Lmfao. Anyway... Well, you actually made a good decision in making this diagonal... It helps the flow. The colors need TLC because the chick is yellow-y and the rest is blueish. The splatter on her neck needs to go, and I think some white pentooling will look nice here.
I personally don't care for the angle i guess? Like the white background is my problem; I think w/o it itd be amazing! But WOW, those colors are gorgeous. I love the aquas :)
What now, it's all choppy on the border. Stick to vert or hori xD The render itself doesn't match with the sig. It's like a slap on. Try blending it more and changing the colors to make it match. Lose the border too.
I can tell dude xD Everyone started doing vert tags because they realized the size capacity allowed them to. Before they thought they had to stick to the size itself strict to the height and width.
>_>; Yeah.... I just did it 'cuz I had no room for mah render in a hori... xD Anyways, this sig got some major lulz from me, but aside from that, not a bad sig.