Yeah kinda thought about whether or not i should post this but i need CnC to get better. That is why you are all going to post REAL CnC
First of all, drop the text. It's bleak color is making the effects look a bit off. Other than that, I really think this is perfect. The paint, coloration, and background are all magnificent. Well done.
Holy crap LittleBigPlanet FTW. 8D Anyways, I like it. Don't drop the text. The only thing I can say is that the depth feels a bit awkward IMO.
The text is alittle to low in color. Maybe something more yellow and blue would work out. I don't really know if the dots on the right are text, or effect, but maybe fade them some, it makes the paint smears all weird looking. xD The sit background is great, it kinda needs to be more brighter, but that's all I can really think of. :noworries: Great Job, babe.