Well sort of, it's been a while since I've picked up photoshop and I found myself with a spare minute : D I followed a tutorial on the website sigresource.com (I'm finding it very useful for this sort of thing) but it didn't come out like the original piece that the person had done in the tutorial xD Oh well, and I hated the result all the way through it until the very end when I realised the colours weren't that bad (to me). Anyway, CnC is much appreciated.
ERMAHGERD! AYERN MERN! In all seriousness, I love it. The colors are absolutely fantastic, the placement of everything is gorgeous, and come on, who doesn't love this man? The only criticism that I have is that he could've been blended in more in certain spots (like the side of his palm where you see white). Other than that though, I am really impressed, and maybe I should use a tutorial someday. lol, just kidding. I will never touch a tut for anything, ever. >:3
Well thank you : D There are a few spots that could definitely use some blending xD this technique is weird and new to me so I shall keep practising it! I am also experimenting with the different places where smudging is best so thank you for the critique :3 You wouldn't touch a tutorial with a barge pole really but you'll find them very useful... >:3