Where you just want to flip out on someone that's annoying you, but can't? Like for example, I was in class once and there was this girl behind me that was extremely annoying, that kept talking and making noise and whatnot. I wanted to close my laptop and smash it repeatedly over her head. Another time, and this was recently, was when I was waiting at a train station with my travel bags, and when the train arrived a person cut me off and was VERY VERY slow. I wanted to throw my bags at him. I have problems
I have a problem with repeated noises, like people drumming on desks or clicking pens. It drives me nuts. So you can imagine how many friends I make in school.
I'm glad i dont' go to your school lol I have problems with people that just CONSTANTLY talk about the same game, over and over again. Makes me want to find said game and erase it from all existence.
If someone annoys me enough, i like to imagine them dying a slow and painful death at my hand's alone, helper are needed for the more painful...how you say...testing...
People. People who are incredibly slow and when you attempt to get around them other stuff may get in the way and so your just stuck... moving a few metres an hour :/8D: Also, big headed people who don't shut up about themselves... ...and people who won't stop complaining about people...
I don't have a problem if you're using the type that need to be clicked before you begin writing, but the kids who sit there and furiously mash the button up and down omg, I want to make their heads roll
When people start acting like idiots and I end up getting dragged into situations I could very easily avoid. I want to choke the living life out of them.
That's exactly what i do. I'll be bored in a test or something and just start clicking my pen constantly. It's something that i do to pass the time.
No. I usually get them to stop without making much of a scene. I flip out if my efforts are useless. Like with Heinlein.
Come live in Miami for fifteen years. When you're done, it'll be a miracle if you're not in prison for mass murder.