Evolution v. Creation

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Korra, Apr 28, 2008.

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  1. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008


    Its your opinion...not fact. There are theories in religion to.....so? I know cells exist, i know that you have physical evidence to explain forms of life.....but have you ever heard of the flood? Couldn't that, the huge flood of the world that is depicted in so many ancient religions (not just the biblical interpretation) been the cause of erosion of so many ancient things to make them seem like they are millions of years old, but really only thousands? Could this be the truth, a logical answer of erosion? hm? i think so. But no, no one else says that. No one TRULLY thinks logically.......
  2. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Let me see if I can try and be brief on this... xD

    First off, I am an evolutionist. Science has taken us really far as of discovering where we came from and how we came to be, the facts are written and published in books, textbooks, and are even engraved in our minds. There is way too much information and evidence present among us to prove the evolution theory otherwise. The facts are pretty much resting and are displayed in the halls of the museums, but it also does not mean that we have figured out all the facts of life. The theory of evolution still has its gaps and holes. This is one of the matters that cannot be fully proven, and with so much evidence, it cannot be dis-proven either. Even with all the evidence, this matter is still only half-way. . .

    Creationism. . . it's just a little to mythical to me. I' not a religious person, but Adam and Eve. . . no, it's just seems too fictitious. We don't have any specific proof on that, on their existence of course, besides the Good Books. Yes, the Good Book state that we are all the children and descendants of Adam and Eve, but the Good Book is also pretty much something humans put together. Like to believe it or not, it WAS the humans that brought forth the idea and existence of a God. We, humans, set the rules and we created the religions. Sure there were miracles, but they are just part of the normal anomalies of the world, and here I go digressing again.

    Basically, Creationism is just as “half-way” through as Evolution is. We do not have enough facts to prove either for sure, albeit Evolution does weigh more when compared to Creationism. Evolution is based on the facts, data and the evidences we've collected and seen over the centuries, while Creationism is based on some ancient myth, and we do not really own much proof on. Evidence holds a much higher value among the societies than a mere hypothetical belief. I see Evolution leading the way.

    One of my acquaintances had brought up this matter a couple of years ago, and now so does EvilMan_89 [good job!]. . . and I was going to say the same, but he beat me to it:
    This can be considered. Makes you wonder no? This particular theory takes you on a round trip in a giant circle, and eventually you'll end up in the same place you started. This hypothetical theory is never-ending. But I still stand by what I said, Evolution has too many facts to be taken down and Creatioism has too little fats to be brought up.
  3. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    hmmmmm. Are you DUMB?!?!. wow..........you evolutionists don't do your homework do you? So, you really think people who believe in God don't have theories, or proof of theories? If what anwita01 said represents all evolutionists, your all DUMB!?!?. I'm sorry, some of you aren't, but he was saying things like:"We've got books and theories and evidence, and this and that and this and that, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah."
    And what do we have, chop liver?! THats what we have!!!!! And he said that our books were written by man, so there evil right? Or at least they might not be correct. Well? PLease, someone of you evolutionists at least THINK what i'm about to say. HMMMM?! Guess what.......EVOLUTION WAS MADE BY MAN TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BYAH! WHat now losers? please, someone give a good comeback, i'm sick of all this crap about how "religion" is fake,false and stuff because we don't have physical proof. Well what if THEY DID so many thousands of years ago, and now people believe in Evolution because they say they have evidence that they're right. You see, noone of you think outside the box. Truly, why aren't some great minds study the ancient books, and figure out the answers of the world? hm?
  4. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I see how both could exist...but take the end of the universe for example (and sorry that I always bring up the end of all life. I just like it. xD); if everything comes together from the Red/Blue Shifts, then the universe would end in the Big Crunch. But energy from that could potentially start the universe again via another Big Bang.

    And then evolution would restart, meaning that evolution and the end/beginning of the universe has possibly happened over and over again.

    And whoever keeps trying to derep me, I suggest you stop, because it's not doing anything. =\
  5. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I would say that a hypothesis such as that could be correct; the universe could have had numerous big bangs and thus evolution could have happened many times in the past.

    i lol'd
  6. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I'm kind of in between. I believe God created all but I just believe in evolution as well....somehow.
  7. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008
    But someone created those "Shifts", the Big Bang, and the Big Crunch, so i think it is possible for there to be an inbetween. Possible, but not the truth most likely.
  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Oh yes! this is exactly how I do infact see it. Evolution is REAL, thus it makes it a possiblity. And what's not to say that there were others before us?? xD Though that it a whole different topic. ;)

    ditto on that... =/
    It's not doing anyone any good.
    And it's actually ticking me off.
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Can you tell me what kind of information you are looking for? I can try to find you some sources if I have a bit more of an angle to go off of.
  10. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Yea same thing with me. Evolution has too many facts behind it to say it's entirely false, but I also believe in God.
  11. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    For the last time, whoever is trying to derep me while saying, "lol, you suck", "booooooooo!", or "bad. your gonna start a flame war"...

    Anyway. More stuff on evolution now. :3

    My example this time is viruses; the HIV virus to be exact.
    The reason HIV is so hard to repress using drugs is because drug-resistant HIV evolves via mutations in the DNA replication process of the virus. This makes the virus code random, and can be resistant to a particular drug. However, the drug kills the non-resistant HIV, leaving only the non-resistant strain left. This strain continues to reproduce and evolves against new drugs.
    Also, if a patient is taken off drugs for a month, the virus reverts back to the original "wild" type, which shows that in a non-drug environment the "wild" type was more fit for survival.
    This is natural selection on a molecular scale.
  12. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    lol, DP getting de-reped. Don't be a baby about it, if its doing nothing, then stop acting like its a big deal. Seriously, bring it up one more time, and I'LL de-rep you. Anyways, interesting thjoery on the HIV virus. I believe in Chemitrails, operation Red Sky. THats how they're gonna get everyone.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Good point, DPWolf. It almost feels as though people are being 'threatened' to not debate this issue because some people are going and striking at us through dereps but you know what? I think that we -can- have an intelligent discussion and debate and grow more by fighting it and keeping things moving. These are bullying tactics instead of debating in the debate section and I think we should not just back away, regardless of the fact that a person supports Creationism, Intelligent Design or Evolution. This is what the debate section is for and I think we should all stand up for it instead of letting some people ruin it. So, having said that...

    Other such proofs of evolution would be that we are not a perfect design, nor is any animal or plant. If we think about it, how many people are born with defects? How many animals as well? Eyes are often a Creationist's argument but how many humans and animals are born blind by the balance being off or we are near or far sighted...have astigmatism etc. Heart issues plague people and animals. We are not so 'perfect' in design. However, we have those of us who can pass on our genes and continue to survive, keeping humanity alive. Others of animals, plants and humans cannot endure even with special help. Even our very planet evolves and alters through time and though we can now monitor things, many we can explain why they are going on, but it doesn't look like any 'hand' is behind it. If people believe it, we move into that phase that 'God intended it' and then comes the argument between Christians themselves over whether God caused things like Hurricane Katrina. I personally don't like how this works to scar Christians, let alone the rest of us.

    For all that we are considered so special, every species of animal, plant, microbe etc has flaws and if something were intelligently behind it all, wouldn't that being make us not so damaged? Genetics in themselves and also environment seem a lot more sound to me as a reasoning for things than someone put me on this earth above that.

    Intelligent Design is a tough thing to argue, far more than Creationism. Creationism I can utterly dispute and ruin and have done so in college debates. However, even Intelligent Design can be disarmed when I just look around at all of the genetic 'flaws' we are passed down with mental and physical ailments and it's just seen in every aspect of life; not just humans here. Even viruses and bacteria adapt to continue to bring down numbers of animals and plants. The Black Plague still exists. We have the avian flu which is a modified virus and let's not forget about how staph keeps mutating and can endure even a week or two outside a body on a counter top. These aren't intelligently designed. They mutate and change.

    So while there are many questions pertaining to evolution, answers are out there in more abundance. Unfortunately, I think the main reason students don't get taught evolution properly and adults that do not go to college have a hard time also grasping it is the 'big terms' scientists use and that it's not yet explained in simple terms to everyone else. It is understandable but really I would not have such a grasp on it as I do had I not chosen the field I am in at college and also researched on my own examining Creationism, Intelligent Design and Evolution. It takes a lot of hours of internet and book reading time to translate it all to be comprehended and I don't blame some people for getting frustrated. I also think many school boards do not allow evolution to be taught right so that kids grasp it as they really seek to stick Creationism in there by force of leaving people without enough answers. Evolution, since Darwin's introduction of it, has had nasty connotations attached to it that are unmerited. People still even have fears that it is the reason that Hitler and the Nazis were able to murder millions of people because of 'race' purity when Darwin did not even use 'Natural Selection' when pertaining to humans because let's face it...humans do things to often rise above nature and our social behavior itself propels us. We've all studied history and it can be noted that anything can be turned around in the eyes of fascists to be made into something to support their awful regimes. Religion had more than its fair share too.

    I sidetrack the issue here somewhat, but the conspiracy to teach people wrongfully about Evolution and to make it harder to research where someone has to spend all the hours such as I did makes me kind of annoyed at the school boards, corporations and other groups. I may make a thread perhaps or we can do it in here if people are interested at all, to talk about what Evolution really means. Heck, we can also explain out what Creationism and Intelligent Design are since I've studied them and I'm sure others have to. I don't think people have to give up religious faith to understand things, as some people try to make others fear. I work with and learn from scientists who are Christian that are believers also in Evolution. There's so much material out there and it does grow tiresome to hear how 'incomplete' it is when though it doesn't explain it -all-, it is a lot more detailed than Creationists want us regular people to know. I pay for learning it. Anywhoo, another long rant from me so I'll move along now.
  14. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    an ill prepared person can be ruined in a debate any day, so yea

    and youre right ,we should try to explain evolution and creation both

    i still believe they complement each other though
  15. Repliku Chaser

    You are certainly able to believe as you do. I am curious though, can you explain why you feel as you do and what each mean to you, so as to see what you mean when you say they can coincide?
  16. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    Yeah, well, I'm gonna have to say evolution. I've always 'believed in' (if you could call it that) evolution, simply because the evidence is completely against creationism. I could restate facts that back me up, but I'd say Repliku has already done that pretty well. No need for me to do it in the same thread.

    One thing I'd like to point out is how people say "Well evolution makes sense but I believe in god.." Believing in evolution does not mean that you are anti-religion or that you don't believe in god. In my opinion, Evolution and God are completely unrelated topics, and one can believe that there is a god without necessarily believing that said god created man.

    The thing about religion is, well, you've got to think of when it was created. Religion is something created by people to explain things that were at the time unexplained. Now, we've got science to explain most of these things, but religion still persists in some people and they, for lack of a better way to put it, let it get in the way of them believing or understanding scientific concepts such as evolution. Again, as Repliku said, you can still have a religion yet have an understanding of science. The amount of evidence that points towards evolution is astronomically higher than that pointing towards creation.

    I'm not trying to insult anyone's faith or anything by this post, but I'm simply trying to state what I believe, which I should be able to do in the intelligent part of the forum. As Repliku said, This is what the debate section is for and I think we should all stand up for it instead of letting some people ruin it. Oh, and yay for large and not right aligned text in the intelligent discussion section. :>

  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    I'm a Christian and believe in Creation, end of story for me. Gee, why is it such a big deal?
  18. Fallen King Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    NoMethod Error `stupid_location' for nil:NilClass
    OK i was just talking about this at school me and this other student where having a debate about this
    After the lesson......
    the debate went on for about another hour i won
    I am not atheist i am a cristian but i just don't see how we just got placed here by magic
  19. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    There is no denying evolution, but I watched Ben Stein's "Expelled" movie, and I'm starting to lean more towards creation...

    Before that point, and probably still, I belive God had Inteeligent design,
    thus creating Adam and Eve and the Garden on Eden.

    So yadayada, dinosaurs died, and that was most likely the time
    Adam and Eve were sentenced to life on earth.

    Most believe that Adam and Eve were the first primal humans,
    which makes sense because they had lost their divine grace of knowledge and beauty.

    I also believe the whole Jurassic Park theory that:
    "Polly's a T-Rex, deep down."
    You look closley at most dinosaur bones,
    and you will find bird hips bones.

    Therefor, I totally support that evolution theory,
    but as for human evolution,
    I place my faith in Jesus Christ as a Catholic.
    Not Baptist, not Methodist, or any other branch,
    just simply put at Catholic.

    I also think it's stupid to derep people in This topic because most of the time,
    that's repressing somebody else's opinion.
  20. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    Magic? Are you dumb?!(i know, i say that a lot to people. No offense, i find it ridiculous how some of us kids think so stupidly, and how non of us really think out side the box, and how some of you think you do by belieing in evolution). God controls everything, he is the father of creation. Of course we won't just appear, but think about how alchemy and magic really work. Are you like reading the kids version of creation or something? Ridiculous, please, just don't say "magic" again.
    Anyways, to those of you whom are inbetween on this subject, make up your minds. If you don't know what you believe, your not a very smart oponent, nor a smart ally. S before anyone else posts on this topic, have a mind set, k? Anyways, there are SO many ancient religions that talk about a higher being that creates everything, a lesser being than the higher, but will become the higher one day (offen called the son of the higher) and one igher being that defies the others, and is destructive. Is this a similarity or not? If the creation of the world, or at least people is in any way scientific, i believe that reptilian aliens created us to harvest us as their food. This is an ancient belief of the Middle-East. But I know that that isn't all correct, because i believe in a god, and that isn't the whole story
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