
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Aug 17, 2009.

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  1. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    With all of the commotion going on he couldn't help, but feel sorry for the poor girl known as Xioimara who had been thrown in another room by no doubt another member. Some of the others were volunteering to go on a mission and others like Vexen was making up an excuse not to go with Larxene pestering another one of them as usual. It was certain the musician would not be raising his hand any time soon. He had to get to her. Who knows what kind of torment she was going through. When the coast was clear and no one was paying attention to him, he thought it would be all right to leave. Taking the chance that could be mean some sort of consequence later on, he disappeared from the sight, the darkness engulfing his body and asending over him until the abyss rose above leading him out of the room Where Nothing Gathers and back into another area of the castle. Locating the presence of another member in another room, he warped in there and paused starring at the horrible collar that was bestowed in her neck. She was seriously having trouble breathing and any moment she could pass out. "Woah why do you have that collar embedded in you?" Who did this to you?" Sencing Lexaeus in the room, he turned his head to the side towards him. "Easy, she's not our prisoner so why did treat her like one. I know we don't have feelings, but think of how she is feeling especially the kind of pain and trauma she is going through."
  2. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara inhaled, her nerves telling her to move. Run. Anything. The shock of Lexaeus' scare was enough to make her start to breathe again. Or a little better on that point. Mostly because she wanted to run. Her fight-or-flight response normally told her to choose flight in this situation. A familiar face appeared however. Xioimara glanced at Demyx. They hadn't been properly introduced yet but so far he seemed like the friendliest. If not safest person to run to.

    Lexaeus obviously had no idea what to do.

    Xioimara closed her eyes for a few moment as she regained clearness of the world. The collar. One of the first things he mentioned. No one had ever really seen it up until now. She wished she could rid herself of such a thing. It was her lifeline however, if it were to be removed it would kill her, seeing as it was bolted into her neck. She was still healing from the incident where it all went down but she could barely remember. Xioimara opened her eyes looking at Demyx. She was thankful he was here. She still feared death even if she didn't have a Heart.

    Xemnas watched as some of the members argued amongst themselves. Stupid things. He didn't really care for the most part. "Very well." Xemnas closed his eyes thinking for a moment, "You three shall head off back to this World. Investigate further and report back once enough information has been gathered." Xemnas exhaled, "If they're no more questions then this meeting is over." Xemnas looked at Roxas, Xigbar and Saix. It was a good enough team. He trusted they would be strong enough to care for themselves if trouble were to arise.

    Roxas listened to Xemnas as he called an end to the meeting. He noticed Demyx had left. Thank Goodness. He hoped he had gone off to help Xioimara. He was sure Lexaeus had ruined her spirits by now. Roxas left through a portal to the Nameless' World, as Xigbar did.

    "This is some place." Xigbar said as Roxas arrived. He could already tell this was going to be an interesting mission. He wondered what this Organization was like. If they were even anything alike. They seemed to have completely different view. They wanted to have their Hearts back this Organization seemed to just want power.

    Paxn watched at the name calling pursued. They were very childish he would admit. He doubted Xaigea was even a good mother. If she was then he had good reasoning to believe her child had bad morals. Or was neglected. Paxn did have yet to meet all the members. He needed to be more social amongst them being that he did live with them after all. He wanted to meet Xaigea's child, at least. See if they reflected at all. He hoped not.

    Paxn blocked out the bickering his thoughts drifting elsewhere. Plans. Plots. Invasions. It was going to be okay if they worked together for once. Or at least that was what he predicted. His eyes were distant even as he half-listened to the conversation, being sure to catch anything of importance.
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Larxene began to cackle at Vexen's petty excuse, pretending as if she found it to be the most amusing thing she had heard. She turned her head to the side and placed her hand up, as if covering her mouth from Vexen's veiw, almost as if muttering to other members of the orginization. "You know Superior, perhaps you should send him. If I didn't know any better, he might just be losing his ability to fight and is too scared to leave the castle for once." she suggested, hoping to trigger something in Xemnas to get him to send out Vexen. Unknown to the other members, she had really been attempt to hurry things up, instead of taking the off chance that if no one else were to voluntere, then she might have to leave foir this mission, or Marluxia. After all, they had plans to discuss, and she did not need such a mnor issue as this to get in the way.
    The minute he gave the signal for them to be dissmissed though, she stayed in her seat, waiting for Marluxia to leave first, so that she may follow afterwords.

    Kexim started to lauph when he heard Xaigea's response. "Oh wow, nice come back." He said, wanting to continue, but he started up lauphing some more. "Ya know.....I just godda ask......how much did the guy pay you that knocked you up that night in the ally way huh?" He said, as he started lauphing further, only to be stopped within an instant, as a shard of diamond floated infront of his neck.

    "Jesus, will you shut up already? We got a friggen plan to get going with. I mean, so what, we've got 4 guys already, right? If there's any other guys who wanna volunteer, then get going. Till then, how about everyone move out already, before I get pissed." Toxyn yelled. He obviously already seemed pissed off, so he was obviously just bsing everyone. But still, he was right in saying what he said. It was time that they moved out finally. Of course, with the given members, it would already be enouph to aprehend anyone else that came by. Toxyn had already been thinking as well. Since 3 members had originally showed up, he was specificlly sending 4 so that way incase someone was over powered, there would be near by back up. Too bad for him though that he hadn't realized that there were more of this new enemy then even his own group helled.

    "Whatever" kexim grumbled, slapping away the diamond as if it was nothing. "Let's just get this done and over with already. I've got shows to watch." Kexim said, as he headed out towards the exit.

    Fraxo stood up, following Kexim. Throughout the entire conversation, he had remained quiet. He found it troubling though that he could not stay and speak with Paxn. He never spoke when in big groups, only in one on one conversations, and the one who's oppinion he appreciated most for the time being was Paxn's. He knew that he had his eyes on the real prize.

    Lexaeus placed his tomahawk on the ground upside down, and leaned on it. "I was teaching the girl a lesson, just as I did with the boy. She was placed under my control." Lexaeus said, somewhat annoyed by Demyx's appearance. He decided though that no matter how you put it, he could probably help out more with his water abilities then Lexaeus's own earth abilities. He did not hesitate to approach the girl though, since the fact that he had almost killed her troubled him to quite an extent. "What's the collar for?" he asked her. Though indeed he did not say much, he was still slightly worried, in a sense.

    "You've been here before, right? You can lead."
    Saix said, acting calm and collect as usual, speaking to Roxas right after he had appeared through his own portal. What he really wished he could do though was cut loose on everything there. They had arrived in the woods, as the other group had last time. For now though, he recognized Roxas as their tour guide, and would trust his judgement. Or at least, for now...
  4. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Luxord nodded at his superior The Gambler of Fate did not have any question and the set up was not disappointing ether. The blond british nobody would never attack an enemy if he was not informed of their power and skillz how could an gambler play an good game without vital information. Without an word Luxored made an portal behind him and leaned back disappearing. Appearing in his room Luxord looked at the walls smilling at the diamond design on the wall matching the checker board patterned carpet.

    Xeol sat up and streched his back hearing a few pops then waved everyone bye while he headed with the others. The fog wielder walked beside Kexim and Fraxo. after an few moments of whisling an happy tune with his hands in his pockets he looked at Fraxo "are you gona ever get rid of the afro" Xeol asked while he carelessly patted the man's afro.Ever since the fog wielder joined the man's hair bugged him well in a way Xeol could not say his hair was not strange the unique sides hanged down like bunny ears.
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Shixoh saw what was going on now and raised up her hand slightly with only 2 of her fingers up on her hand, "I volunteer to go and fight." she said barely speaking. She was never fond of the fact when they all started fighting so if it was the quickest way to get out of the mess then she was going to volunteer when she could.
    "But Kexim does have a point about the information part. I mean we probably would get more information on our own turf then we would getting it on their turf. For all we know, They could kill half of us in one fight. But I still say we should go and fight straight on." she said letting her arm go down as she waited for the other's responses.
  6. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Now, now," Paxn started he stood up before this fight could start. "If we charge straight into war we are sure for failure." He said to try and stop anyone from walking off and to hear him out. "We can't be too sure how weak or how strong they are. Neither underestimation or overestimation." Paxn stated, glancing at everyone. He kept his voice calm, "It'd be best if we stayed at headquarters, worst case scenario, enemies are to come it is easy for us to spread out around them," He plotted. "Spreading out will give an illusion of there being a greater number of us. No conflict will happen. We can get answers possibly and have them leave."

    He inhaled quietly, "They will think that there are more of us than reality." Paxn looked around to make sure he still had their attention. "It should be enough to hold us over till we have more recruits. Then, if they attack we will be ready. Fighters and defense."

  7. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol stoped walking and slightly turned his head kinda looking at Paxn. "nice plan but waiting and being bored is realy not my thing" the fog wielder said to him with an smirk on his face. Xeol was really known to have horrible patience with an slight since of boredom in his body Xeol started to whistle an happy tune again to keep him entertained as he walked with Kexim and Fraxo.

    Luxord gently laid his cards on an table in his room the same table the gambler held his party games. He walked over to the window then looked at the heart shaped moon.Luxord was not obsessed with it like Saix but The Gambler of Fate liked the feeling the moon gave him. After an while of pondering with his signiture pose Luxord walked over to his bed and laid down. The Gambler of Fate remembered an good amount of his past life "Rulod that was such an pleasent name" Luxord said to himslef looking up at the ceilling.
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Kexim chuckled slightly, hearing Paxn's suggesting. "You know what man, I honostly don't care. I'm itchen for a fight anyways, so how about this. How about all of you guys wait here for them, and I'll just got out mehself, since Paxn obviousy is afraid of the bad people." he said.

    "Do whatever you want. I don't see why we have to plot and plan anyways. I just wanted a few suggestions. There's just 3 of em, right? if you ask me, I just say let those who wanna go, go." Toxyn said, laying back. The attitude he had though was only meant to hold back his true desires. Those who did not think before picking their fights were the best to send out after all. Those who plotted back at the base would be able to better ration with them. Besides, the fighters would be a good proof of these peoples strengths. Who knew, maybe even he himself could recruit them.

    Fraxo stopped in his foot steps upon hearing that those who didn't want to go did not have to. "The afro stays." He told Xeol, as he began walking back. He took his seat within the rows of movie theater chairs, next to Paxn. "I take it that you already have a much more complex plan prepared for this situation?" He asked him, his voice lowered so that not many would hear.

    "Good. In that case, I'm out." Kexim said, leaving the room for good. He still had his own agenda to follow, and he knew that if he played arrogance, then he could obviously get past Paxn and Toxyn's suggestions of plans and such.
  9. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel had watched Xigbar, Roxas and Saix leave in the portal and usuaully the flurry liked action, but for now he needed an break. There was something pecular going on with the silence of Marluxia and that Larxene seemed to almost want Vexen to go on this mission. He was always suspicous of number 11 and 12, but never really thought of what their agenda was. He also noticed that Demyx was gone as well. With too many members gone including Lexaeus he wondered how stable this organization really was. Now with the meeting over he was half surprised that both Marluxia and Larxene and few others were still seated even though the meeting was already over.

    Shifting his gaze back towards both Marluxia and Larxene though he thought that her insulting comments were ironic with the Vexen situation he couldn't help, but crack an smile. Larxene sure had her way with words and he had little respect for the cold member as well. Respecting the elders was not something he was never going to get used to nor would he want. His eyes then tracked towards Xenmas in order to not cause any suspicions towards the other two. His thought was on Roxas and hoped that he was okay. "I would like to be back up if things get out of hand. I have faith in the others, but we don't know anything about the enemy so the element of surprise would be more satisfiying and used to our advantage." He spoke to let his voice be heard and hopefully Xenmas would grant him this favor.
  10. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Remind me why we haven't killed that brat already." Xaigea growled, her upper lip curling in a menacing manner. "Or at least why haven't we turned him into a Nobody. There's nothing he does now that he couldn't do as a Nobody, and we wouldn't have to listen to this emotional bullsh*t and he'd be much easier to give orders to." The disrespect that the boy showed not just her but almost the entire organization was really beginning to get on her nerves. She may not of had emotions, but that doesn't mean she couldn't still be annoyed and irritated by the constant bombardment of petty insults and immature snigering.

    - - - - -

    The Chilly Academic rolled his bright green eyes in irritation. The look in his eye that of someone being bothered by a pesky mosquito or a puppy that hadn't yet learnt that it's place wasn't on it's master's new sofa.
    "Call it an excuse, call it a lie for all I care. Point is I've never called myself a fighter, I'm a scientist, an academic. And that is something I'm very good at. On the other hand you, my 'dear' Number Twelve," He said with a sneer at her lowly number. "Are good for, what? B*tching like a high-schooler and swanning around like you're the most beautiful thing to grace the universe." Vexen scoffed.

    "I'm sorry to bust your bubble Larxene but this isn't a highschool. And you're not anywhere near as attractive as you think you are, in fact, you look rather like a insect. Most likely a Preying Mantis, I can imagine you devouring the head of anyone idiotic enough to get near you." He insulted, folding his arms and disappearing into the darkness from which he'd emerged as it was obvious that he was no longer wanted or needed, as per usual. If he had feelings they'd most certainly be hurt right now, and he knew it. So the void of missing emotions weighed heavily on his mind as he skulked around his lab tiding up his mess.
  11. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara managed to sit up on her own. She looked at Lexaeus and raised an eyebrow as he spoke. Manners weren't her thing in that case. She paid her attentions elsewhere as they spoke. Lexaeus asked about the collar. Xioimara looked at them, diverting any eye contact. "Uh," She started, her mind started to race. What was left of her memories seemed to pass in front of her eyes.

    "Trust is an easy thing to break, eh?"

    Paxn shook his head as the others disagreed with him. They didn't seem to understand and, of course, insults. Paxn smirked, shaking his head, he wouldn't let them bother her. "With the way you guys plan, I understand why Xioimara left." He simply said, 'Like a lamb to the slaughter.' He thought and seated himself back down. He noticed Fraxo seated next to him and glanced at him for a moment.

    Xemnas nodded to Axel. "Very well." He had a good point. They weren't positive how many of there were. They could be more powerful than them for all he knew. They couldn't possibly be more experienced. Xioimara needed further questioning about her Organization. The display Lexaeus had shown earlier made Xemnas second guess himself. He looked at Marluxia. Someone more capable or trustworthy with children at least. Depending on the conditions she was in when he checked up to speak with them would be enough to answer if Lexaeus would be the right one to look after Xioimara.

    Roxas looked at Saix and Xigbar as they talked to him. Yes, he had been here before but it's not like he had a solid visual of the place. He was sure of himself they could at least find where Xioimara had been found. That should be enough of a lead. "Sure." Roxas said and started forward, leading them to where Xioimara was found.
    "I wonder if any of their other members tried to escape?" Xigbar questioned out loud. It wasn't too often that you try to kill someone just because they want to leave your Organization. Unless they had more important information that wasn't allowed outside Head Quarters walls. They really should have questioned Xioi-'What was her name?' Xigbar shook his head. Xioi was a start. They should have really question Xioi further on this World. Not that he was second-guessing Roxas' path finding skills or Xemnas' planning ideas, but he was pretty sure Xioi knew more about this that oculd be helpful to their mission.
  12. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Larxene quickly glanced over at Marluxia, and saw his expression. He obviously had plotting to do because of this new upset, so she decided that maybe she would leave him alone. Besides, she herself had more important matters to take care of for the time being. If anything, she was certain that at least this part of the plan hadn't changed. She hesitated for a moment, and then made a portal, moving through it with a type of grace, purposely leaving, while pretending as if she had not even recognized what Vexen had said, as if he were nothing,
    Upon reaching the other side, she looked around the room, noticing what appeared to be a tacky diamond design. "Hey Luxord." Larxene greeted him, with a surprisingly friendly tone. 2 people alone that were probably the least likely to even talk to within the orginization.

    Toxyn's arrogant expression seemed to dissapear when Xaigea brought up the suggestion. "The reason we want to keep him human is because at this moment, we don't want to waste our time on trying to get him to join us. We have a world to take over. He makes our stuff, and I already have him working on something of much greater importance, which could probably help us out even against these guys. If he turns into a nobody, then if he loses his memories, then its gonna take him awhile to remember how to do this crap, and we don't need that." Toxyn said in a very cold voice. "We obviously how better stuff to be taking care of at the moment anyways. So Pax, any further steps to your little idea?" Toxyn asked him, his coldness turning into dullness. For a nobody, he certainly seemed to practice moodiness...

    Lexaeus let out a sigh, and picked Xioimara up against her own will. This time though, it was by the arm instead of the usual neck area. Before she herself would realize it, he swooped his other hand under her and picked her up with ease. Even most people with his own height would have trouble carrying a person, but with his superb strength, he made it look like a cake walk. "Come if you wish number IX" Lexaeus informed Demyx, as he stepped forward, creating a portal, and walked through it.
    Upon reaching the other side, they appeared within a bedroom. It was very cold, isolate, and untidy. There wasn't much to it, though it was unnaturally large, as if made for an extremely tall person to live in without making him feel too big for the room. He laid Xioimara down upon the head, still being slightly rouph, but not too rouph. "Explain. The collar. Why is it there, and how does it effect you." Lexaeus asked Xioimara, his voice some what lighter. He didn't show it, but there was guilt behind his attitude. Attacking someone with such a disability was not his style, and he did not approve of it.

    "Strange though that she had no simply portalled to anouther world." Saix said amongst the two. Though they most certainly were not his favorite members, he found himself able to converse with them since at least their level of seriousness was ok. Or, at least Roxas was mature enouph to converse with. He wasn't as sure about Xigbar. "Perhaps they don't even know of the exsistance of other worlds yet."
  13. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Xaigea resigned to sitting and listening, there wasn't a whole lot she had to contribute to the current situation despite her position as second in command. So she leant back in her chair and tossed her head so her silvery hair was out of her dark eyes. Her expression was blank, but not disinterested, and her body language was protective, but not defensive. Now that the brat was gone there was no one to ruffle her feathers and get on her nerves. Sure Toxyn was as obnoxious as a chemical that shared the pronouciation of his name, but surprisingly he didn't aggravate her anywhere near as much as the jouvinille delinquent Kexim.

    - - - - -

    Meanwhile, not too far away from the meeting room, Kaita had finally managed to drag herself away from the distant courtyard to a place where there may just be people around. People to hide amongst and, hopefully, avoid her 'mother'.
    But at the moment the area was still deserted.

    The young child was curled up the corner, still weeping quietly over the beating she'd received during what Xaigea would refer to as training. In all honesty it looked just the woman had picked a fight with the tiny child to any bystander, but no one ever intervened. They either believed Xaigea that the only way to make the girl stronger was to force her fighting will to take over or were just plain too afraid to get involved in a fight or even just didn't care.

    As fast as the tears were still falling the blood was still trickling down from her porcelain white hairline. The scarlet streak obviously causing the girl great pain as every time she moved her head she had to bite back a pitiful whimper of pain.
  14. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Luxord opend his eyes as he continued to lay on his bed. The Gambler of Fate sat up to find out Larxene was the person that greeted him. Luxord slightly raised an eye brow thinking of reasons behind Larxene's friendly appearance."ello its nice to see you making an nice gracefull greeting towards me" Luxord said as he stood up and stretched. The Gambler of Fate went over to his bar pulling out an bottle of rum "dear Nymph is there an matter you are willing to discuse with me" Luxord said politly to Larxene. While The Gambler of Fate waited for the response he got out two shot glasses one for himself and the other for the guest if she wanted any. Luxord knew Larxene had an tendecy to be horrible and an pain in the neck most of the time but the times when she wasnt The Savage Nymph was very gentle and nice but that is only when she felt like it.

    Xeol rolled his eyes hearing the last bit Paxn said. The fog wielder could not be blamed for the missing member leaving. Mostly unlike the others Xeol was nice to her not wanted to get into an long boring argument the fog wielder continued walking. Before Xeol took an turn he waved the humen bye as the fog wielder continued his path. "so i wonder if they are here" Xeol said to himself with his hands in his pockets wondering if the other organization made it their world yet.
  15. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Guilt. That is what it was, but they didn't have feelings so how could they express that? It had to do with the memories and the type of people they were before and it was just mind boggling. If the musician had not shown up, who knows what Lexaeus would have done to her? Lexaeus was an enigma, a strong towering pillar of strength, but deep within docile perhaps? No it didn't seem like him. The guy who was clearly the tallest and strongest of Organization XIII taking care of a girl with a chain embedded in her neck. There had to be some sort of agenda for him. "Yeah I'll follow and see what you're up to." The water wielder spoke out loud to himself making his own portal appear. He couldn't bare seeing her in such distress and she was frightened of the one who looked intimidating. Following the same course through the Corridor of Darkness by feeling the presence of the fifth number, he appeared in the same untidy room seeing her laying now on a bed. "You know what she needs?" He asked Lexaeus. "She needs a bath, something to eat and drink and then some rest. I don't know what she has gone through or how she got here, but the least we can do is make her feel comfortable."
  16. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "It doesn't affect me." Xioimara muttered, looking off to the corner. Her eyes trailed to the ground, avoiding any eye contact. She glanced up every now and then. "I barely even remember how it happened." Xioimara glanced at Demyx. He seemed nicer. Not as intimidating. "I had lived with the guy who did it. That's it." Xioimara said after a few moments. Xioimara looked up at Demyx as he started to speak, yes, she agreed. Her stomach growled but she had no appetite however. She mostly agreed for a shower. It would calm her down a little at least.

    "Meeting dismissed." Xemnas said towards Xaldin. They had enough members left to the world as it was. Xemnas didn't hold them to the castle. They did have permission to leave at their own will to a different world if they please as long as they weren't interrupting missions others were on.

    Paxn glanced at KuaXa as he started to side with him. Good riddance. Paxn shook his head to Toxyn slowly. "No, sir." He said calmly. He crossed his arms and looked back at everyone. They needed more experience. It was a death sentence to just charge into war like this. He was just thankful some people sided with him on this. No. His plans weren't full proof but he needed to make up something to keep them occupied.
    "Or maybe she isn't able to portal." Roxas added. Xioimara seemed smart enough to have portalled out if she could have. Or perhaps Saix was correct. Maybe they weren't aware of other Worlds quite yet. Both were good points.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "So then kitties, who's up for keeping watch outside? Someones godda keep watch, right? Unless you have any better ideas." Toxyn asked Paxn, still the dulled expression on his face. "I know that your being precautious and all, but really, playing things safe can be so boring." he said whilst yawning.
    "And yes, you have the ok." Toxyn said to KuaXa

    "Number II, scout ahead for us. Tell me if you hear of find anything." Saix ordered Xigbar. Being second in command, even if Roxas was leading, he would take authority whenever he needed to. Given that Xigbar was the stealthiest one amongst them, he was obviously the best choice for the job.

    "Oh, it isn't really a matter. I just got bored for awhile, and I thought 'hm, luxy's fun. I'll go pay him a visit', and now here I am." She said in what was still an unusually delightful tone. "Do you think you might be up for a game or two?" She asked him, as she walked over to the bar, seating herself down and pouring herself a glass of rum. She didn't drink it though, just let it sit.

    "If anything, they'll be back later ya know? They came here for a purpose, and I doubt that they'd just leave all because they found Xioimara." Kexim said, thought stopped himself short from saying anyting else. Though he wasn't trying to show it, he still missed her obviously. Which was exsactly why he left. He knew that if he could capture one of them, then he could get information on her current condition. After all, if he asked to just go with them then for all he knew, he could end up becoming a prisoner and she could already be dead...

    "You aren't going to give her a bath." Lexaeus said, implying that Demyx had some sort of intention from saying that. "Such things will be left for the superior. All I can provide for now is protection and training." he said, his voice cold. Strangely enouph though, he was talking more then he had ever before, so that was indeed a rare sight to see....or hear really.
    "You're in charge of food and drink until the Superior says otherwise." Lexaeus told Demyx, not requesting, but more so demanding it from him. His attention then turned to Xioimara. "And then after that, you are to rest. We'll have training for 4 hours each day." He informed her. He wanted to ensure that she would know just what kind of training awaited her. Now that he had made what he had wanted to say, he walked over to one of the sides of his room, and lay down on the floor, leaning against the wall, and keeping his eyes on Xioimara, ensuring that he kept watch.
  18. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    He rose his eyebrows suprised that Lexaeus would even imply that. Rubbing the back of his neck, he chuckled at how silly that sounded. "No no. Get your head out of the gutter dude. I wasn't saying I would be the one to give it to her. I just said she needed one." At times it was almost horrifying what Lexaeus thought of him as. Did he really come off that way? "I'll get her some nourishment and plenty of water, but you have to promise me that you won't smash her to pieces. I know your strength and I'm going to keep an eye out for her in case you go over board." Touching the collar she had on, he grimaced when he brought his fingers towards the edges of it and felt it. "Oh I wish there was something I can do to help you so you didn't have to have that thing in you. It must feel awful. If I had something like that, I would forever feel like a prisoner and probably never be myself again, but that is just me and my kind of personaility. If you need anything feel free to say the word and I'll help in anyway I can." He brought his hand down from her collar and touched her hand instead offering her a sign of comfort. "Lexaeus I'm going to see if I can be assigned to take care of her too. I don't think the boss would have a problem with that."
  19. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Lexaeus gave a grunt, confirming what Demyx had said. Though he never showed it too often, he didn't really like Demyx at all. His care free attitude, it just never settled with Lexaeus's own attitude. He had no emotions, and he wasn't going to hide it. At a same time though, he supposed that he was correct. Xioimara seemed weak, frail. If she were to make it in the orginization, then she'd need someone to help her survive....and he knew exsactly who to use.
  20. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara glanced at the only window within the room, while Lexaeus and Demyx spoke. She noticed a plant on the windowsill, it looked like it was dying. Xioimara flinched slightly as Demyx reached forward to her collar. She didn't move, almost afraid, mostly because she hadn't been paying attention to either of them. Xioimara looked at Demyx once he moved away and kind of smiled. She didn't trust anyone here.
    Xioimara's form changed to her dog form, she hopped off the bed, trotting to the windowsill to get a better look at the plant. Xioimara put her front paws on the windowsill and looked at the plant. Venus fly trap. Xioimara nudged it gently with her nose, her tail wagging back and forth slowly. The plant seemed to grow stronger and stand up, the colour increased in the plant.

    Xioimara watched as a fly that had landed on it early buzzed around and landed on it again. Xioimara flinched as the trap snap shut. It was a useful method to catching food. Xioimara wagged her tail a little fast and smiled. She dropped down from the sill and sat still with her mouth open seeing if she could use the same method as the fly trap.

    Xigbar looked at Saix when he spoke. He simply nodded. Go figure. He would immediately take control. Well, it gave him something to do at least. Xigbar disappeared ahead among the trees. He had his gun arrows at hand just in case trouble were to come up. He was doubtful of it. He moved pretty fast through the area. There wasn't much to see. Trees, dirt, leaves, everything a forest normally had. He slowed up as lights became more visible up ahead. Xigbar stopped as he came to the outskirts of the forest. He heard movement and talking ahead.
    Xigbar quietly stepped back behind the nearest tree and hid even the slightest breath. He listened in on their conversation, keeping as still as possible. This might mean trouble. He heard Xioimara somewhere in the conversation. It was something to report back at least.

    Xigbar remained still until everything seemed still again. He opened a portal to avoid any further contact with the two. "I spotted two from the Nameless Organization up ahead." Xigbar reported, "Seems they're out to get back Xioimara." Xigbar stated. He didn't even know what they were going to do with Xioimara. Xemnas always had a plan up his sleeve but this could be a problem.

    Roxas looked at Xigbar when he reported back. That didn't take long. Only a few minutes at most. Oh boy, he really didn't want to get into a fight. Roxas looked at Saix. He seemed to be taking charge, seemed most responsible, either way. Roxas preferred Saix to be in charge. It was up to Saix now. He was pretty sure Xigbar would be clueless on what to do as was Roxas.
    "What should we do?" Roxas said as he looked at Saix. Now wouldn't be the best of times to get into a fight mostly because it was night and they were in a forest. This wasn't their land either. Roxas barely knew it since he had only been here once. He hadn't been leading then either. It was Marluxia leading.

    Paxn didn't say anything. As much as he would've spoken out he kept his mouth shut. He would be speaking against the leader.A death sentence to an eternity in Hell. Toxyn wasn't the first person you'd want to mess with. He was a punk but their leader unfortunately. He was prone to try and pick a fight with you. And you were liable if you didn't live above it and deal with it. He rolled his eyes simply and looked to the corner of the theater. It wasn't his problem if they all went off and got killed. He warned them. They didn't listen.
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