Almost everybody is asleep...I wonder whet you all are dreaming ? be creepy or anything *looks around awkwardly* >>
Nightmares are the worst. Whenever I wake up from one, I feel so relieved that whatever happened wasn't real.
I dream about flying a lot. Well, it's more like jumping and then gliding and then feeling utterly horrified to touch back down. I'm glad I don't remember most of my dreams.
I have those quite frequently too. Only they have something to do with my dream. Like I jump off something and I can feel the fear and the rush and I see quick flashes of stuff in my dream. Ugh it's a weird feeling.
I'm usually just at a familiar location and for some reason I've suddenly got mad ups and some glide capability. It'd be pretty awesome if I didn't hover above the ground for ages on my glide wondering if I'd be able to touch down at all and what will happen if I do. I do have to appreciate the coherency of time and place my dreams offer.
I have the same ability, but I don't experience the problem with landing. It comes naturally to me. As soon as I find a need to jump and fly, I do.