So it's 12:38 AM. Mom: *comes in* You went to bed around 1:00 AM yesterday and could hardly get up in the morning. Go to bed or you're not driving my car. Me: Whatever! Mom: Don't whatever me. Me: *slams headphones on computer desk* Mom: *comes back in* We need to figure this out. Me: No! I'm sick of you not trusting me! I don't know how many times I have to tell her that I stayed awake until after 3:00 AM one morning, woke up around 6:00 AM, and drove perfectly fine that day. I'm 21 for crying out loud! Fall asleep behind the wheel my ass!
Why not accept that while you live with your parents, you live by their rules? Also 21 =/= you can drive safely with little sleep.
Ouch. I know how it feels to not be trusted by parents (can't walk two blocks alone, blah blah blah) but she's still your mom and she's letting you live under her roof, even when you're 21.
I've been tired before when driving. We left Seattle after 10:00 PM one night when we were visiting my grandfather and were on the interstate for over two hours. I went over the line a few times, but as far as I know, I wasn't falling asleep, I was just tired and not paying close attention. Ever since then, every time we drive late at night from a long day visiting somewhere, it's "Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay?" Pester, pester, pester. She says if I'm tired, I need to suck up my pride of driving at night and let her drive because she's been driving a lot longer. She was tired, too, though, that night. How would she drive at night and not make my mistakes? In regards to the arguments, she said the 3:00 AM thing was one time, and if it happened again, I could be tired and have problems driving. She also said it's not an issue of trust, but safety. [DOUBLEPOST=1360081623][/DOUBLEPOST] Thank you, Cat. I appreciate that.
I know the feeling of an overprotective mother. However, as she said "it's not an issue of trust, but safety." Even though she was tired too, she would rather be the one to take the responsibility for a wreck than her son. Because if it came down to a mother and child getting hurt or something else bad were to happen, the mother would not care as much for herself as long as her child remains happy and safe. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a child after 21 years. And nowadays, it is quite common for people to fall asleep while driving, so she makes it a priority to ensure that you are well rested before driving. Looking out for you! :) Arguments do get tiring and repetitive, but it's an argument of reason I suppose you could say ^-^ Lots of love for her son!
The point is, you live by her rules. If you don't like that, get a job, pack up your stuff, and move out, simple as that.
No, I mean she has more experience with staying awake because she drove horse trailers around a lot and such before I was born.
Oh, I was referring to when you said "She was tired, too, though, that night. How would she drive at night and not make my mistakes?"
Agree with both of these. Even if she also has little sleep, it's just a matter of fact that your mom has probably 5x the amount of driving experience as you do. If she thinks you shouldn't be driving with little sleep, it's probably because she's been there before and has seen the consequences of it and/or experienced them herself. Parents are strict yeah, because in most cases they don't want you to repeat the same mistakes they've made before. Not saying that they're always right, because there will be times where you prove them wrong, but with something like driving that can be a pretty definite matter of life and death sometimes, it's best to trust the judgment of your parents on that one. And like strfruit said, she's only doing it out of love and to keep you out of harm's way. :v My mom and I don't always agree either, but there's a point where you have to suck it up and stop trying to prove a point, because they know the situation a lot better than you and know how to best handle it.
Thank you, Alex. Your post means a lot. Something I forgot to mention is that I told her on the weekdays I can sleep in because Yakima Valley Community College (where I'm studying for my GED) is open from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and is closed on Fridays, but I have to take her to work in the mornings around 8:00 AM, which is only about a five-minute drive to and from, and I guess, according to her, that's enough for something to happen.
But seriously just be safe dude, if you can do it, do it, if you can't, get some rest. But always take your mom's thoughts into consideration.
I'm on your mom's side. If it was your car, it's one thing, but it's hers. For one, you shouldn't drive with a lack of sleep anyway. I understand that you may be able to function normally without it, but I can see why your mother would be against it. Secondly, 21 or not, it's her house. Her house, her rules. Thirdly, it's her car. Not to mention the safety issues of it alone, but if you crashed her car, would you be the one paying to fix it? I crashed my mom's car and she had to buy another one because I wasn't able to afford it at all. That set our family back quite a bit. Do you really answer your mother with "Whatever!"? That's a very rude way to talk to your own mother.
Pretty much this. I'm not sure if I would want to compare driving under the influence to driving with a lack of sleep, but trust me, it's still dangerous