I have no idea why I wanted to do this but here is a list of members that have all three of the current event pins. 9001, Chevalier, Christhor, Fearless, Guardian_Soul, Jayn, KH2man13, Kubo, mixt, muff monkey, Plums Vi Britannia, Stardust, tummer Note 1: 13 members there. Bit creepy Note 2: Excel wants to place Mish at the end of the alphabetical list. Poor girl.
There are many definitions the word Pin First it's a Personal Identification Number, used as a code to bank accounts and that sort of shazz Second, you get pins at bowling which is a game where you use a ball and you must try to knock 10 pins down. Thirdly, some girls (...and guys?) use them to grip hair back, called a hair pin Fourthly, they're used to stick things to notice boards Fifthly, they're used to pin things together, this is called a safety pin. Sixthly, you use is as a kitchen utensil in which to roll something out so it is flat, a rolling pin. Seventhly, it is another name for a badge or medal. Also, to pin is an adjective in which one sticks something to something else using a pin. Does that help? :D *shot*