
Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Hissora, Oct 9, 2006.

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  1. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    Exactly. I have to agree, LOTR was better than Eragon.

    It seemed like everyone seemed a perfect job with this movie. Of course, they didn't get it, and they're throwing fits about it. I don't seem them complaining about Harry Potter. -.- There was a crapload of differences there I saw too...hmph. Back on topic now...
  2. Keyblademasta Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 15, 2007
    Alrighty, that is easy enough. I've already said 12 things in my previous post. Thank you for giving me explicit details to post more of the horribleness (I wonder if that's a word, Lol) of the movie. And please don't pull the "you can't fit a 600 page story into a 2 hour movie", cause I know u can't and I expected that, but what bugs me are the little things that could've, if anything, made it a slight better. And I didn't expect that it was gonna be 100% correct. Thats just not possible. I expected about 70-75% percent correct at the most, but they couldn't even stick atleast 5... yes I said 5% to the actual story. And yes, im gonna give u stuff about the hair and stuff, because detail is what makes character. In the harry potter movies they made the characters look almost exactly like the books, but in this, they could'nt even say that Arya was an elf, let alone get her hair the right color, instead of the exact opposite color.

    13. The lady who owns the werecat, wasn't wearing all that jewelery and gold that they showed in the movie.

    14. The lady didn't even own the werecat, in the movie.

    15. When the book started it said that Saphira grew over time, but in the movie, they stupidly decided to make her fly up into the air and have her turn into her full form immediately. LoL, that was so corny.

    16. In the book Eragon never had a dream of Arya, THE ELF, dancing in the forest, nor did they even show her in the forest.

    17. It was the Ra'zak who kill Brom in the book, but I guess they wanted him to die, while saving the elf... to make it more like star wars, when the saved Leia and Obi-Wan died.

    18. In the book, they never even show Arya awake, until after they reach the varden, but in the movie, they decide to do otherwise... for some starnge reason... can u explain any reason they didn't fix any of these. I didn't think so.

    19. In the book it was Murtagh who shoots the shade in the head, but the movie decided to give Eragon the bow. Hmm.

    20. They finally group up with Murtagh BEFORE they get to the prison, but in the movie, it's afterward.

    21. Brom's tomb wasn't supposed to be a diamond ontop of the rock, it was supposed to be a diamond embedded into the mountain, where the rocks from before where.

    22. Murtagh wasn't supposed to be seen in the lady who owns the werecats shop, but once again, the movie seices to amaze me.

    I don't know, I've given you more than 20. Should I humiliate you a bit more, for liking this crappy movie... well i shouldn't say that. But come on: Eragon!?!? This was a perfectly GREAT story, written by someone at the age of ninteen! I feel very bad for him, for signing over the rights. He actually never watched the full movie, or he might've, don't know, but when they were doing the first screening on the lot he left the movie, halfway threw it and never came back in. I stayed there, but one of my work-mates said he was teary-eyed as he left. Phew!
  3. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥


    1. Doesn't change the plot.

    2. Doesn't change the plot.

    3. Doesn't change the plot.

    4. Doesn't change the plot.

    5. Doesn't change the plot.

    6. At least they made it there.

    7. Some of the actors are brand new. And YOU'RE expecting to act like gods?

    8. Doesn't change the plot.

    9. Doesn't change the plot.

    10. There were MANY POINTLESS things in the book too, wasn't there? YES. The people in the theater wouldn't know a good movie if it bit them in the @$$.

    11. The longer they take, the more money they lose. Have any complaints to the director?

    Luke Peters Films
    PO Box: 355U812
    Losers Lane

    Hope you knew that was sarcasm.

    12. Doesn't change the plot.

    13. It didn't change the plot. A change of attire wouldn't hurt.

    14. If you've read Eldest, there's another werecat named Maud. If you have, did you ever think about the fact that she give Eragon his advice. Probably not.

    15. And? So what, she flies in the air and turnes into an adult? The plot wasn't about Saphira growing up, now was it? Uhhh. NO.

    16. Doesn't matter. He saved her from Gil'ead.

    17. Psh. What good are they without Katrina? HUUUUH???

    18. Like I said before, it wasn't going to follow the book entirely. Does it really matter if she was awake or not? She got poisoned, and that's all that matters.

    19. Didn't change the plot. Does it matter who shoots Durza? He comes back anyway. Main point: they shot him.

    20. Who cares? They teamed up with Murtagh.

    21. Doesn't change the plot.

    22. ONCE AGAIN, doesn't change the plot.
  4. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    K, this isn't starting to look very pleasent at all.

    Keyblademasta, I know you're just stating your point of view but if you start critizing and insulting others, I'm going to have report you to the staff.

    The same to you, Roxas. Whilst I agree with what you are saying, keep your tongue in cheek.

    (Yes, I know I'm not a Mod, and I don't care if you think I'm sucking up. But as a member of this forum, we should all try to keep it peaceful, k?)
  5. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    -.- Right. I lost it.

    Thanks DK. ^_^
  6. Keyblademasta Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 15, 2007
    lol, alrighty.
  7. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I know this is totally off-topic crap here, but I do like that vid. you made Keyblademasta. ^_^
  8. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Woah, heated debate about Eragon.

    Is it still in theaters?

    'Cause if it is, I'm totally seeing it.:cool:

    I've never read the book, mainly because I gave up reading for fun in 5th grade, but I might read this one.
  9. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    No, where I am, it's out. :( :( :( :( I wanted to see it at least one more time...

    The book's really good. I suggest you read it. XD And the DVD's coming out in March. *really super uber good birthday present*
  10. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Darn... It's out near me, too...

    I'll read the book. Mabye it'll come out on IO soon. (Doubt it)
  11. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Lol. I liked the books a lot more.

    The movie was just the main plot points of the books. Totally not that good.

    Oh well. :3
  12. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Yet the movie was pretty decent. Alot of errors but if you ignore them, it's a good movie :P
  13. KyrainVsXzan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 20, 2007
    NekutaiMura (don't ask...)

    If you didn't read the book, it's an ok movie, but if you read Eragon, like my sister and I, you will spend the whole time talking about how much it sucks and how many errors there are.
  14. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    But it's kinda rude to talk whilst a movie is running, isnt it?
  15. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    Eaaackkk *ish tired of arguing*

    Yesh it is. You can't be as bad as I was though. I kept kicking the chair ahead of meh when Eraogn came out, and my friends's boyfriends's sister was up ahead of me. Then when you first saw Durza, I swore like....really loud.
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