Equal to Animals?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. Gravity Chaser

    Nov 5, 2006
    Blomps are for the soul... <3
    And (for most people) our senses of smell and hearing are a lot dimmer. I know of plenty of acceptions, but that's true for most of us.
  2. ZakuraRabbit Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 4, 2007
    The middle of middle of nowhere
    If you ask me: mankind is the most evil species on the planet.:p
    Within few other species you'll find induvidials who kill and torture other creatures just for fun (I'm talking both animal abuse and abusing of children and other humans)
  3. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Animals do the same thing. They attack other animals (for food or not, they still do it) and us.
  4. ZakuraRabbit Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 4, 2007
    The middle of middle of nowhere
    They attack animals to eat, so they don't die of starvation, or to chase them out of their territory. If they don't do this, they die.

    Humans on the other hand... I've heard of cases were some jerks put a racoon under a bucket and threw hot water on it, causing it to get burnt damages.
    Others, shoot or torture strays animal. Why do they do it? Because they want to eat the racoon? Do they die if they don't beat a defenceless kitten to death?
    I don't think so.
  5. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    No... the energy produced by the dams, is:
    1) a source of renewable energy;
    2) a not pollutant energy, thus it does not contribute to global warming;
    3) it's not used to power up destructive weapons, because it does not produce enough energy to do so;
    4) And if Humans are an evolved species, it's not because we were or weren't supposed to, it's because we ARE!

    And that's enough for now. I'm worried with global warming and the destruction of species that are on the point of extinction, but we can't stop living because of that. Besides it's this kind of energy that most people are against to, because it kills "bunnies and fishies". But doing so, it will bring a lot of advantages, because there will be power for us, water for us and the animals, and the species that lived there will return, with other new species.
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    If it was the human race becoming extinct I bet you say something a lot different.

    There was water before humans came along and the species that all ready lived there would be driven out because of the noise pollution humans give off, so again humans are being selfish, and not even to survive.

    Humans are animals because they have basic instincts every other animal has but they abuse.
  7. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    We are equal, just with different talents. Animals (probably) can't build a house or discover the next number of Pi.
  8. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    Wouldn't you take words to actions, if it was the Human race?

    Since when do dams scare of animals? And besides that I have never seen buildings or any pollution in areas with dams ..
    And what I mean by water, is a water reservoir, usable when needed, without stealing it from Nature..
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I hate the human race, its exictent is a pervertion of nature, they act 'immoral' as many would put it.

    With the pulses, electrical equipment and the occasional villlage living near by the noise would scare off animals, noise pollution is when an area emmits loud oises it affects a wide area scaring of animals and annoying some humans.
  10. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    With the pulses, electrical equipment and the occasional villlage living near by the noise would scare off animals, noise pollution is when an area emmits loud oises it affects a wide area scaring of animals and annoying some humans.[/QUOTE]

    1- If you hate Humans, then don't live in society;
    2- I don't know if you have ever seen a dam before, but all the circuits needed are inside the dam itself; the only electricity you can see there are the lights in the cabin, and phone cables..
    3- Also when I say area, I mean like a big area, cuz usually the dam is built in a river, thus the population can't live too near to it, thus animals only see Humans if they want to..
    4- Animals are more adaptable to noise than we are, their limits of their hearing are usually much higher than ours, so they don't get bothered by it..
  11. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Humans are animals. "But we're smarter!" So what? Sharks have the strongest nose. Does that mean that they can't be animals because they have attributes that other animals don't have? Besides, dolphins have been known to have a language. Dolphins are probably as smart as the average 9-year-old. The onyl reason why we see no dolphin cities is because... no thumbs. Plus, they may see no need to create cities.

    To those of you who are horrified at the way animals are treated: I understand where you're coming from, but when you're sinking your teeth into some good KFC or something, I doubt that the first thing on your mind is "this was a living thing that was killed." I wholeheartedly agree that animals are treated horribly, but the problem is economy. If we made some big, fancy home for every animal that we eat, the price of that meat would go up. Not eating meat is not a good idea. First of all, it's a necessety to eat meat. Second of all, it's not going to stop the meat companies to stop.
  12. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    I agree with the majority of your statement.
    Thats not even true.
    Im with Peace-and-War from what Ive read in this conversation.
  13. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Well, maybe not necessity. But those that eat all 4 food groups are genrally healthier. GENERALLY
  14. justmeh Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 2, 2007
    I would like to remind Peace-and-War that she/he too is a human, and that she(I don't know your gender and don't feel like putting a slash, so I'll just alternate between both genders in this post) very likely contributes to a lot of the things he says she hates so much.

    Humans are animals. We're apes that evolved to a point that we could become dominant over other animals. Don't like the way other animals are being treated? Do something about it rather than contribute to your case of self-loathing.

    Last time I checked, there are programs in order to help reverse a lot of the damage that we've done, and there are people trying to help out animals. Saying that you hate all humans is just kinda stupid. Sorry if you're offended by that, but it's kinda true. XD
  15. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    You could just look at my profile.

    I know I am, which is why I hate myself too, I have done many immoral things in my time and will surely have many in the future, but I am here, so I might as well make the best of it.

    To win any battle you need numbers on your side espically in politics. And too many humans are selfish and only care about their desires. If I was to fight a battle now I would surely lose but if I was to convince more people, then I have a better chance of victory.

    I am not offended easily, so post your thoughts as much as you like.
    Anyway, the problem is that though humans are trying to help it is to little and to late, the damage is to far inflicted to do anything with the numbers that humans have now. May I see the evidence you have that says these programs will work?
  16. justmeh Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 2, 2007
    How the hell am I going to give you proof of something that hasn't even happened yet? Go watch a video where Al Gore talks about global warming, or David Suzuki talks about what we can do for the environment as well.

    OH, here's some proof. President's choice has just introduced a new biodegradable shopping bag to reduce the amount of plastic bags in landfills. Supposedly it'll reduce the number of plastic bags by a number in the billions.

    Why don't you educate yourself on what you can do, and what's being done before coming on the internet and making ******ed remarks about how we're fighting losing battles. If the only thing that you can think of to save the environment is coming on the internet and telling people that you hate all humans because we are all destroying the environment, then you really don't have anything useful to add to this manner at all.

    I didn't bother looking in your profile because I don't particularly care what gender you are, I just wanted to be grammatically correct.

    Also, the way you talk about fighting battles and victory and all that kinda stuff makes you sound like you're some ******ed ten year old who really doesn't know anything about the issues such as global warming or anything along those lines for that matter.

    If you really want help, you need to enlist the aid of Gaia. I'll give you details on how to get her help here.

    EDIT: I found a better video. XD
  17. DrMario64 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 25, 2007
    Jeez, leweez some of you guys are posting like you aren't humans yourself!
  18. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Hmm... I would like to point out that the way we are... it's not like it should be, we are the only living this to change out environment to suit ourselves. We are weak and frail, yet we live when most animals would die if sick or disabled. In a way we screwed up the natural balance of things, not to mention we are killing the planet.

    I must sound harsh and inhuman, but what I say is the truth.

    We kill off other species we enslave them we even treat out own kind like crap, we put animals up for display in zoos and circuses. we have taken them and transfered them elsewhere causing them to sometimes over populate. we teach an animal a trick for a movie or something, what kind of a life does it have after? example: a bird trained to drop a pencil in someones hand, great life for it the one big thing it knows is how to do that.

    All the cruel and inhumane things we do, it's horrendous.
  19. orgXIIIfan King's Apprentice

    May 15, 2007
    Behind you,seeking revenge
    Remember what they say: NOTHING is perfect.
  20. Repliku Chaser

    I do not consider humans to be above the 'animal' condition and we are animals, just more sentient. We evolve and so do animals, constantly. Yes, we destroy in droves and yes, we create marvels. Yes, humans have helped in or are directly responsible for species going extinct. Species also go extinct by mother nature. There are humans that kill off wildlife and those that protect it. As sentient beings it is our responsibility to know and see what some of us do but all humans are not inherently out to destroy our environment.

    Now, I do have to ask why someone would bother hating themselves and also all of humanity when there are plenty of good people out there that fight, lobby and work to make this world a better place. Small things add up and hating just never gets the job done. It is as destructive as those people out there that are feeding cows and chickens recycled dead etc, or those that cramp stock animals up and abuse them etc. What does a person with hate for himself and all others do? Nothing but sit around and rant.

    There are things people who are angered about the situation can do. Lobby for one. Make sure you recycle and buy recycled goods. Carpool or walk to work. Donate some money to good charities or join those charities and get involved with those who are movers and want to see change happen. Though things progress sometimes at a snail pace, it is these people who draw attention to what is happening globally. They learn, seek knowledge and speak out, protest and also do some labor others take for granted while trying to inform the regular citizens who simply do not know what is all happening. These are humans that care so are they bad and worthy to be despised? No laws get passed on environmental scales without these people.

    Now for those who say they are above nature and the dominance etc...need I remind you of the fact that we are our own worst enemies? Mother Nature gets us still. We cannot dominate over the storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, nor make shelters that are impervious to them though we certainly attempt to do so and get better as we go. We also have to deal with the fact that most of us cannot effectively even build a new home and need some specialists to do so. We need doctors to take care of us when we are ill. We have so much intelligence yet the common person doesn't even know how to treat a burn wound correctly or let the simplest scratches become infections. People can use a microwave but don't even know how it works. Most people, if you stuck them on a deserted island, would probably die. The animals though would do just fine unless totally out of their habitat with nothing to relate to at all. Most people cannot hunt, nor can they even farm effectively. We've forgotten for the majority what it means to survive because someone else can always do that task for us. Animals don't forget it. They've made it instinctual. If we were so smart we'd figure out ways to teach all how to do the basics and go from there, but it's something that is being forgotten and traded in for an ipod. For all of the human wonder, if some great catastrophe happened where we lost our technological gadgetry and/or the people to repair them, we'd be seeing a lot less humans around. If nature didn't wipe them out because of ignorance, other humans would do it out of a need to steal so they could survive. We aren't above nature or life. For all we continue to learn, we find out how much more a part of things we truly are.