
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Aug 17, 2009.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Lexaeus looked at Xioimara, raising an eyebrow at her when he observed her play with his pet/plant. If he was more talkative then he most certainly would have asked just what it was that she was so interested in, when he observed it catch the fly. It reminded him of why he got it. The trap, always waiting for prey, silently, without making a single noise. Then using it's own strength, it would keep it trapped, until the fly would be completely crushed. Just like him, except without the scary teeth and with legs.
    What he saw next though absolutely astounded her, as he saw Xioimara immitate the venus fly trap. He looked at it, half glare, half look of disbelief. As if it were a reaction, he let go of the tomahawk, letting it fall to teh ground, causing the ground to shake slightly, as he slammed the palm of his hand into his face, absolutely astounded.

    Saix smirked a little, but just barely. He always had loved 2 things....or at least he pretended to, since even he had his own small personality. But now he had both, power, and the chance to cut loose. "Xigbar......scout on ahead. They must have a base. Just look for the most likely place for some living thing to be at." Saix said, turning to Roxas next and totally ignoring Xigbar as if he weren't even there anymore. "You, go hide. Wait for the moment that you see fit to come out." Saix told Roxas. He obviously didn't want to spend time on this either, so before Roxas could ask any questions, or Xigbar, Saix decided to rush things. "aaaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled, a more barbaric, aggressive rawr, ensuring that no matter what, the 2 members of the group would be able to find them.

    Kexim stopped for a moment, hearing an animal like roar echo through the woods, birds flying away, as if for their own safety. "Think that's them?" he asked Xeol. Before he could answer, Kexim began running forward, looking down at his hands. Upon both of them on their backs were two metalic diamond shapes. "Try to keep up if ya can. I want a bit of action, so I'm goin on first." Kexim yelled back at Xeol, rushing forward towards the disturbance.
  2. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol slightly turned his head watching the birds fly away in a way he wanted to be free from orders that harmed other but he was not part of the right flock. The fog wielder watched as Kexim ran foreward Xeol really did not want to miss the chance for something interesting. With an thought of the best obtion to be silent Xeol turned his body into fog the fog floated silently getting close to his and Kexim's detination.

    Luxord looked at Larxene he havnt seen such an friendly side of her like she was displaying in an long while. The Gambler of Fate pord himself some rum "alright thats fin its time for relaxion anyways" Luxord said to Larxene with an smile. "so dear Nymph what game shall we play this evening" Luxord said to her as he shuffled an deck of cards after he sat down at the table.
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Oh no.."

    "Run, Little Dude." Xigbar said to Roxas as soon as Saix yelled. His gunarrows appeared back in his hands and he disappeared back to where he had spotted Xeol and Kexim.

    Roxas looked around, a blade of light appeared in his hand as he summoned his keyblade. Roxas glanced at Xigbar as he warned him and ran, not too far, a reasonable distance. He could still see Saix but was well hidden from any chance of enemy attack. Roxas did his best to remain calm. He was sure whatever Saix had done was going to lead to deep trouble. Here they were, trying to AVOID fights and they just gave out an invitation to one.
    Roxas sighed and crouched down, his back against a tree and a steady eye on Saix for whenever the enemy were to attack. He was sure both of the members Xigbar spoke of would show up. Saix was fully capable of handling them both, he kept in mind but two versus one wouldn't be fair.

    Xigbar made his way back towards the enemy head quarters. He was sure wherever he had been before by Xeol and Kexim their head quarters was close. Had to be. As he moved along, this time following the light that were at the edge of the forest he was sure something had to be there. The woods rapidly lightened up and he stopped looking at the mall. If this was their hideout he could feel laughter rising up. It was suitable he supposed.
    They seemed to do a good job in just making this World miserable and getting rid of the inhabitants on it. He wondered how long they had been around. The forest was probably new he guessed. Xigbar wasn't sure to go back quite yet. He was sneaky enough to probably intrude their head quarters and perhaps find out just how many there really was of this organization.

    He was gambling his chances between an easy get away and a fight that could easily make him disappear from existence. Xigbar shrugged off the negative thoughts. It was still worth a shot. He could easily run or portal away if trouble was to confront him.

    Xioimara stood up backing against the wall slightly as the ground shook slightly. She raised an eyebrow, her mouth half open as she looked at Lexaeus. "Weirdo..." She muttered and shook her head, trotting over to his tomahawk. She sat down and touched it with her paw. Must be heavy to have shook the ground like that. Xioimara pushed it slight with her paw and tilted her head looking at it.
    "What's your power?" Xioimara asked quietly, her focus still drawn to the tomahawk as she spoke to Lexaeus. They barely even knew anything of each other except names and the fact that Lexaeus could murder her if he felt like it.
  4. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol reformed his body he was an good distance away from Saix and Roxas but not to far just away from eye site. The fog wielder put his hands together and closed his eyes letting fog emit from his feet. The thin sheet of fog silently glidded close to the ground touching Saix and Roxas feet. "so theres two of them" Xeol said as he could feel what his fog touched. As the fog wielder slowly opend his eyes he had an smirk on his face with little trouble he figured how many enemies was up ahead.

    After an while of looking around for Kexim the fog wielder finally found him. Xeol caught up with him "there is 2 of them" he said to the humen. "im going up ahead" the fog wielder said to Kexim as he walked ahead as his body slowly turned into fog again. After an while Xeol reformed behind an tree leaning against it. the fog wielder looked down and blew out an small amount of fog letting it glide across the ground. the fog touched Roxas feet again "im near one" Xeol said to himself as he slightly turned his head seeing it was Roxas.
  5. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Like I'm letting you have all of the fun." Kexim said, a grin spreading across his face. He would admit, he was the nerd of the group. But whenever it came to fighting, he was always glad that he had a heart, since it was fighting which really got him pumped. As he ran, he saw Saix up ahead, and his grin grew wider. "You take the other. I got this one!" he said, excitement in his voice. As if they out of no where, he slammed both metalic diamonds on the backs of his hands with his palms, as they began to expand around his hands, turning into large metalic gauntlets.
    The metal continued to climb up his arms, ending at his elbows, and then extended outward, creating what could be explained best as....two giant capsuls. Coming out of them from each end was what could also be described as two punching bag shaped weights. "FIGHT ME!" He yelled, yelling directly at Saix, who himself seemed to have a small smirk on his face. On que, Kexim punched his left fist into the ground, and the weight on that arm slammed down, into the capsul shape, sending a shockwave from his fist, that sent him flying forward. "Your mine." he said, punching forward with his right arm.

    "He's fast." Saix muttered, as he quickly summond his claymore, holding the handle so that the claymore was backwards in his hand, and lunged forward, his claymore making contact with the strange boys fist. It took Saix little time to notice as the strange weight inverted itself into the strange machine like gauntlet. It was as if a 100 ton hammer slammed into his claymore upon contact, though he was able to hold. The two weapons clashing caused what could only be described as a shockwave of wind and noise to be forced away from the two, causing a small breeze.
    "Die boy." Saix said, almost as if an order, as he tried to kick Kexim in the gut. "Wha-" he tried to say, though he couldn't, upon his own kick being blocked by Kexim's leg, while at the same time, Kexim lunged his skull forward, slamming it into Saix's, headbutting him backward. "Your good." Saix willingly admitted, his urge to kill grow stronger. It was rare for orginization members to show his true colors after all, ever since Xemnas had him put up the shurade of having to act cool and in control...

    "Earth. I've got strength and can use a bit of darkness to." Lexaeus told her, keeping his words short and simple. He decided to show her an example though instead of having to go through actual conversation about it. He wasn't exsactly fond of talking, but then again, who DIDN'T know that. He looked over towards the door of his room, trying to show Xioimara to look there, as right next to the door, the ground began to shift. Even if it was a castle, it was still made of a type of stone after all. Or at least his room specificly was. It was to ensure that he couldn't do any damage, which was easy for him with the type of material that the castle was made of. Out of the shifting ground, a statue rose upward. OR more so, two statues. One of Lexaeus with his tomahawk raised, while the other had been of Xioimara in a tree, depicting an expression of......fright. One which if Lexaeus had a heart, he would chuckle at. In a sense, this was his own form of humour. After all, even a nobody might have certain tastes in how to depict things.

    "Oh nothing. I was just hoping to have a little bet, that's all." Larxene said, giggling slightly, as she picked up the shot, and took a little sip of it. Nothing major though. "We just sent out a few members to go investigate some sort of new team of nobodies, right? I wanted to make a bet. On that fun little team of ours that we sent out. How bout it, hm?" she asked Luxord, spinning once around in the bar table chair. "How about it. If one our members gets captured, then I win. And if we capture anouther one of their members, then you win. How about it, hm luxy?" She asked him, a nymph-like smile appearing on her face.
  6. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Paxn glanced at KuaXa and stood up. "No." He said quietly and shut his eyes for a moment. "Come." He motioned quietly to KuaXa as he left the theater. The meeting was uninteresting. They asked for his opinion, he gave it and they'd over look it. As he made his way out of the theater and back to the main section of the mall he didn't speak and kept his eyes ahead of him. He had no interest in speaking with KuaXa unless spoken to.

    Xigbar had managed to make his way into the mall without a problem. He knew there had to be a catch. Probably security cameras. Wouldn't be his problem till they came after him. If they came after him. Karma was weird like that. He kept to the walls and shadows. Xigbar froze as he heard footsteps coming his way. Sounded like it was more than one person. 'I hope they don't have a habit of traveling in groups.' Xigbar got ready to move and froze as the person found him.

    Paxn raised an eyebrow and stopped as he looked at Xigbar. He kept his hands in his pockets. He knew he was an intruder. Of course. He recognized that cloak anywhere. Paxn kept his eyes on Xigbar, staying relaxed. He just hoped KuaXa wouldn't attack.

    "You don't worry much, do ya?" Xigbar asked, staying in his spot, gun arrows at hand. He wasn't sure what to do. Run or be first to attack? Neither?


    "You're a suspicious one.."

    "Maybe... Where's Xioimara?"
    Xigbar raised his gun arrows at Paxn. He watched Paxn as he quickly reacted by pulling one of his hands from his pocket, raised to Xigbar as if he was ready to snap his fingers.

    Roxas looked to his side as Xeol spoke. He narrowed his eyes to try and see better. Fog was setting in. It wouldn't be long before it would be impossible or nearly impossible to see. Roxas glanced at Saix. He could take care of himself. Roxas had his own customer to take care of.
    "Whose there?" Roxas asked aloud. He wasn't sure to stand up or to stay crouched. After all, he didn't know what weapons his enemy had. He could see someone not too far ahead. Within a good distance.
    Roxas stood up, keeping focus on the figure. He really wanted to be back in The World That Never Was or Castle Oblivion. Roxas wondered at the same time if Xigbar had run into trouble. If had gone to their head quarters he was more than likely to find trouble and there were probably more on the way to fight he could bet. The three of them would probably end up having to run.

    This was going to be impossible.

    "Uh," Xioimara had stood up to watch Lexaeus and simply sat back down. "You're certainly a good artist, Cheri." She rolled her eyes smiling slightly. She could have seen it coming. "If I stay," She started and looked back at Lexaeus with a sly look on her face, "One day that will be the other way around." Xioimara said to him. It probably wouldn't happen but dreaming was worth living for.
    "I could never make a work of art like that. I can draw and that's about it." She wagged her tail slightly. Xioimara could tell Lexaeus didn't feel like talking. He probably would never talk to her much, and seeing that he would be training her for however long she didn't have much to look forward to.
  7. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Kaita, whom hadn't moved since she collapsed outside of the theater-come-meeting hall, peered around the pot of a long since dead flower bed to see the two men in battle stance. One she straight away recognised as Paxn, one of the men who her mother worked with. Although they had never been introduced, or even really met, she knew of him and had seen him around in her brief moments away from 'training' when she was too tired and too battered to move.

    She quickly realised that this encounter would soon blossom into a deathly battle between the two, and there she was, trapped in a front row seat with nothing but decade old terracotta to protect her. It wasn't even as if she had enough magical power within her to cast Protect should the situation get that bad or the physical strength to remove herself from the life-dangering situation. She was well and truly screwed, or at least that's how it would seem. It all depended on how the two men would continue. She waited and watched with baited breath as the pain in her head dulled as adrenaline filled her veins, fight or flight. But, of course, she couldn't do either.
  8. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx looked up at the statues and rolled his eyes. Sure they were gigantic, but was that really art in his eyes? Walking around it, he felt it with his right hand, the roughness of it dragging across his glove. "Hmm not bad, but water can easily break through it if you know what I mean," he had an impish grin on his face as he starred up at Lexaeus. His azure eyes caught Xioimara in her cute dog form that caused him to bring both of his arms to his chest, his fingers curved and touching where his heart would be. "Awww I didn't know you could shape shift?" Gradulay his left hand stroked the top of her head and itched behind her ears. He hoped that she would like that and not try to bite him. "He's not the most friendly guy you'll ever meet, but he makes up for it with his strength. Just watch out for that weapon of his. Who knows how much it weighs," he stretched his right hand out, his fingers extended as if he was looking at his nails through his glove. "Now me on the other hand, well I'm the one how can you say the most lively one of the organization," some water ascended above him as he was prepared to summon his sitar to show her his own element.
  9. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol walked towards knowing the man already saw him why keep hiding. The fog wielder looked at the fog smirking at how easily it build up in this area unlike the others Xeol could see through fog like nothing. the fog wielder looked at the boy noticing the hair and the wierd weapon the man had it symbolized an key. "o kay nice weapon i guess" he said to Roxas simply shrugging his shoulders. An smile suddenly appeard on the fog wielders face as he stretched his arm back with his palm up. "so i hope you can provide me entertainment cause i realy do not want to be bored" Xeol said while the fog gatherd into his palm. With in an few moments later the gatherd fog formed into his dagger playfully tossing it in the air then catching it. "well dont make it easy on me" the fog wielder said pointing his dagger at The Key of Destiny.
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Punk." Saix said, jumping into the air and throwing his claymore at the ground, attempting to hit Kexim, but he missed in the process, causing it to miss and smash into a tree, making it fall. The moon on this world was no where near full. He couldn't even fight at half of his true power with this effect, and he was learning that he had underestimated his enemy. "Dammit." he said, blocking a kick from the side by Kexim.

    "You control nature, correct?" Lexaeus asked Xioimara, totally ignoring Demyx on purpose. "Or are you just able to make things grow?" He asked her. Though he normally didn't talk, he found it some what easing to be around the girl. Unlike the others, she did not show pure emotionlessness, nor did she act as lively as......a certain person in the room. Perhaps it was her power which seemed to compliment his own. He decided not to put too much thought into it. In waiting for Xioimara's answer though, he decided not to let Demyx have his way, throwing out a few words. "You know, the earth's soil only absorbs water..." he stated.
  11. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Paxn put up his arm in front of KuaXa, just in case he were to attack. Not that it would stop him if he did, but it was enough of a warning. He didn't look at KuaXa but kept his main attention focused on Xigbar. His peripheral vision was keeping watch on KuaXa.

    "I have no intention of fighting." Paxn said to both Paxn and Xigbar. "Instead I give you the choice." He said to Xigbar. He noticed another movement from the corner of his eye. He didn't know who or what it was, and just hoped it wasn't another intruder. Paxn glanced towards the movement. It was a young girl, It had to be Xaigea's child.
    "Run or-" As Paxn turned his attention back to Xigbar it was clear he lost focus. Xigbar has disappeared in those few seconds. Paxn put down his hand and turned his attention to Kaita.

    "What happened?" He asked, his voice returned to its original calm and low tone.

    Roxas stood ready to fight as Xeol spoke. He didn't feel like talking back really. He had been taught it was no more than a waste of breathe that could go towards the fight. He ignored his taunts. It was easy to block him out. However, he wasn't going to regard Xeol as no matter. He had weapons and Roxas had no idea if he was stronger than him or not. By the sounds of it Roxas could tell Xeol was starting to overestimate himself and underestimate Roxas.
    It was no matter that couldn't be dealt with. Xigbar was probably in combat or avoiding it with his amazing disappearing acts he always pulls off and Saix was well away in a fight. His job was just to make sure his own fight didn't get out of hand and god forbid Saix's fight were to get out of hand. He had only seen Saix when he was slightly irritated and that was scary enough.

    "I can control nature. I can do what you do likewise but with trees." Xioimara answered. "I prefer not to unless it's a life or death situation. Trees are living things as well." Xioimara turned her attention to Demyx, and leaned into his hand as he pet her. At times it was nice. "Ooo," Xioimara watched Demyx. So, he could control water? An element to every member, was it? Xioimara glanced at Lexaeus after he remarked Demyx's power as such. Xioimara glared at Lexaeus for less then a second before her eyes returned to their kind-hearted nature and she looked back at Demyx.
  12. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol noticed The Key of Destiny was not talking the fog wielder never looked at things in an serious way. "of course an serious one an dull boring person" Xeol said shaking his head sadly. The fog thinkend up it did not make the fog wielder invisible it made his opponet's sight be effected in an considerable amount. Xeol ran towards Roxas jumping in the air doing an aerial slash down ward. On the last seconds before the fog wielders blade hit Roxas Xeol closed his eyes turning into fog floating behind the man then reappearing. When the fog wielder quickly reformed behind Roxas keeping an smirk on his face "relax just have fun" he said to the enemy as the fog wielder slashed at The Key of Destiny's side.
  13. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    The small girl jumped slightly at being addressed by a member of the gang, she shrunk back behind the plant pot once more. Then in a tiny, only just audible voice that was full of fear she replied. "I-I d-d-don't-t kn-know..." Kaita trembled. "He-He was th-there an-and then he-he was n-not..."
  14. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Marluxia had excused himself from the throne room a short time everyone else had managed to do so. He hardly wanted to be alone in such a room with such a person as their superior. He sighed realizing that even with a few strong members gone, there was still not enough power on his side yet to enact his own plan. Besides he was curious to see perhaps if he could obtain any information as to if they could benefit him in any sort of way to start with. The fact he would have to enlist a talk or conference with Xemnas about it though almost encouraged himself enough not to do so.

    He however pushed through it and continued his trek along the corridors and hallways before his feet finally stopped before the door. "All in due time...this shall all crumble..." he said lightly raising his gloved hand and knocking with the back of his knuckles. No further introduction would he give however since he would rather not be here in the first and wished to keep only what needed be said to the superior. He quietly awaited a response or verbal gesture that he could enter.
  15. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx scratched behind her ears again. He was glad that she was enjoying the scratching and rubbing. Directing his attention to Lexaeus, he brought his other hand to her furry chest and kneeled on one knee getting to her level. "True, but what happens to soil if it gets to much water? It becomes watery mud and even floods can occur. Water can crush through rock, ice, extinguish fire, is a conductor for electricity or lightning, you name it. It's one of the most powerful elements of all. Able to restore life and keep things living and yet destroy it as well. Without it everyone would perish." He purposely bragged about his element since it made him feel worth while in the organization for his element made up in his lack of interest towards fighting. "Would you like to see it?" He asked the the canine.
  16. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel was walking through the castle just absentminded. He had gotten the permission to assist the other members if they needed back up, but he would wait until that opportunity arrived. However, how was he supposed to know if they needed help? Would he find them? He slapped his hand for his foolishness vagueing forgetting something. As an nobody they could travel at any place through the cooridors of darkness and find their destination it wouldn't be a problem to locate them. It was a good thing since he would rather be part of the action instead of remaining here, which was boring.

    Rehashing his thoughts they silently had fallen on Xioimara who had come from that group of strangers, and being imprisoned and trying to escape so he and be forced upon her will to wear a collar that was bolted. Whatever, the reason he was not going to fight with Lexaeaus over the situation. Intimidation was racking his brain of the earth mover even though he wouldn't dare challenge him if he knew the situation was wrong or not. That guy had became a baby sitter which was ironic since Axel himself was chosen to aid Roxas earlier when he joined the organization. The flurry found himself chuckling a bit from the idea, but he only hoped that Lexaeus himself would be patient with the younger members and not rash. He kept walking and then stopped as he spotted Marluxia by Xenmas room and curiousity had brought on his judgement. "Why do you need to disturb the superior?" He asked the Pinked haired gardener.
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