No, you are not, because Twilight sucks. I saw part of the movie on youtube...and I stopped wanting to watch it because it was boring and the characters were kind of stupid.
You aren't the only one. I thought it was terrible. The only good part was Kirstin Stewart. She was hot.
To be honest I'm scared for Watchmen. Ever since Spiderman 3 and X-men 3, I've learned to fear movies originating from comic books. Not only that, but The Spirit got a D, and both movies are directed by Frank Miller. WE MUST PRAY FOR WATCHMEN. THEY ARE OUR ONLY HOPE.
D:< God doesn't like that bad talk. He will strike you down with his Lightning! =DDD Thank you, I LUB it. <333333333333333 I'm happy it makes you happy. <33333333333
Well I said it looks like it, only there are more noobs and khv has turned into some cross-symbiotic relationship creature-like thing with the absolute worse of 4chan.