
Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Hissora, Oct 9, 2006.

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  1. Makkurachi Moogle Assistant

    Nov 29, 2006
    Hmmm... I'm not sure if I'm gonna watch it or not, but I bet my friend is going to force me to, since it's got a dragon in it. XD She loves dragons.
  2. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    Only 3 more days for meh..I can't wait! XD
  3. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    Can't wait to see its ^^
  4. Dimetrix Destiny Islands Resident

    Hehe, I can't wait to watch it too XD I've read both books, and can't wait for the third book to be released.t The Trailer was awesome, but I saw one thing that didn't follow the book. Saphira is supposed to breath fire when she swoops down to save Eragon from Durza, and not when their fighting outside Farthen Dur. Oh and I'm kinda disapointed with the way Arya looks...I kinda imagined her different...=.=, i also imagined Durza different...i imagined him more....Sephiroth like...
  5. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    Durza scares meh. O.O

    I heard a lotta people are flamming it out the wazoo...I'll try to find some sites....

    2 more days...:D

    Edit: Oh my god I saw it the day it came out here...IT'S THE BEST MOVIE EEVVUUURRRR!!!!
  6. xeanuortmaster509 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 5, 2006
    it was ok but the books were better and Arya has black hair and she didn't tell that she was the princess untill the 2nd book
  7. RPGgamer Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2006
    between dark and light
    My friends say it's bad and doesn't follow the storyline right. Arya is supposed to be black-haired, but is blond. Eragon should have brown hair, but is also blond. I got the game though, and it is way off. Brom didn't get killed by a Raz'zac, but he got killed by Durza! The storyline's are way off!:mad:
  8. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    Yeah, thats what my friend said. Ican't believe Christpher Palioni would let them make such a screwed up version of his book.
  9. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    wow... thats sad. i read the first book but never got around to the second one. i liked the book, it was alright.

    i want to see the movie, though now im not so sure. if its that off then it might not be worth it, though i did read the book a long time ago and so do not remember much. ill probably watch the movie for the dragon cause i saw a sneak peak and saphira was so cute as a baby :D ....

    i was also disappointed with the actress playing Arya. she looks too old and... not right for the part. i was happy with the actor for Eragon, though.

    anyways, i hope the movie is not a big let down...
  10. Axel Bloodburn Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 23, 2006
    Yeah, it looks kinda cool. But I think the book was probably better since I never saw a movie better then the book. I'd still like to see it though...
  11. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I loved it, bookwise or not. I know that some of the changes were pretty bad, but geez...
  12. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    I don't think he was involved at all in the making of the movie. I didn't read the books, and thanks to this movie, i probably never will.





    The acting was pathetic and the dialogue was awful. The only redeeming characteristic of the movie was the computer animation.
  13. roxasloverdarius Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 5, 2006
    I might see it, my friend is almost done with the book and she keeps on telling me to read it... + everyone says it's good.:D
  14. Dimetrix Destiny Islands Resident

    I've watched it and is immensely disappointing.The book was just so great....the movie was not. The movie doesnt follow the storyline,the movie feels very rushed,Brom doesn't die in the Hada'rac Desert,Arya shouldn't be awake through a quarter of the journey to the Varden like in the movie,in fact she should never have woken up until they reached the Varden,Saphira grew into a mature dragon in...5 seconds? And that wasn't a fastforward thing,she literally grew up in five seconds,she was supposed to breathe fire when Arya and her come crashing down from the Crystal in Farthen Dur,but instead,she could breath fire before the battle,Brom is revealed to be a Dragon Rider before they went to Gil'lead,instead of being discovered to be a dragon rider moments before he died,he was killed by Durza and not the Raz'zac,Eragon doesnt kill Durza by stabbing him from the back and yelling "Brisingr"but instead he was flung from Saphira's tail while flying and stabbed him in the heart(though I must admit,this way was way cooler)and I don't think they mentioned anything about Eragon being slashed and disfigured on the back by Durza, and Ajihad,Murtagh and the others didn't go in search of Urgals and get killed while Murtagh get captured and Arya ventures in to search for them.Ah yes...and Urgals....Urgals are just big muscular humans in the movie...maybe with slightly sharper teeth...but that is all...their supposed to be orcish and have HORNS!Oh right,and Hrothgar never appears in the battle of Farthen Dur,blah blah, the list goes on.....seriously....the list goes on......and on....and on....and on.......
  15. Axel Bloodburn Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 23, 2006
    I knew it would be something as stupid as that. I know that books are better then movies but this much?!?
  16. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    I seriously loved the book to death, but after hearing that, I don't want to waste my money on a movie that doesn't even follow the stoy line. Now Saphie breathing fire in five seconds? Thats plain wrong. They should've made it like lord of the rings where nothing was rushed, it followed the story, and made a great movie.

    I was expecting this to be an awesome movie, but that just sounded very disapointing.

    Let's just hope Eldest is much better, for it was a bit better book.

    Just because the movie is bad, doesn't mean the book is bad. The book is wonderful and I recomend it to everyone.
  17. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    I guess you're right. I've heard the same thing from a lot of other people, and if i find the time and money, i might try and read the books.

    That doesn't change the fact that this movie was a hideous failure.
  18. Axel Bloodburn Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 23, 2006
    Some people liked the movie, other people plainly hated it..

    Which is it!? :confused:
  19. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    Oh my god yes, this movie sucked a$$. Just looking at the trailers make me want to throw up my lunch. Gee, that's just too bad.

    I'm sick of people talking trash about Eragon. People are totally overreacting about this movie. Eragon is a good movie, but people are just too blind by their rage to see it.

    Some negitive stuff goes first. They did leave a bunch of crap out of the movie. Yeah, it could have been longer. Another 30/40 minutes wouldn't have hurt, would it? They could have actually added Katrina in, or maybe extended Eragon and Durza's fight longer. This, I must admit, is Fox's fault.

    Were the lines cheesy? Yeah, but arn't lines cheesy in every movie? You can't really expect a movie with pure lines, now can you? Every movie I've seen has a bunch of cheesy lines.

    But when you really think about it, Eragon, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars have a lot in common. Eragon, no matter how enjoyable it is, has a Star Wars kind of plot which Fox tried to avoid. Like Brom's beard was taken out because McKellen already had one like it in LOTR, and a princess had black hair in the same movie, so that blanks out Arya's hair.

    Obviously, it's a good movie, but turned down by fans.
  20. John S. Banned

    Dec 9, 2006
    I thought the movie was good.
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