Evolution v. Creation

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Korra, Apr 28, 2008.

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  1. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    What has to be understood is the basic idea that science is a constantly changing, rippling study. It is the search for the truth. Thus inversely it will constantly change. It's inescapable, actually.

    Saying that Creationism holds better ground simply because it doesn't change is even more suspicious actually, because it shows that there is 1) nothing to be learned, and 2) there is no responsibility for the search for truth, thus providing nothing but subservience to an idea that cannot be further studied to have better proof and evidence; it's entirely intangible, and that is the whole problem with it.
  2. ike_beastly Banned

    May 13, 2008
    cool beans

    Whats all this about a de-repper? Lets keep this debate going, stop being cry babies. You all are still plenty green in rep, who ever it is is just as much a cry baby as you are. Now, my opinion.....

    I think theres an interesting mixture in the truth. I believe strongly in the fact that a god or gods created this world, and most likely this universe. But the things in evolution do suprise me as odd. Not in a bad way, just very familiar to what I hear in the Creation account of the Bible. The way everything was made, and how the order goes, its similiar. The way one day god created the birds and fish, well? The first things to come about in Kingdom Animalia are fish/sea creatures, then in evolution came birds correct? Then came mammals, which was the nxt day. Before the fish, there were plants right? so? Vegetation was before animals as well. So, you see, there is a mixture in the truth of how everything came to be. Whether there is a god or not is the real question, isn't it Athiests whom most likely created this topic. HM!?!
  3. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    *waves* Bye-bye, khsuperfan! ^_^
    And I'm sure I've said this...*counts*...six times prior, I am not an Athiest.

    Actually, protists and simple life forms like prokaryotes were the first to arise on Earth. From there, it's all gone up.
    These single-celled organisms evolve into more complex things, like plants, fish-like creatures, and insects. After that came dinosaurs and other "giant" animals and small mammals, and this continues to primates to early humans to modern humans.
  4. ChefSwags Moogle Assistant

    Apr 15, 2008
    My opinion

    Yeah obsiouvsly no offense to other religions or scientists but I think Evelution is bull.
  5. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Care to explain why?
    Saying "Evolution is bull" really isn't legitimate...I could say that Creationism is "bull", but I don't. Rather, I give reasons to support my statement of my belief.
  6. ChefSwags Moogle Assistant

    Apr 15, 2008
    well the theory of cretion, The Bible, Adam and Eve has been around for thousands of years and has been turned into a religion, Christianity. While eveloution is a just a theory which is based off of what is around us and scientific possibilities.
  7. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    You contradicted yourself right there.

    And anyway, evolution's been on Earth longer. In fact, it's probably one of the first things that originated on Earth.
    Evolution isn't a theory; it's been proven that organic species are related. Scientific possibilities? Evolution has physical proof of the evolution and expansion of life. That's more than possibility.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    And Jesus's life mirrors Horus's life. Events can be seen that were taken from the ziggurats etc. The Bible has been around a long time but it doesn't make it valid anymore than anything else. Why is it a religion while Celtic, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Norse, Roman and Greek religions are now called 'Mythologies' and they predate it? Why is Hinduism, which is still going strong, not the dominant religion and 'the way'? Buddhism is also predating Christianity.

    Science and evolution aren't about again, canceling religious beliefs. Science gives a way to look and research things with hands on efforts and to evaluate things, cross-examine that around us. It's a different way to look at things rather than to be told 'this is how it is' end of story. Should we never explore for ourselves our designs and the world about us? If so, we'd be still in a stone age. Without science and evolution, studies of genetics etc, we'd be very well not where we are now or even understand how viruses work. We'd have no defense against diseases that are genetic that we've discovered have been around possibly since the dawn of mankind, and also exist in the animal world. If anything, examinations in science has always been around and could very well predate Christianity, Judaism and any religion out there. Darwin came up with the theory of evolution but it's not like these things weren't at all analyzed before. He put it together and it continues to this day to be scrutinized, tested and examined. and it doesn't have to be that way.

    Why can't the Bible be scrutinized and examined for what it has whether someone believes in God or not? There are many Christians who see flaws in it including warped historical data, if we want to rise above analyzing the many 'miracles' within its pages. I cannot consider someone a lesser Christian because they don't buy into a book that men wrote and put together 200 years after Jesus's death. Are there moral things to glean from the book? Sure. But it is still tremendously faulty with historical data, let alone the fact it just says 'how it is' and is supposed to be the end all be all for our creation. All evidence points to the fact there could never have been just two people who spawned off the human race. Even the Bible itself doesn't account for how some people just cropped up that Cain interacts with and Adam does.

    Also, looking at the story of just Adam and Eve... Eve was punished much more than Adam to do what? She was forced to give birth and have monthlies. This is a trait all mammals pretty well have, isn't it? As for wearing clothes...big punishment, guilt thing going on too here...this can be explained because it was cold outside and people decided to wear attire since they lacked in fur coating animals had to protect themselves from the elements. Why do we need the -shame- of saying that a woman gave a man a forbidden fruit out of ignorance and so we all suffer for it when our existences make a lot more sense when looking at all other life around us too? Why was a woman considered stupid and soulless because of what the Bible said and she would need a man to watch over her? Why if God is omniscient and omnipotent, did he not see what Satan was doing in giving her the forbidden fruit in the first place? Why if he's so omniscient and 'compassionate' did he decide to punish Adam and Eve for something that any young child might do? Do we punish a kid who gets into something he/she should not and all of his offspring in the future for the same crime two initially did out of ignorance instead of just taking the thing away and disciplining and warning the kid not to do it again? Really, how is Adam and Eve a relevant thing to believe in? Animals poke around stuff all the time getting into things. Young kids do too. It's part of nature. So how does this make sense that God created these two as the first living beings, punishes them for Satan's treachery, has to know of it, but seems to not until he sees them with leaves over their groins? This is -real- to people? This very story is one of the reasons women have been mistreated for thousands of years and made virtual slaves, rape victims, and also if a man committed adultery, the woman was stoned to death. I'm sorry, but the logic that this even happened is just nigh impossible and where is there any -proof- other than the writing of it?

    So, what proof is there to support Creationism other than a book? Hinduism describes the creation to some detail as well and if I was to place trust in a religion because of 'age' for validity and that it still survives today, I'd probably have to swing more to Hinduism. What makes one way right over another if not age of how long something has been presented?
  9. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    There really is no way to "see" if the Bible is truly accurate. If something has been around for that long and is spread such great distances and then branches off differently, the truth is blurred with age. This is true with most of history, going from Romulus and Remus to the shot that started the Revolutionary War. No one really knows the truth behind that.

    With evolution, however, there's proof right under our feet. Fossils lay undisturbed for centuries at a time, and then were discovered recently. There's no question about the existence of dinosaurs and other early organisms such as mammals and avians, even back to the first prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  10. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    You do not have to be an atheist to believe in evolution. I may not be religious, but my entre family tree is one friggin' hardcore religious family, and they all believe in evolution as they believe in God and belief in God is based on faith. I suppose I can say that my entire blood line believes the so called in-between answer, "It was God's intention to have evolution". Creationism is so much like a story, and most of what is said in then Bible and Qur'an or any other holy book about how we came to be is proven. If asked for an explanation, then the answer is either "it was God" or "it was a miracle".
    Atheists may believe in evolution more so than one who is religious, but really, not all religious people look at creaionism and evolution in that way.
  11. micketymike Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 26, 2007
    I'd tell you but then youed never leave me alone
    I belive in gods creation in humans thru evolution i meen theres tons of events in the bible that scientists explained the origine of so who says big bang wasnt gods creation of earth in a scientific meathod or any of those other biblical creations and events who is to say it wasnt god after all god created the world so he created all scientific facts within it aswell. am i right?
  12. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I told myself I wouldn't get involved in this one. But here I am for curiosity's sake so I might as well make a post.

    Opinions are all well and good but being this is the debate corner; opinions don't fly far here. You should have some reasoning to back your opinion up.

    So you're saying that God was responsible for the creation of the universe? And what other biblical events has science explained? If you're referring to Moses parting the Reed Sea so the Israelites can walk through to escape Pharaoh's chariots or the explanation of the plagues in Egypt being set off by a volcanic eruption those weren't really scientifically proven. At this point they're more speculation than fact.
  13. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    rrrigh! why can't ppl just agree on some kind of middle ground theory? there is NO WAY that we can prove either of them are correct so in my opinioin, it's really pointless to argue about this. i think everyone should just accept THIS middle ground theory that will make both parties happy, and then hopefully no one will argue about it anymore (not gonna happen but i wish it did, but there are more important things to argue about i think).

    middle ground theory: God exists, God created all of us. he designed all living things to evolve. therefore, both theories can be correct because God DID create us, but he also created evolution which DOES exist according to my middle ground theory.
  14. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    That's my exact view on this, and I wish people would at least give it a chance, but people are stubborn, and they need proof to believe anything. Some people won't believe in God because there's a lack of evidence (hence why it's called faith >_>).

    Anyway, you're exactly right: it is impossible to prove anything supernatural by natural means. Similarly, buy using secular evidence, the most feasible idea is evolution because of the overwhelming support. These two statements are enough for me, though I can see why people could still doubt God since it's so vague (this explanation could lead to any God or supernatural omnipotent entity and is basically an unsupported end-all argument, and doesn't need any evidence).

    Regardless, some people will never believe in God without ample evidence, and some will follow Him without evidence. I wish this middle ground could be more accepted.
  15. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    One reason why there can't be a "middle-ground" option is that the views just conflict. The Bible states that the world started some thousands of years ago, yet we have fossils that are millions of years old. Fossils couldn't have been floating around in space and then somehow got underground when the Earth was created, and fossils are the hard evidence that evolution has.
    I'd rather believe something that has been discovered, dated, and has subsequent discoveries rather than believe in something, whether it be a god or any other spirit, that cannot be proved to exist.
  16. Elemental Queen Destiny Islands Resident

    Evolution is a load of scientific crap. WE ARE NOT MONKEYS!!!!!! and i have proof but its a secret.....
  17. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    No, we're not monkeys. We evolved alongside primates, and we shared a common ancestor.

    Care to explain why you simply denounce evolution, yet say you have proof that's a secret?
  18. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Just no. Posts like this have no place in this section, or even in the Intelligent Discussion sub-forum. If you have evidence, be prepared to give it and have it put under critical scrutiny. If not, don't bother posting.

    Technically, evolution states that all life on earth started with extremely simple organisms which used carbon dioxide and methane etc in the primordial oceans to produce oxygen and to gain energy for them to live. Over time, errors in how the cells that made them up came together occurred. Some were beneficial making them reproduce faster while others hampered their growth and they then died out.

    Admittedly there are gaps in our knowledge, some of them rather large (such as how the simple cells that made up the original organisms turned into the more complex cells we have today with such structures as the nucleus and the mitochondria and also the leap to sentience). But, what creationists seem to do is have a "God of Gaps". They try to fill any gap in scientific knowledge with God, offering no reasoning or evidence or even a slight bit of thought. Luckily, science is filling in the gaps, and leaving God with nowhere to hide and nothing to do.

  19. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    No no no, keep this 'and I have proof but it's a secret' garbage out of Intelligent Discussion. We are not children here, Miss, and you'd do well to remember this. We provide facts to back up our statements not say 'but it's a secret' and run laughing like it's the playground.

    Evolution is not a load of 'scientific crap' as you so crassly put it. Evolution, as Mirai's signature states, has the fossils that prove where modern day humans evolved from. Creationism, sadly, only has the pages of a book of questionable origin to go upon. These fossils are actual bones from actual creatures that actually walked this planet before we were here.

    If it were garbage, people wouldn't have the drive to find where we came from. We would simply be content to accept that we are here and that we've always been here. But as we know, that is not the case. People have the curiosity to find out where we came from. And isn't this the reason we record history?

    So please, bring your 'secret proof' before us so we can pick it apart.
  20. Elemental Queen Destiny Islands Resident

    Forgive me for voicing my opinion. I have true proof but I cannot voice it because everyone will NOT believe me. And please forgive me for causing an offense to anyone I am sorry. You decide for yourself what you believe. If you want to listen, my mom told me she found a bio on Charles Darwin, he died praying for god to forgive him.

    if you truly believe in your evolution then why do you ask for knowledge of what i know?
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