be going on. There are real fossils I have held and studied, drawn etc. There are animals and people that are born without appendices and wisdom teeth, which makes sense when you think about it, that wisdom teeth especially nowadays are pulled out since all they do is cause most people pain or compact and misshapen teeth, or can ruin the jaw line which just has no room for it anymore in most people.

    Is God a hoax? Of course not, to those who follow the monotheistic faiths. This isn't about whether God is fake or not. It is about whether Creationism and Evolution are real. As said, there are many Christians, Muslims and Jews that believe in Intelligent Design. That is a lot harder to debate over. Those of other religions also may debate that more, because some have ways in which they believe the earth was given life or believe that things all happen for a reason, whereas some evolutionists are very into saying it all is random. I am not sure how I feel about that myself.
  4. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    90% commonality between human and ape hemoglobin protein is all I will ever need.
  5. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    Laurence, and everyone, for the last time, IT'S NOT JUST A DAMN BOOK!
    It's also based on EXPERIENCES!
    I have healed people through God, okay. I have BEEN HEALED!
    Please, just open your minds to the fact that both beliefs sound INSANELY OUTTA THE BLUE!
  6. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    iPraise, I thought you were leaving? What ever happened to that?
    It actually is just a book. The only thing Christianity brings to us now is faith. Other than that, we have had no real revelation or contact to God ever since the day the book was made, as well as the days that Jesus walked this earth. And for the record, those "experiences" were passed down for over a hundred years before they were written down as text. As said before, the words in the bible that express experience and story have been scattered as they were told by mouth.

    Show me you've healed. Show me you've been healed. Now -- Do you see why this is so flawed? You can't tell us you've healed and been healed when you can't even show us. Don't bring up proof of the power of God when you can't even show us the evidence.

    Don't get me wrong, iPraise. I tried believing in God. I really, really tried. When it came to God I really tried to believe in the 10 commandments, Jesus, the revelations and the presence of the holy ghost. Sad to say, when I started looking around this world and saw that there are OTHER things going on, I realized--this world is REALLY ****ed up. I think I've said this before...but...there's just no way God would have let this horrible world fallen down to such a pit when he claims to "love" us. And besides, when you look at all the other religions out there, there's no way it can be just one or all. All religions are just a way of explaining events that took place in the past and how things began.
  7. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    You may say that, but that doesn't prove to them that he is real. Sorry. But I do have to agree, they both sound ludicrous.
  8. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Since you're calling me out by name, I figure I should make a reply.

    It is a book. It is no different than any of the other numerous books printed every day. The Bible is just another book as say The Kama Sutra or The Da Vinci Code. As Darkwatch has said, no one has had a documented religious experience that is taken as literally as this book Christians place their faith in. No one claims that a prophet has raised people from the dead, no one has come forth claiming to drive out demons with a single touch.

    Side note: Yes I know Exorcisms do drive out demons but not with a single touch as Jesus was noted to do on several occasions. Exorcisms are long and complicated processes.

    So you have said before. But you are only 1 Christian and forgive me for being rather skeptical of Christianity on a whole. Given its rather hypocritical and egotistical history. No other religion has forced itself on other people as much as Christianity. All the holidays were original pagan in nature. Christmas, the birth of Christ, December 25th? Wrong. Originally a Pagan celebration to boost morale in the dead, dark winter.

    Frankly, I was raised and educated as a Christian. I'd rather not have a part in it anymore. I refuse to be part of a religion that has its members commit so totally to a being up in the sky and its chosen people to act as its voice. Rant how I'm blinded by the truth all you want, iPraise, perhaps I'm not the one blinded.
  9. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    So, who else is with religion? *no clue whatsoever is going on*
  10. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    You don't take every book you've read LITERALLY. And it IS just a damn book! A book is a collection of papers/documents with TEXT. In fact the "book" known as the Bible is a "WORLD WIDE SELLER" (exactly like the other BOOKS of our times).

    Doctors have healed through medicine and knowledge (YEARS OF HARD, DEDICATED STUDY I MIGHT ADD). People are healed from their own bodies' regenerative powers (aka CELLUAR PRODUCTION/REPLACEMENT).

    And by beliefs, you mean the religous arguement and the scientific notiion? In that case I must heavily disagree. Relgion came out of the blue, science came from following a series of logical questions and answers that could be *gasp* REPLICATED FOR OTHERS TO UNDERSTAND AND BELIEVE (whereas religion CAN NOT). :\
  11. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    A bestseller? wow, we've got a lot of religious people in the world...
  12. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    You do know what qualifies as a bestseller correct? It is a specific quantity reached, now given how long the Bible has been around, that is nothing too considerable impressive. Other "popular" religious texts have similiar "best seller" bragging rights. :\
  13. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    Just to throw this out there.
    Humans aren't trustworthy, it's their nature to sin, you all admit that.
    But now think of this...we're being taught by man.
    How can we trust a man who looks at stuff?
    I'd rather follow a man who cna lead us into everlasting happiness, wouldn't you?
  14. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    But if God created us in his image, then wouldn't everything you just said be hypocritical?

    And if humans aren't trustworthy, then science would be a lie. Which is completely bull****.

  15. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    Yes, but we screwed ourselves over by the temptation of Satan.

    I'm just saying, they're feeding us eveolution a LOT.

    I wonder...has anyone ever thought that maybe...just MAYBE, both sides are correct?
    Maybe God made us, then we evolved from there?
  16. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    The he- that's what I said a long time ago, I think, but I defiently thought it. There's a good chance of that, God just left us on our own, so if someone dies, it's not because God isn't protectiong, it's just how life is, and things move on.
  17. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    Soku, I love ya now xD
  18. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    And how can you trust letters printed on paper to come from God? Maybe if you look at it this way you can understand how completely ludicrous this sounds to those of us that doubt this Book 'written by God through the hand of man'. How can you trust the ministers and the preachers that speak these fairy tales as if they were truth?

    And to you I say 'Find me such a man. Be he a man bring him before me. Be he a myth, bring him to me in a bottle.'

    If we 'screwed ourselves over' as you so eloquently say, shouldn't this benevolent God be able to admit to his mistake, that he should have known was coming, and forgive us?

    "They" aren't feeding us anything. Scientific findings have proved time and again our origins in history. Which I find more plausible to be than the Bible's creation story of Man being created from Man and woman from Man's rib.
  19. Repliku Chaser

    Okay, just to throw it out there...humans aren't trustworthy, it's in their nature to sin....

    First off, the Bible was written by men, whether you want to say they are divinely inspired or I want to say they had too much lead poisoning in Babylon and ripped off a bunch of other 'inspired' religions.

    You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT that people are not all trustworthy. So how do we believe in some hokey book when we can SEE for REAL that evolution happens and perhaps we've been LIED too by a bunch of people for years? You beat yourself black and blue with this point, iPraise. You do not win points with it. You only make it so the Bible can be doubted more.

    Also, maybe 'God' or some great mover did kick off things. That theory was already mentioned in this topic as Intelligent Design, which expresses that evolution does transpire but it is through the will of God. (or if you don't believe in God, because yes, the world doesn't revolve around the Christian deity, some other great Mover like Brahma etc, or an alien. who the heck knows). Of course, Intelligent Design is harder to prove because people can say 'yes' or 'no'. However, Creationism is obviously not a real thing.

    As for screwing ourselves over with Satan...bull. I don't buy the story of Adam and Eve etc. It totally derails the Christian purpose of saying God is omnipotent and omniscient, yet he let Adam and Eve get in trouble and then chews them out for it and makes women suffer and says all is mortal now. That story would never be believed, nor would anything else in the bible if it were told to an adult and not shoved in the brains of little kids. People suffer for their own transgressions; not from some story.

    Women get pregnant because that's how nature works. It is not a punishment. It is not an excuse to say that women have no meriting purpose but to have a child. Humans are not mortal because of God. They are mortal because everything on this world is that way. There is always one sure way to get people to be controlled by others mindlessly and that is to make them depressed and to feel like worthless losers because they are 'bad'. This is what I call using a person's conscience against them in order to dominate.

    So therefore, should I believe in something I can hold in my own two hands, such as Lucy's skeleton, which I've seen in person, a Neanderthal skull I have held, an Australopithecus skull etc and artifacts of tools and various things, or should I believe in some book that makes people feel like crap but offers if I be good in THIS LIFE HERE where men can get by making it easy off my guilt, then I get to go to Heaven? Sorry, I'll believe in what I know is true and not stand for manipulation more than I have to by the government.

    As for 'feeding evolution to you a lot'...do you realize how much everyone is fed Christianity? It's a lot more than the evolution class taught in high school where Christian zealots storm out of to keep being dumb. I see about as much Christian stuff on the internet, all through towns etc as I do porn or bars. Give it a rest.
  20. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well. Maybe we're all hedonists? Ever think of that? Maybe it has nothing to do with spiritual forces. Maybe that spiritual force is just a symbol of "tempation" and has nothing to do with Satan at all. God I don't know where I'm going with this. xD

    Because I dunno...maybe we have physical evidence. That just maybe would help the believability along just a little bit, don't ya think?

    That actually would work, iPraise. I wouldn't doubt that. Very intriguing idea you have there.

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