
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Aug 17, 2009.

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  1. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol was sleeping in an alley he had an place to stay but outside seemed to fit him more. Scratching his dark brown hair he sat up with an bored expression on his face the fog wielder knew he was suppose to be at an meeting with the others but that seemed such an drag to him. "well off to boredness" Xeol simply said to himself as he looked ahead creating an portal. The fog wielder steped into the portal appearing out of an open void in an hall near the meeting room. Xeol put his hands in his cargo pants as he took slow unhurried strides in his walks. When the fog wielder finally arrived where he was suppose to be 30 minuts ago Xeol let out an loud tired yawn as fog came out of his mouth."so what did I accidently miss did somebody fall and break their hip" Xeol said to all of the other members with an smile as he leaned against the wall. While the fog wielder waited for everyones response his jade green eyes looked at the big movie screen an smirk appeard on his face they really needed to relax and watch an movie.With that thought in his head Xeol started to chuckle to himself happily doubting that possbility would never happen. Normally the fog wielder would hear Toxyn being bitter towards Kexim Xeol just shrugged his shoulders sadly an argument always made things interesting. "so did i already miss Toxy back handing you" Xeol said with an friendly smile towards Kexim.
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Shixoh was sitting down outside looking around, She sensed something near her and she turned her head to see a dusk next to her. She sighed and stood up, "Okay.. I get it.." she said teleporting over to where everyone else was. Obviously she was late seeing all the people already there.
    She sighed as she looked around and said quietly, "What did I miss this time?" she said leaning against another wall looking around at everyone's expressions. She was looking across at Xeol who had a huge smile on his face and she shook her head and looked down at the ground letting her foot sway. Then she eventually looked up a bit and looked over at everyone else.
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara paused for a moment as Lexaeus approached her. She started to take a step back and tried to look him in the eyes. God, he was tall. "You're not boss!" She started and moved back slightly taking a few steps to the side as he rose his hand to her, she was well aware what this meant. "Don't you dare-!" Xioimara fell to the ground as her backhanded her. She couldn't remember what she said, that was enough to know he hit her. Her form shifted and she crouched low to the ground leaning away from Lexaeus, teeth showing. "Watch it, pal." She snarled at him, her body stiffened. Sure, he saved her. She didn't want to be held like this though and if it meant having to use violence to get her point across she was open to the idea.

    Roxas watched as the drama started to unfold. He knew it wasn't going to end well once Lexaeus got down. She was really in for a breaking if she stayed with them. Roxas cringed slightly as Lexaeus backhanded her. He had felt the same pain. It wasn't lovely. He wanted to step between them and stop them before this argument could escalate. It was apparent that Xioimara didn't approve of being watched over. He could say the same. But she did need to know when to back down. She was in for it.

    Xigbar watched as Xioimara had found a way out of the handcuffs. He found it clever of her, Lexaeus did not apparently. He kept quiet as she jumped down from her spot. Lexaeus followed. Discipline was to happen. He just knew it. He didn't expect Lexaeus to backhand her. Of all things. But it was suitable he supposed. What a way to be taught a lesson.
    Apparently, however, she didn't learn and was in fact trying to continue the fight. Xigbar glanced at Xemnas to see as what was to happen.

    "Number V," Xemnas said firmly as Xioimara rose back to her feet. This was to get both of their attention and halt this. He wasn't too sure as to how it started. Yes, he agreed Xioimara probably had some discipline issues. Fighting wasn't the solution. This wasn't the time. And not the place. He was positive they wouldn't be able to get through this meeting however till they sorted out what was going on with Xioimara.
    "I will speak with the both of you separately. You are dismissed." Xemnas said, his tone of voice dry and monotone as usual. He glanced from Xioimara who had shifted back to original form, she could be useful to the Organization. She needed work on her morals though, Xemnas looked at Lexaeus and nodded, then looked back at the Organization.

    Paxn took his spot for the meeting as they spoke. he didn't approve of Toxyn's language. Like said before, he had anger issues to work out amongst himself. Paxn felt they needed a better leader, someone who wasn't so arrogant or judgmental. Paxn would've smacked him around plenty of times for every insult made amongst another person for being themselves. He remained quiet however. He silently hoped that Xioimara ended up with her rescuers. It was probably better than being stuck here. He was starting to see Toxyn start to rub off on her and he was more than thankful she was gone. The stubborn leader they had was nothing like Xioimara and she shouldn't of looked up to him.

    He still had respects for Toxyn. Just wished he would change himself around ever so slightly. He did his best to look at Toxyn as a whole and never saw much good in him except that he could plan well.
  4. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Luxord looked at his superior wondering if the silver haired nobody did not hear the gamblers greeting. The Gambler of Fate was amoung one of Xemnas most trusted members so the unnoticed words slightly surprissed him. Luxord just simply watched the scene The Gambler of Fate was disappointed at the girl's actions what made it worse was she did it to The Silent Hero. While the british nobody shuffled his cards trying his best to be calm cause it was not wise to do rash actions. When the superior got the situation handled Luxord turned his attention to their superior. "superior im curios about your reasoning about the girl staying with us i was unfortionatly not properly informed of the situation like im normally am" The Gambler of Fate asked Xemnas politly. While Luxord waited for his superior to answer him he turned his attention to The Free Shooter."dear free shooter was you informed with the delightfull details" The Gambler of Fate asked his gambling buddy.
  5. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    It had been a typical boring day as usual. Nothing interesting ever happened. It was the same ole routine. Go on a mission, retrieve hearts and then come back to the castle. If only something interesting would occur? From out of no where a dusk had informed him of a meeting from the Superior himself. How come he was like the last to know everything Placing his sitar down from his bed after plucking a few strings with his fingers, he made it vanish before the dusk's eyes and left his room. Wandering down the halls, Demyx glanced at the interior of the castle seeing if anything different had changed. Not seeing anything that peaked his interest, his steps were slow until he heard different voices echoing else where in the castle. "I wonder what is going on?" He followed the sound of the voices until it led him into a different room he had not seen before. Noticing Lexaeus, Xigbar, Luxord, Roxas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Larxene and Xemnas, he acknowledged them with a small wave from his hand. Taking his azure eyes off of them, his expression was one of question when he saw a young girl, someone he had not seen before. "Oh do we have another member?" He asked not knowing anything about what had happened. He extended out his hand to her, a smile on his face not caring what the other expressions on the other members' faces were if any.
  6. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    A blur of red hair had made his presence shifting the dark portal to leave out of the atmosphere as he plopped himself in his seat. Shifting his eyes at the other members he seem to be bored if anything else until he noticed a strange occurance. Lexaeus the Silent Hero seem to be struggling with an new recruit that resembled a dog crouching, but the best of his judgment he guessed that she was a shape shifting humanoid. It was very ironic that she seem to be giving him a hard time though he wondered where she had come from in the first place. Placing his hand to his chin as if in thought he couldn't help, but chuckle lightly at the displayed shown before him. In the other direction he noticed that Xenmas the one who supposedly had called the meeting didn't seem very pleased at all. Deciding to remain quiet the flurry let his hand rest against his temple as if in a leaning postion with his head there. "You asked us all here for a reason?" He questioned hoping that his voice would ring true to get this meeting started as he hated wasting time and meetings of all kinds.

    There were other members there as well, but Axel wondered if this had anything to do with past events or if any new dangers that might be risen to question. He recalled a dusk had shown up when the flurry was having an well rest and he needed to know if this was actually important. Half the time the meetings would set on something not really of importance and keep bordem to allow the flame wielder to show any interest if any. He would rather be sleeping still as he had recently came back from an intense mission that seemed to draw out his full energy. Either way he drowned out the other voices in the room.
  7. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Marluxia sighed upon receiving the message for the meeting, another annoying message to be received from the person he most found annoying. He opened his eyes, pushing his cordial thoughts to the back of his mind until he would call them forth again. He opened a portal allowing it to end right on his throne with which he took a elegant sit before lightly brushing out his hair. His eyes trailed around the room, seeing everyone for the most part present and accounted for, his eyes stopped upon Larxene however. Her expression of course was the usual shared one for anything their "superior" had to say. As much as her and him had discussed their plan, he had figured she had been other occupied, growing tired of it even at some points. He let his eyes continue to wonder perhaps hoping to grab a glimpse of maybe a reasoning for this meeting.

    And lo and behold, there perhaps it stood before his eyes. Taking notice of a rather small girl apparently being watched over by Lexaeus. Ironically enough the girl was about the age of Namine it seemed, and of course it intrigued him as to why the superior had placed her under watch by him seeing as he was indeed a guard but for a girl like that? Anyways he had spent far too much time on a petty thought as is, "Agreed...reasoning for this outcall would be nice to hear of at some point...preferably the sooner the better..." he said leaning back on his seat. The sooner this thing could be over and done with, the sooner things would progress along in his plans.
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Kexim was unresponsive to Xeol for a bit, still trying to absorb the fact that his very reason for being in the orginization had totally dissapeared. He turned around to look at Xeol though, and let out a sigh. "Dude obviously is haven that time of the month the way he's talken." Kexim said alloud, knowing that Toxyn would hear. He wanted him to though. He was pissed. It had been his fault. All of this bull. "And here I was thinking that female nobodies didn't have to deal with that" He said, sending a sharp look at Toxyn.

    "Both of you should have a seat. This is a meeting, so we should all at least be listening. You digg?" Fraxo asked both Xeol and Shixoh. He obviously didn't feel like just joking around. He puffed his afro slightly, before going back to looking at Toxyn.

    "Smartasses. How about everyone shut up? That sound good to you all?" Toxyn said to them all. He wasn't getting anything accomplished, and by the silence within the room, it seemed like no one had any ideas as to these 3 new visitors. "Fine then. You all seem to be talkative. How about you nerd boy? You got any ideas?" Toxyn asked Kexim, trying to bring everyones attention onto him, since he decided to see if he could make a fool out of their leader.

    "Tgh, how should I know? How about you ask them yourselves, stupid. Try capturing one of em. Find out what they want, and what they were doing here. That's not too hard for you, is it 'oh mighty leader'? Or maybe your brain left you when your heart did." Kexim snapped back. Unlike the other members, when he snapped, it was completely real. No tricks. He was the only one there with full emotions, and he was glad to show it off.

    "Tgh. Freak." Toxyn commented. More like a mutter really. "Alrite, fine then. How about you all then, hm?" Toxyn asked everyone. He might not have liked Kexim all that much, but the only reason he ever kept him around was because he was one of the best stratagists in that room. "Anyone got any objections or what? If not, then we'll go on a nobody hunt."Toxyn said, a smirk on his face, looking down at Fraxo, who just nodded his head in simple approval.

    Lexaeus grumbled. He didn't want to put up with the Superior. He respected him, but only to an extent, even if they had been old friends. He would not argue with him though, knowing what fate would fall upon him if he did so. He stormed over to Xioimara, and picked her up from the scruff of her collar again. He did not hesitate, especially after seeing Demyx's friendly extension of friendship to her, to open a portal, allowing him to cross through with the girl. Upon entering the other side, he dropped her onto the cold white stone floor. They were inside of just one giant white room. There were no doors though. Just pillars and white walls. "You strong?" he asked Xioimara

    Saix appeared in his own seat, just in time to spread some of his oh so special charm on the situation. "Perhaps you both should quit complaining and try paying attention. As respectful members, we should all be silent for our Superior instead of making a nuisence." Saix said to both Axel and Marluxia. He glared espectially as Marluxia for a moment, saying "And with someone of your high rank, you should know this especially. Unless you are unworthy of such power." he said, attempting to spark a slight flare of conflict with Marluxia.
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xigbar glanced at Luxord and simply shrugged. Yes, normally he would be more talkative but he was pretty sure Xemnas wanted silence. 'That's probably why he called this meeting.' He thought and directed his attention back to the Superior. Demyx, Axel and Marluxia finally showed themselves. Lexaeus didn't seem to much approve of Demyx's friendliness towards Xioimara as Xioimara did.
    They were gone in a flash.

    Roxas watched as everyone showed up. Almost everyone was here. He exhaled silently when Lexaeus left with Xioimara, no more bickering. He wished Xioimara luck though. Lexaeus was a tough opponent if you got on his bad side.
    Xioimara looked at Demyx as he approached her, he had a friendly appearance about. She smiled slightly but was grabbed by Lexaeus. She felt a pain go through her neck again, "Don't grab me!" She demanded and was dropped to the ground in a different room. Xioimara rubbed her neck, coughing for a moment and looked around. She looked at Lexaeus when he spoke to her. She shook her head standing up, "Don't EVER pull that stunt again!" She growled at him, she wasn't referring to him backhanding her, more of being picked up ever so often.
    She looked at the pillars, her eyes narrow, "Depends on what you think is strong." Xioimara said to Lexaeus, still not looking at him. She was pretty sure they hated each other for now. Xioimara still had her hand on her neck, she started to pull off the gauze that was securely wrapped around her neck, underneath she had a metal collar around her neck. Bolted to her neck. She put her hands in her pockets and switched her glance from one side of the room to the other. Ignoring Lexaeus.


    Xemnas remained silent as he waited for everyone to quiet. Lexaeus left with Xioimara. They seemed to be the main cause of all the talking. He looked at everyone once they had finally gone quiet. "A new world has been found." He started, "We also found Xioimara there." Xemnas stated. "She was escaping from another Organization apparently. I don't know if she will be staying with us." Xemnas added he kept his tone of voice calm, he was pretty sure Xioimara would want to stay.
    "This isn't a threat to be taken lightly. They are out for power." Xemnas said, "Seeing as that we took one of their members I don't think they are going to appreciate the amount of power we have."

    "In conclusion, I'm sure that one way or another we have most likely entangled ourselves in a war."

    Paxn remained silent as the others quarreled amongst one another. Name calling. No real planning was happening. "We need to conceal ourselves. Give them thought that there aren't many of us." Paxn started, his voice calm and monotone to get everyone's attention without name calling or any of that. "We can lure them. Chances are that Xioimara will try to join forces with them seeing as they saved her." He looked at everyone from the corner of his eye.
    "They just basically offered her protection when they defended her. She is going to feel safe and unburdened there." Paxn stated. "We either have to get her back, rid them of her or somehow get her to remain quiet if we plot. They are already aware of us. There isn't much we can do."
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Oh why yes Xaldin." Larxene said in the sweetest voice. "I learned that old man Xaldin has a fascination with young teenage girls. After all, you were staring at her long enouph." Larxene said to Xaldin, obviously not wanting to put up with the man's lectures. She had come here to their oh so incapable leader, that was all. She just couldn't wait until her partner had finally taken action against Xemnas. In doing so, she was sure that the first of any other members which they would dispose of, would be Xaldin. Though before she could continue any lashes out at him, she turned her attention to the Superior, who had begun to speak.

    "You're going to be taught 2 things here today. One, that you are not as strong as you think you are, and two, that you are to pay your elders with respect." He said, summoning his tomahawk. "You're my responsibility, so I'll be training you." he told her, looking down upon her. He slowly began walking towards her, not wanting to hesitate for too long to show her exsactly how things worked in this castle.

    "I still say we should go along with my idea." Kexim said, turning to Paxn, as he placed his arm behind his chair, seeming a bit more laid back now. "Your idea is nice and all, but let's face it. They didn't come here to save her, right? They had a better reason. They'll not only be back, I'm sure, but when they do come back, we'll have the opportune to capture one of them. When we do, we'll just have to strangle out every bit of information we can get. They might not even have anything to do with us." Kexim said, slightly getting a headache from this meeting. He did not want to be here, and it was obviously annoying him.

    "Shows how much of a loser you are." Toxyn said to Kexim with a grin. "Who cares if they don't want trouble. They saved her. I'm not into any of that pacifism crap. I'm not one for waiting around and hiding. But fine, since you seem so convincing, I guess we'll have a vote. Who here wants to hide out, and who wants to go have some fun with our guests, hm? If you wanna fight, then you can go with.....him." Toxyn said, pointing to Fraxo, the most quiet one there. "If not, then you can stick around here with Panz." Toxyn said with a grin. He always would refer to Paxn as Panz, his own original insult for him whenever he made Toxyn feel not as smart.
  11. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara's form shifted back to her dog form. The hackles on her neck rose up as he approached her, Xioimara's body stiffened and her ears went down, she bared her teeth and started to growl at him. He was big. She was small. The one thing Xioimara had on her side was speed and agility. She took a step back, almost up against the wall. She had no choice of what to do but defend herself. She would've died of a heart attack by now if she had one. Xioimara stood up tall trying to at least make herself look bigger than she really was. The next step he took was too close. She felt cornered and would kill whatever was in her way to get out.

    Xioimara leaned back and crouched down, she was already starting to give in. Her tail was tucked to show she was just defending herself. She didn't think of herself as boss. Just wanted respect. Xioimara wished there hadn't been that stupid meeting. Someone would have probably been able to save her. She was saved and now she was going to die. Xioimara lunged at Lexaeus as he closed in, not to attack, just to startle or forewarn. She grazed his side as she jumped past him and ran towards the closest pillar and hid behind it. She changed back to her human form and reached into her back pocket and withdrew a seed. She closed her hand and whispered into it, dropped the seed onto the ground, tears came to her eyes as she forced herself to cry. A tear hit the seed and Xioimara looked from behind the pillar at Lexaeus, a sly grin on her face.

    Within seconds a twisted tree grew from the tiny seed and up. It stood at about seven feet eight inches, just bark, now leaves. He wasn't going to leave her alone for whatever reason. This was the perfect escape. Xioimara quietly climbed up the tree and sat at the top branch. She felt safe for now, while her voluntary tears continued. As Lexaeus continued towards her she changed back to her dog form, holding onto the tree branch.
    "Aw, you're so tall..!" She whispered as she realized he was taller than the tree.

    Xemnas looked around at everyone. Larxene making a rude remark to Xaldin. "Any volunteers to go back?" Xemnas requested. He was looking for four people at the most.
    Roxas looked at Xemnas as he requested people to go back. Of all things. He was there before. It was dangerous enough. He was ready to raise his hand and did so after a few moments.
    Xigbar listened to Xemnas as he spoke. This would be interesting. "I'll go." He said as Roxas also start to raise his hand. He hadn't been going on missions lately. This was the perfect opportunity to get out.
  12. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Suddenly in the lowest of the large, white, towering chairs there was a flurry of darkness followed by a rather interesting odour as one of the eldest of the Organization materialized in his seat.
    "My apologises for my late arrival Superior." He said, looking up at the leader of the order. As he spoke he dropped his hood revealing a rather sooty face and his hair, that was usual a rather lank looking dirty blonde, was singed black and brown in places. "There was a slight incident in the laboratories due to Number Six's inability to label the chemical bottles correctly." He explained hastily to hopefully avoid any mockery that would be heading his way due to his somewhat untidy appearance and to divert blame from himself. Unbeknownst to the rest of the Organization lab four was now pretty much unsalvageable after a rather unpleasant mix of potassium cyanide and lithium chloride.

    "Anyway, what have I missed?" He inquired as he tried to wipe the dirt off with an ebony-black sleeve, only managing to smudge it futher across his cheeks.

    - - - - - -

    At the dark and dingy head-quarters of Toxyn's gang there was another late arrival. The pale skinned and even paler haired second-in-command, Xaigea, made her entrance into the movie theater 'throne room' where the meeting was being held.
    "Sorry I'm so late." She apologised, bowing her head slightly towards the leader. "Kaita was being a useless, hopeless brat again during training, and then on the way here I was had to stamp down a little revolt amongst the commoners. To think they thought they could beat me so easily..." She explained, wrinkling her nose slight in disgust.

    Despite her rather fair and, in a strange spooky way, attractive appearance Xaigea was one of those Nobodies in which it was all too obvious that they lacked any kind of emotion at all. Only vague memories of them. And, unfortunately, the only ones she could remember in any real way were disdain, anger and bitterness.

    - - - - - - -

    In one of the court yards in the large mall complex that the gang had taken over there was a young human girl, who couldn't possibley of been any older then ten years of age, with pure white hair and skin so pale it was only just pinker then her short hair. She had fallen to the floor quite some time ago and was still panting heavily. Her heart beat obviously racing and blood and sweat were mixing on her face and body.

    Crystal like tears were cascading down her bloodied and sweat drenched cheeks as she struggled to get to her feet. Each attempt failed pitifully as she stumbled and fell down onto her hands and knees, leading the tears to fall faster and heavier with each failure. Eventually she gave up and curled up into a ball, the tears trickling down her face and over her nose until they splattered onto the dirty, stained, plastic-covered floor.
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    A dull, unentertained look was upon Lexaeus's face. "Lesson one. What goes up, MUST come down." he said, as he raised his tomahawk, slamming it as hard as he could into the trunk of the tree, so hard that the very splinters that came out shot out against the wall, the tree collapsing towards the ground. Before it could reach the ground though, he thrusted forward, kicking it with his foot from the end, trying to launch the part that Xioimara was on head first into the wall. Even for a big guy, he was pretty fast. "Lesson 2. Use your enemies skills to your advantage." he yelled.

    Saix calmly raised his hand, offering up his own services, not knowing whether or not the superior would accept.

    "Ugh. Ya know old lady, maybe it's because you go flaunting around like you're some sort of beauty queen. I know nobodies don't have hearts, but really, no need for the attitude." Kexim snapped at Xaigea. He himself didn't always resort to name calling, but with her, it was different. The way she treated her daughter even, it asounded him that she put up with it. Poor girl. "Fact is, you're the only proof around here that nobodies can't have babies." Kexim said, hoping that if she was smart enouph to figure out what that meant, then it'd be able to get under her skin somehow. He obviously had no respect for his elders.
  14. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Luxord thought about his decision he wanted to see the people that gave the organization so much trouble. When the moments passed seeing only Roxas and Xigbar raised ther hands The Gambler of Fate looked at the others."ill venture forth discovering what fate will present to me" Luxord said to Xemnase. The Gambler of Fate did not fee like fighting cause he did not want to be hasty increasing the chance to fail. Unlike the other members his pride,dignity,and honor meant everything The Gambler would never risk losing what he valued more then anything.

    Xeol walked over to an seat and sat as he looked at the others wondering who would go. With an sigh the fog wielder started to get bored to him that was the worst thing ever. "alright ill go with mr. afro" Xeol said to Toxyn. After an while the fog wielder looked at Kexim's noticing how the man was getting irritated. Putting his feet on the back of the mans chair and gently nudging Kexim neck with his shoe."chill just dont pay attention to our so unloved leader's words ill help you out with your plan" Xeol said to him with an friendly smile. "but i cant wait around and do nothing boredom is worst then the most painfull death" the fog wielder said to Kexim with an smile liking his personal qoet. Then Xeol noticed Xaigea hearing what she said the only part the fog wielder cared about was she got to do something.breath in some air then opend his mouth making some fog escape his body.Xeol simply watch the small amount of fog float in the air"well good for you Xaig i had to stay here being bored" the dagger specialist simply said to their second in command.
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara held onto the branch, "NO!" She cried out as the tree collapsed, she stood up to jump off. She mostly felt bad for the tree. It WAS a living thing after all. As she jumped she felt the branch catch her stomach and she was thrown down as the tree was kicked to the wall.

    Xioimara crashed into the ground, she felt pain shoot through her body. She didn't want to move. If she moved she'd have to think about the consequences. He'd attack again. Playing dead would get him off her back. Her pride meant a lot to her though. Xioimara lay on her side, her body stiffened and she bared her teeth, growling again. She pushed herself up, holding herself up with her front legs and looked at Lexaeus, teeth showing. She stumbled and stood up, her body was shaking mostly out of false fear and because her legs ached. It was too early to give in. Xioimara did her best to stand up tall, her body stiff, ears back, teeth bared, hackles and tail raised.
    Rule one. Never attack out of anger. You'll be clumsy. She remembered being taught. Rule two. Dying is better than living as a disgrace to fighting for the rest of your life. She looked at Lexaeus, she was just starting to realize how tall he was. She looked back at the tree, shifting back to her human form. It was less of a burden on her arms this way and easier to bend the earth.

    She stood by what was left of the tree, still shaking. Xioimara breathed in and dropped to the ground, her hand over the collar embedded in her neck. Her breathing more labored as she tried to remain still and just breathe.
  16. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Why do I get the feeling I came in at the worst possible moment...? Vexen thought to himself as he watched the various members of the Organization volunteer themselves for some sort of mission. Of course, Vexen wouldn't offer himself up for any mission. He wouldn't nominate himself for a easy mission he knew about and knew how to do, let alone one that he had no clue about.

    - - - - - -

    Xaigea turned with lightning fast speed to face the insolent boy whom had just dared to speak up to her. "You would do well to watch your tongue little boy." She snarled dangerously. "And to keep your nose out of other peoples business, brat." Xaigea spat, her words dripping with venom.

    She then flipped her hair out of her face and looked away again. "Anyway, if you're so worried about my pathetic excuse for a daughter why don't you go check on her? I don't doubt she's not moved since I left her, useless child." She suggested callously as she dusted dirt from her leather corset before taking her seat. "And I wouldn't say it was 'good' Xeol, in fact it was rather bothersome." She crossed her legs in a lady-like manner, her posture as good as that of any duchess or princess. In fact there was an air to her that was that of royalty, though that was more then likely just down to her egomania.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Ya man, I guess your right." Kexim said, calming down from Xeol's words. Even if he was a nobody, at least he pretended to care, which is what made him one of Kexim's favorites in the group. Little did everyone else know that he was following his own agenda to follow, instead of furthering their own dammed goals. "I'm with Fraxo of course." Kexim said in an uncaring tone.

    Lexaeus grumbled. "This is why I was never good with kids..." He mumbled, as he walked up to her. She was choking it seemed, or having some sort of struggle with breathing. It then figured in his mind, then perhaps what he needed to do was to get her to breath more then, in order to open the lungs, but the only way he could force her to breath more. So he did what he was best at...
    "BREATH!" he yelled, demanding her to breath, as he stomped his foot on the ground, and giant pillars and shapes of rock BURST out from the ground, slamming into the cieling, practicly scaring the living hell out of Xioimara.

    "Tgh. I bet mr.senor citizen over there wouldn't mind going on that mission. Since he'd have Roxas the boy hit wonder there to help him walk incase he loses his cane." Larxene snickered, thinking it might be interesting if the old man actually got out and did something for once.

    "Blah blah blah. "Hey, look at me, my names Xaigea. I like to act all beautiful and touph, even though I'm just an old hag and a failure as a mother"." Kexim immitated, acting like....well, quite frankly he was acting like a brat that time. He did tend to have his moments, but he still found amusement in pissing her off. She was the most coldhearted one amongst them. Toxyn could compare, but Kexim always thought that the old hag always came out on top in the end.

    "Will you just shut up and pick where your going already. Xaigea, pick. Fro or PanZ." Toxyn snapped, getting tired of the time being wasted. THough it was as obvious as day that the group was so unorganized that it was unbelievable at times that they had so much power.
  18. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Marluxia sat quietly, halfway on the verge of what was taking place in the meeting and of course the other half of his thoughts trailing away to more important matters he believed. Much less the fact that this whole ordeal had been called under the circumstances that a nameless group such as themselves had taken appearance on this newly found world. If anything it seemed as much of an annoyance now that instead of only having to destroy the complex fibers of this Organization he stood in, but now part of his attention would have to be diverted to making sure this other nuisance didn't get in his way. Of course there would be no better place to perhaps find such information then to raise his hand and return once again to the pitiful place...however another idea managed to overcome his train of thought.

    He had one of "them" right here in their very castle, the only problem being if Xemnas would indeed allow him to perhaps share in the care of watching over her. If anything he believed he had shown capable of such a task, watching over his Castle and Namine of course being the card he would play should he need to, and that would prove if done correctly to be enough incentive to put him in a close enough position to her. He would of course wait until after the meeting allowing him to have a better chance to speak with the "superior" about it afterwords.
  19. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Oh har har Larxene. Pick on the old guy." Vexen sighed sarcastically. "I would voulenteer but you see the labs are in... disrepair. And seeing as I'm the only one who knows where most of the stuff is and how to repair it I can't leave until it's done." He explained, whilst he was internally both cussing Larxene out and praying to whatever deity was listening to get him out of going on whatever this mission was.

    - - - - - - -

    "I'll go with Fraxo." Xaigea said decisively. "Kaita could use some real life experience. Might finally make her get better instead of worse." She added with an air of contemplation. Though it was more to herself then to anyone else, because even though she had no feelings for the child, not even an echo from her former self, she had plans for it.

    Then in harsh tones she replied to the boy Kexim again. "I never wanted to be a mother, I don't see myself as a mother. I'm not even a guardian to that irritating little piece of sh*t that the other half of me used to call a daughter. So call me a bad mother, it means no more to me then calling me a bad florist."
  20. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol looked at Kexim "yep i know" he said with an childish grin. The fog wielder chuckled to himself he loved it when there was an argument it made things so interesting. When the argument was about to explode into an new level of excitement it was stoped unfortionatly."awww kill joy" the fog wielder said to toxyn in an disappointed whiny voice then he turned his attention to Xaigea. "what ever you say i would have loved to deal with the so called bothersome situatuon" Xeol said giving the second incommand an smirk formed on his face. "but o well" the fog wielder said calmy finishing talking as he put his hand in his pockets. Then when it seemed like the arguing was over it started again "so should i get some pop corn cause every great movie needs pop corn" the dagger specialist said to Kexim and Xaigea
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