So I don't know if there's a topic about this, excuse me if there is. What I wanted to talk about is the event in Egypt at the moment. About Mubarak and such. I have family living in egypt, and i can't make contact. I 'm not that worried about them, my grandma is to stuborn to die. I'm just wondering if anyone knows about what's happening there...
Yeah, I have been keeping up. They are overthrowing the dictator, and making demands for a new system of government. Riots everywhere in order to make the overthrow real, and not just a bunch of opinions. If they are in much danger, it is from the state backlash to the riots, or in causing riots where they suspect suspicious characters. They can arrest anyone at a riot that they cause, you see, even over here in the US.
You know what's the worst thing? They destoyed the museum...:( And the one who did it were police agents...
Pigs will be pigs... I would hate to see it turn into a democracy, though. Even without leaders, if everyone votes to stone you, you get stoned. Mob rule is no better than a dictator's rule, in the end.
I just heard about how my family is living right now. My grandma can't get food. My nephews and nieces are out on the streets and my uncle's store is completly destroyed. My dad probably want's to go home right now...
Mmm... Well, the best of luck to them, and my condolences. It is always good to consider the fact that you still exist, and persist in that, and that is the advice that I would give anyone in hard times. It tends to make all circumstance irrelevant, and so it makes life easier, at least, it does for me.
Don' t you have news about Egypt in Holland ? It' s all over the front pages here. For some reason I can' t find any recent news about it in English. Internet was entirely shut down in Egypt for a while, but it' s back online now. In case you happen to speak/read French : The manifestations turned into a battle three days ago, but the army managed to cool down the situation. Edit : wait, I found something in Arab :
Some that I found that are in English- Those are the only ones I found that sound correct in terms of news.
The situation has just gone downward the the last week or so. I understand why it's taking place, why it needs to take place but this is going to cause absolute panic and destruction for Egypt, expecially Cairo, if the situation isn't controlled. Mubarak isn't going to be able to do that by simply reassuring his people. He should just resign to allow the egyptian community to finally get some peace back. But nope, Mubarak I imagine is a stubborn son of a *****, I doubt he's going to give up his powerful position so easily. I'm sure he'll plan something in order for the Egyptian people to rely on him and cosolodate his power. This is just a bad situation in general, an example of a bad dictatorship. What I am most annoyed about in this situation is America. Obama wants to implement a democracy into Egypt? Leave it alone! Egypt can make up its own mind about what it wants to do, it doesn't need any other country to tell it otherwise. If they want a democracy then they'll choose it, simple as. And it's all because American politicians want to place a puppet in power in order for them to control Egypt from the inside and therfore get better trading deals in oil and other benefits. You think after America put the Taliban in control of Afghanastan that they wouldn't attempt to influence another country's politics, but nope here they are again trying to do the same thing. How ignorant.
Hmm, maybe democracy is not such a good idea for Egypt. Anyway, I think that even if Mubarak goes away, the streets need to be repaired, along with the buildings. And then there's always the food suply, they can not get food that easily.. And yes, we can see what is happening on Al Jazeera, but my family lives there, (a part of it) and so we were worried about them...
I'm really surprised he stepped down. Wonder what or mainly who was the greatest reason for his stepping down? I would like to say the people did it, but I have doubts. Any which way this is a crucial time now for Egypt, and I hope they make the best decision for them and forget about outside influences against them. Hope the void that Mubarak left is filled by something good instead of a greater evil.
Yes, i think they arer facing a bigger problem now, they don't want a second Mubarak...Have you heard about those police men by the way?
I've not heard much from the news actually. I've not been very focused on it, all I know through someone telling me was that Egypt is currently under military rule until a cohesive system can be put in place. Someone or a group are gonna have to take charge of it all, I can just imagine the chaos. Political shitstorm is an understatement. What's happened with the police anyway?
They say that they deserve more money, and that they don't want to end up in jail because they murdered people. And a friend of mine said Mubarak will be back, I sure hope not...