
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Aug 17, 2009.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    The woods grew silent, nightfall falling upon them upon the strange planet. There were no forest life that seemed to be active. The only activity was the feint sounds of leaves crunching on the ground. A dog darted through. Three strange shaped creatures followed, catching up with quickly, one of them kicking the dog in the back, forcing it to the ground.

    Before them, it began to change, morphing from a mere animal into a human. The creatures themselves were strange in appearance. White skinned, with strange bandages wrapped around their heads and faces, making one believe that it would be impossible for them to hear or see. Their intentions quickly became noticible though, as one of them bent down, and placed one of its flap like hands around her nose and mouth, the other 2 forcing her arms down, slowly attempting to suffocate her, until...

    A flash of....pink? 3 heads landed on the ground around the girl, all belonging to the strange creatures. She attempted to catch her breath, as she saw a hand reach down to her. She looked up to see two men, and one boy. One a strange man with pink hair, one of muscular proportions with a giant tomahawk, and the boy with a strange key in his hand, who had extended his hand to her. "Need a hand?" he asked her, a some what emotionless, and yet still warm look upon his face.

    Orginization XIII has just discovered a strange new world which has been giving off signals of elemental energy and other such things which seem to belong only to one kind of creature, nobodies. They sent Marluxia, Lexaeus, and Roxas down to check things out, and upon arrival, they have ended up taking a strange nobody who they just saved, to take in for questioning, since they know there are more of her kind there...

    Meanwhile upon the planet itself, there is a group of nobodies which have gathered. THough the outside universe is still unknown to them, they are gaining power quickly, and have been trying to suppress the humans of the world to their own power. Their goal? Total world domination. With their thirst for power, and orginization XIII's goals, how might this possibly play out? You'll just have to join to find out...

    The Rules:
    1.This thread is a dictatorship, not a democracy. I'm a very nice person, but rp zones been having a lot of issues lately. I can, and will change the rules whenever I please. My thread, not yours. Not to be mean, but seriously -.-'

    2. Swear on my life, if I see ANYONE flame on here, then they're out. You take it to vm's. I don't care how close a friend you are to me or how long I have known you. Got it? You can pm me if you have a problem. No, not vm. PM. Ok?

    3. 2 paragrauphs per post. I could be nice and say how many lines a paragrauph is, but you should all know what it is. If I don't think it's a paragrauph, then it isn't a paragrauph -.-'

    4. This new group of nobodies is a gang. They don't live in a fancy castle. They don't have cloaks YET. They don't have specificly XIII members either. yes, thats' right. For once someone has put in the option that a rival group doesn't coincidentally have exsactly as many members as the original.

    5. You can have up to 6 charecters. Ya, thats' right. 6. Try not to though. If I think that you aren't rping enouph as one of the charecters, then I'm gonna ask you to give up that charecter.

    6. The Cake Rule is a Lie (Lie=Fake)

    7. Keep it PG-13. Honostly, if you're gonna have THAT type of thing happen, then its goin in the closet, and you're doing a time skip. No details, or so help me. I'll even put you on my ignore list -.-

    8. TRY and stay in charecter? I'll allow a bit of free range, but really. Lexaeus isn't a chatter box. We all know this -.-

    9. Rule 13 is The Cake (hope you're reading the rules or else you probably won't get this)

    10. Your charecter can have 2 abilities if it isn't a main element. If it is a main element like what Org. XIII has though, then they can only have that one. This only goes for OC's

    11. Uh, ya. No Godmodding. I'll tell you if you are doing it. If I don't think it is that bad though then I'm not gonna step in. If you have that much of a problem then pm me. Oh ya, and that includes all org members. You can control your elements, ok? But no giant Tsunami's, earthquakes, volcano's, ect

    12. No keyblade copy cats. And no one from other worlds are aloud on this new world. It's gonna end up extending outward more into a universal sort of thing and end up goin for kingdom hearts. Until then though, it's all happening on this world

    13. Put in "Round House Kick" in your first post, ok?


    Orginization XIII:

    I.Xemnas: Hellkitten
    II.Xigbar: Hellkitten
    IV.Vexen: Near-To-Tears
    V.Lexaeus: Deathsight44
    VII.Saix: Deathsight44
    VIII.Axel: Fire Mage
    IX.Demyx: Water Mage
    X.Luxord: Dexnail
    XI.Marluxia: Last of the Orginization
    XII.Larxene: Deathsight44
    XIII.Roxas: Hellkitten
    XIV: Xioimara (not an official member yet): Hellkitten

    Opposing group:
    (unlike org XIII, their numbers ARE their rankings. I'm gonna put XIII positions down for now, but it can grow in size as time goes on)

    I. Toxyn
    II. Xaigea
    III. Paxn
    IV. Fraxo
    V. Kuaxa
    VI. Xeol
    VII. Shixoh
    XIII. Kexim

    Humans: (yes, there are humans. Very few though. If they are in the gang, then it isn't by choice obviously. and humans don't have powers either)

    OC Form:

    Race: (human or nobody)
    appearance: (pic or description)
    Power: (this doesn't go for any humans)
    theme song: (it's optional)

    OC list:
    Name: Kexim
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    appearance: 6'2" tall. He has brown hair, brown eyes, and doesn't have too many noticible features. His eyes have black circles around them, obviously due to lack of sleep. His skin is pretty white, a bit pale-ish. Strangely enouph though, he looks very athletic, even for someone of his profession. Not too athletic, but certainly no push over.
    Personality:He can act like a harmonal teen at most times, but also has his serious side. He is as unpredictable as a child, and you never know what he might be thinking. Most tend to describe him as weird, strange, or just plain out of it. None the less, he loves a good fight though, and though he is trying to work on being more respectful towards others, he still struggles in doing so.
    Weapon:He has two mechanicle gauntlets which, when activated, spred over his arms, holding two pillars within each, which stretch off of his shoulders. He can stretch the boulders out, then slam them back into his arms, causing a shockwave into the opponents body if used the right way
    Power: None
    History: As a kid, he used to know Xioimara as a friend. He always did have a thing for her, though he obviously never told her. One day though, she ended up turning into a nobody, though he never had any idea. The leader of the gang ended up taking her in, and when he did, he followed after as an attempt to keep on watching over her. He's the only human that's actually in it, since he makes all of their technology and is their best stratagist. he still doesn't know that Xioimara has ran away though...
    theme song: Young by Hollywood Undead
    rank: XIII

    Race: Nobody
    appearance: Xioimara has medium length brown hair and hazel eyes. She is about 5' 3". For now she wears a torn red shirt, black converse and ruined/torn black skinny jeans.
    Personality: Xioimara is quiet. Sometimes however she can be comical and talkative depending on who she is around. She plans to join Organization XIII.
    Weapon: Nature-Trees, ground, ect;
    Power: Xioimara can turn into a dog(Rottweiler x Border Collie x German Shepard) and can control nature.
    History:Xioimara escaped from the rival organization and was rescued by Organization XIII.
    Theme Song: So What-P!nk

    appearance: Paxn has medium length thick blond hair(just below the ears) and green eyes. He stands at 6' 4".
    Personality:Paxn is a quiet fellow. He mostly keeps to his room, studying and prefers to fight/train alone.
    Weapon: Explosions.
    Power: Paxn can cause explosions depending on the amount of friction he wishes, will impact the size of the explosion.
    History: Paxn joined the rival organization with the wish of power also.

  2. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Race: Nobody
    appearance: Xioimara has medium length brown hair and hazel eyes. She is about 5' 3". For now she wears a torn red shirt, black converse and ruined/torn black skinny jeans. Xioimara also has white guaze wrapped around her neck, hiding what is yet to be known.
    Personality: Xioimara is quiet. Sometimes however she can be comical and talkative depending on who she is around. She plans to join Organization XIII.
    Weapon: Nature-Trees, ground, ect;
    Power: Xioimara can turn into a dog(Rottweiler x Border Collie x German Shepard) and can control nature.
    History:Xioimara escaped from the rival organization and was rescued by Organization XIII.
    Theme Song: So What-P!nk

    appearance: Paxn has medium length thick blond hair(just below the ears) and green eyes. He stands at 6' 4".
    Personality:Paxn is a quiet fellow. He mostly keeps to his room, studying and prefers to fight/train alone.
    Weapon: Explosions.
    Power: Paxn can cause explosions depending on the amount of friction he wishes, will impact the size of the explosion.
    History: Paxn joined the rival organization with the wish of power also.
    Theme Song: Circles by Hollywood Undead
  3. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Name: Xaigea
    Age: 22
    Gender: female
    Race: Nobody
    appearance: Short white hair, average build, 5'7" tall, slate grey eyes, tends to wear tight gothic styled clothes.
    Personality: Manipulative and cold to a frightening level, even for a Nobody. She will stop at nothing to reach her goal.
    Weapon: Throwing needles.
    Power: Shadow.
    History: Her 'Somebody' was Kaita's mother, she has since then been training and working Kaita has hard as possible to turn her into a strong Nobody to join the gang as soon as she can to up the ranks.
    Theme song: Mordred's Lullaby ~ Heather Dale (mother)
    Rank: II

    Name: Kaita
    Age: 10
    Gender: female
    Race: Human
    Appearance: Very skinny, 4'10", short white hair and vivid green eyes, usually wears lightweight baggy pale coloured dresses.
    Personality: She is very kind and thoughtful by nature. However she will force herself to be 'tough' and 'strong' when ordered by Xaigea.
    Weapon: Sword/Kunai (depends on which she has on her at the time)
    Power: n/a
    History: Her mother was turned into a Heartless when she was seven years old, and since then she has spent her life trying to gain the non-existent love of her mother's Nobody, Xaigea.
    Theme song: Mordred's Lullaby ~ Heather Dale (child)

    I'm guessing I'm being rank II as you said I'd be your second or whatever, but if not then I don't really mind what rank.
  4. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    heya may i be Luxord :)
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
  6. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Ok. Hellkitten and Near-To-Tears are in.

    Sorry Akua, but until I have seen proof that you have read the rules, then I can't accept you -.-'
    Oh ya, and same goes for you cstar

    as well as you dexnail
  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    i edited my post.. :| it took me a while to find it.. and i was pretty sure i read the rules.. RIGHT
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Cstar is in

    No dexnail you did not. Still not accepted -.-'

    Btw, I put in at the bottem a spot to put your rank. Cstar prolly didn't see that. So what rank do ya want?
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    VII i posted it before but I was worried that was something you didn't ask for at first... THEN i saw it.
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Ok then, you got the rank, lol. Just need a few more people then
  11. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alright now i saw the rule sorry about that my eyes been bugging me today well the edit is on the first post
  12. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Oh, right. Ya, I already added ya in, lol
  14. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    May I give you a Round House Kick?

    Race: Nobody
    appearance: Messy short black hair, Bron and Green eyes, Wearing a black shirt wit jeans and some plain black shoes
    Personality:He has multiple personalities one second he is very annoyed and will even turn against his friends the next he will feel bad about it...So sometimes he wishes to join organization XIII other times he just wants them out of the way. Also hes very talkative.
    Weapon:A staff that extends and clay models (using his power to allow them to attack)
    Power: He can manipulate objects sizes and even make them become living to do whatever he wants them too
    History:He remembers nothing about being human yet he continues to fight...Neither with the organization nor with the other nobodies, he believes that if he wipes out all nobodies then he will become human again. He allies with the few humans wandering around
    theme song: Let the bodies hit the floor - Drowning pool
  15. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Hmmm. We have a rank VII already. and also idk if you read the rules right....
    re-read the rules and fix your bio. also, you can't do the 'anything you want with them'. Idk, that just leaves too much room for god modding. sorry man

    "Tgh. Broad." Toxyn said, spitting on the ground. he stood upon his thrown. It was very much unlike that of chairs within the castle of The World that Never was. The room itself was completely different. He appeared to be inside of a mall like complex. Top floor, within a movie theater. Where the movie screen would be, was where his chair stood, made up from the cushioning which the seats were made out of. The entire mall itself could have been said to be his 'castle'. Before him stood a nobody, who had observed the scene in which finding the 3 new comers save Xioimara. "So what. Some guys come in thinking they're touph shit and try and save the traiter." He grumbled to himself.
    "GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE!" he yelled, as other of his own 'dusks' appeared before him. "Go get the rest of the members. Tell em to gather up here. We godda work on getting those dammed humans and try and find that broad Xioimara." he snapped at them, and before he could get the chance to speak more, they all dissapeared. One minion being sent to each member of their group, to deliver the message that it was time to gather.
    He went back to his seat after the quick yelling session, and sat back down. He displayed anger, rationess in action, and arrogance. Obviously quick to throw insults as well. It was what most of their kind did. Thinking that if they pretended to have emotions then they'd be able to hang onto what little emotion they may have tricked themselves into thinking they had. In the end though, they were all shells. Every last one of them...

    Fraxo stood outside, looking across what seemed like miles of desert to veiw a near by forest. It was strange. Ever since they had first taken over the city that they resided in and took hold of the mall as their HQ, the entire area had been drying out. Trees were dieing, and everything was turning into a vast desert. The city in the sand was what any forms of resistance seemed to call them. It was a small planet, but it helled all sorts of elements which created its vast turrains. Toxyn's group had captured half of it already. "Earth, fire, wind, water, and nature. Only 5 terrotories, and 5 left for humans to hide in. Meh" he said, as he had a seat on the blacktop. Though most of the area was now desert, there were still streets around.
    He laid down, looking up into the sky, his fro serving as a cushion for his head, when suddenly, beside him, a nobody minion appeared before him. "Ja?" he asked, as the nobody began to transmit information to him through mental telepathy.
    Upon gaining the information, he let out a sigh. "There goes our nature user." he said, digging into his pocket. He pulled out a cigerate, and lit it, placing it in his mouth. The nicotine always did him good. When he was still human, he quit smoking for some time since it was bad for his heart, but.....well, he obviously didn't have to worry about that now. Without giving it a second thought though, he opened a portal, appearing at the meeting destination.

    Laying on a bed, her arms cross, as well as her legs, Larxene looked up at the white cieling.Her, Marluxia, Axel, and all the others had been positioned in this dull, lifeless place, becoming a second branch of the orginization, and she had NOTHING to do. "Ugh" was all that escaped her lips, a noise of disgust, as she quickly rose up from her bed and stormed out of her room, walking within the halls of the castle. Unlike most of the members, she hadn't prefered to simply use portals, since she always kept her figure in check, being well known as the skinniest member of the orginization. She grumbled all the way, as she began searching the halls for someone.
  16. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara sat quietly in the corner of a room. Her hands were handcuffed. All hopes to get rid of these things had been thrown overboard. Xioimara looked over at a tall figure on the other side of the room. Back to her. All he had said to her is that his name was Lexaeus. Attempts to annoy him or get him to speak had also been given up. Xioimara sighed and rolled her eyes, a bored expression on her face, she took interest to watching the wall for now.

    "You don't have to ignore me, y'know..." She mumbled to Lexaeus. He didn't seem to care. She was having thoughts that he could possibly be deaf. Oh joy. Xioimara coughed and exhaled heavily. She glanced at Lexaeus, still had his back to her. She shut her eyes tightly for a few moments, this would be sure to get his attention, hopefully. A neon green light sprouted from the ground next to her, neon green leaves sprouted from it, it was already wilting however. This at least made the lighting around her a little brighter. She blinked as another figure approached Lexaeus.

    "Number V," Xemnas said as he approached Lexaeus, he noticed a green light in the back of the room by the girl they had recently found. Xioimara was her name as he recalled. "Xioimara is under your care for now." It was an order. Not a request. A meeting was being called and leaving Xioimara alone didn't seem like the wisest idea.

    "Get to know her also." Xemnas added.

    "I'm right here, y'know. I can hear you guys!" Xioimara said to Xemnas, he was gone though. "Uh,"

    Xemnas took his seat in Where Nothing Gathers. He had sent out a message to the rest of the Organization to meet here. The first to appear were Roxas and Xigbar. Unusual, they were normally among the last to arrive.

    Paxn sat at his study desk in his room. A nobody appeared beside him. He didn't look at it. Paxn was well aware it was there.
    "She deserves better." Paxn commented and shut his book, standing up, he placed his book in the corner of his desk. Poetry. A portal appeared behind Paxn, he left to the meeting area after straightening up his study spot. He was aware this would be of no good. Probably ranting of all things.

    Toxyn was infuriated by this. Of all the emotions they could fake Toxyn often got a hold of anger. Paxn didn't very much see the big deal, it was her choice to escape. There was more to the story he hoped.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    A grunt came from Lexaeus, him not wanting to take on the responsibility of this......insolent child. He turned around to face her, and walked over to her, arms cross, and glaring down upon her. "Hmph. Babysitting." he said, a slightly annoyed voice, as he reached his hand down, and clutched the back collar of her shirt, and lifted her into the air. He created a portal infront of himself, and stepped through it with his new lacky, reappearing upon his chair, and resting Xioimara upon his lap. "Stay." he said to her, though just before he went silent, he added in "Or else," and with that, he placed his hand on her shoulder, and tightend his grip, making it hurt only a little bit. While doing so, he looked to his left, seeing Larxene appear in her chair as well, a blank expression on her face, of boredum

    Kexim had already showed up in the room. He always had to follow a portal made by one of the lesser nobodies, since he himself was no nobody. He looked over at his left to see Paxn. "Whoever chose the movie theater to be the meeting room was an ass" he grumbled. "Oi, so why are we here?" he asked Paxn. He never asked Toxyn these things. He knew how Toxyn liked to display angerness and to strut his power around as often as possible.
  18. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Luxord was walking around the gambler heard about the current events but decided to wait for time to do its work. The Gambler of Fate walked to the common meeting room as he looked at his faithfull cards. "so time once again brings forth another interesting nobody" Luxord said to himself as he got closer to the meeting room. When the Gambler of Fate looked up not focusing on shuffling his cards he saw Larxene being bored"typical" Luxord silently muttered to himself. Afterwards his blue eyes came upon The Silent Hero like the name applaid the gient was silent most of the time but when the man did speak it was not wasted words. Luxord appeard at his seat taking an few moments observing who arrived and who did not. "good evening dear superior" The Gambler of Fate said to Xemnas calmly with his britsh accent and fluent words.

    OOC:well here is my OC
    Name: Xeol
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Race: nobody
    appearance: http://decembersfang.deviantart.com/art/Calm-Xeol-130282536 has jade green eyes and brown hair the tear mark is black,he does not wear the uniform thats in the pic instead he wears brown cargo pants and an black shirt that has NIN in white on the front of it and black tennis shoes.
    Personality: childish,hates boredom,very nosy,friendly but when he fights his personality becomes sadistic
    Weapon: fogged memories(an sharp silver dagger)
    Power: able to create and controll fog, able to turn fog into daggers and make clones out of it
    History: When he was very young his somebody parents got killed forcing Leo to live on the streets.Before Leo lost his heart he sacraficed himself to save his friends Amber and Tidus. While he still had an heart he learned to do what ever possible to survive so even as an nobody Xeol does that. After an while of being an nobody the fog wielder stumbled across the group and joined.
    theme song: headstrong
  19. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "You should really have a more positive outlook on life, Cheri." Xioimara said to Lexaeus and looked at her hands, as she was seated down. Yes, this was odd. She didn't really appreciate it and felt rather underminded. She looked at her handcuffs, they were pretty tight. She looked at Lexaeus as he spoke to her. His voice was almost frightening.
    "Fine. Fine." She glanced at all the other arriving members, a questioned look on her face. This was very different from her old HQ. "You really should listen to whoever you were talking to back there. You DO need to open up to people." She noted, looking back up at Lexaeus, her form shifted into her dog form. Her snout, belly, legs and tail were light brown, the rest of her was slightly darker except for a dark brown line that followed her spine and her paws were apricot. A metal piece that looked like a metal collar shone under her neck fur for a moment, it was easily covered however.
    Xioimara poked Lexaeus with her paw, "It's the quiet ones that blow up." She added. She didn't mean any of this. It was an attempt to strike up conversation with Lexaeus. He did save her after all, the least she could do is get to know this Silent Hero. He wasn't even paying attention to her as far as things went. Xioimara lifted her front paws, looking at the cuffs. She noticed that her paws could easily slip out.

    And they thought they could keep her captive! Xioimara glanced at everyone from the corner of her eye, she noticed one of them looking at her for a moment, he knew she was up to something. He had an eye patch and a scar on the side of his face. She raised an eyebrow and looked at the man. It was apparent. He knew what she was going to do. Xioimara was afraid he'd sing like a canary, it was now or never.
    "Hey," Xioimara started and poked Lexaeus again to get his attention. "Wanna see a magic trick?" She whispered to Lexaeus, "I can make these handcuffs-disappear!" She whispered to him a sly expression on her face. She lifted her paws and they slipped off. Her form changed back to her human form as she caught them.
    "Tada!" She said to Lexaeus, smiling, it changed after a moment to a frown, "Well I didn't make them disappear, but this is good enough, no?" She asked him and looked at the handcuffs. Xioimara jumped down from his lap. This was a bother. She landed on her feet and stood up looking at everyone. She felt a jolt of pain in her neck, she had gauze wrapped around her neck. Enough to hide whatever she was hiding.
  20. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Larxene shot a glare at Xaldin the second he even said anything. "You're one to talk. You're just as bored I bet. Unless you're busy looking at the new girl still. Pedo." She said in a nasty tone towards him, turning her veiw away from him, and going back to her bored expression from before.

    "Runt." was all Lexaeus grumbled. He stood up, out of his chair, and glared down at Xioimara, now that she was making a fool out of him. He jumped from his seat, landing on the ground on both feet, causing the whole room to literally rumble , Larxene noticingly struggling to stay in her own seat. Lexaeus approached Xioimara, and, without hesitation, before she could even object, he raised the back of his hand. "You require manners." he said, as he brought his hand down, backhanding a bit of 'manner' into her, striking her to the ground with his giant, muscular hand. Not hard enouph to leave a bruise or make the girl bleed, but none the less, just enouph to get his point across. "Behave." he ordered her, waiting to see what her reaction may be.

    ooc: I'll post as the others later. and Xeol's in. I'll add him later as well

    "Wait, WHAT?! She's gone?! What the hell happend?!" Kexim asked. To him, the only reason he had even joined this group was just so that way he could keep an eye on her. Though he knew that she hadn't remembered, they had been friends when she had been a somebody. Even as a nobody though she seemed to drag him into trouble, and now he was stuck with a bunch of heartless people who only used him for his technicle skills.

    "Shut it." Toxyn said to Kexim, not in the mood to deal with some stupid emotional human. He turned his attention quickly to Kuaxa though. "That's why we have you. As long as you keep a grasp on your own terrotory, then you can keep the area there alive. You just aren't doing a good enouph job is all." He said to Kuaxa. "As for the planet itself, we still have time for that. We need to conquer the dammed thing first. But..." He said, as he walked back over to his fancy chair. "Everyone, for now, have a seat." He said, pointing to the chairs of the movie theater.

    Kexim was still in a slight shock, but he sat down in one of the cushioned, movie theater chairs. Though it didn't have the class of orginization XIII's chairs, it was much better then sitting on a giant chair made of stone.

    "Last night, 3 people, just like us, appeared while my minions were hunting down the traiter. We're obviously short one member because of that broads dissapearance, but, that's not the main issue. The problem is, whoever those 3 were, they took down my guys with ease. It's something that most humans can't do. From what I'm told, they seemed to be like us in some ways. So, you guys better start talken. We had 3 guys. A giant with brown hair, a midget with spikey hair and a giant key, and a gay guy with pink hair. Ring any bells?" Toxyn asked them, glaring at them all. He seemed pretty outfront towards Marluxia's appearance, obviously being prejudgemental towards him.

    Fraxo had a seat, sitting down infront of Kexim, his afro getting in the way of Kexim's veiw.
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