Before anyone asks, this is indeed the actual thread. The other one was just a joke. Nubs, Moob, Bumf, Pricklebutt. Whatever I call you, you know it’s always meant as a term of endearment despite all the “Cat, u smell go shower u stink” B|. Back in April you did something huge for me (granted, plenty of people did), and for the first birthday… ever really, I felt like I had people by my side (lol, irony) that I could truly call “friends.” So tonight today at 7:01 12:01, I am making this thread so you won’t nag me about it to say thanks for being such a Nub, and just to wish you a happy birthday. This only happens once you know. Being Mark Gatiss a sec mod and turning 69… again 18, which also means you’d be legal in America. Spoiler: Spoilers Click for textless version. >:3 You remember this old thing, don’t you? Scanned it, shoved it into Photoshop and voila (with a few weeks of on and off work to Chameleon Circuit in between), this happened. Had to make up for three-fingered Ten-inch somehow, so he’s still missing those feet and that hand. And that’s not all. You see, I’ve been planning this for a while now, trying to decide what would be best and all that crap. But about a month ago, I realized that I should do what I’d done the whole year before: write fanfiction. I started trying to write up Kathy’s story (remind me to get more motivation whenever you’d like), but then I realized that there was something much better that I could write, especially considering certain circumstances. So read on, but before you do, you might want to put this on. Mood music, always good for fanfics, right? Spoiler "Love the running, yeah?" Spoiler No, I don't. And yet, that's the only thing going through my head. The steady beat of my feet against the pavement brings me back to reality; the unsteady breaths that I take on my way nearly bring me to my knees. But I can't stop. I won't stop. I've come too far to give up now. I could never forgive myself if I let a simple lack of oxygen get in my way. This is worth every last breath. This is worth every last step. As the sun begins to fall into the horizon, I think of home. Looking up into the vibrant orange sky, I ponder what I might be doing if I were back home. And then I remember: home is so far away. Though an ocean divides me from the only home I've ever known, I don't regret what I've done. Everything I've done has lead up to this moment, and now all I can do is run. It might've just been easier to take a cab, but I'm quite afraid of getting conned. Still, I suppose that's what I get for being raised the way I was; even though it's not my fault, I'll have to live with that attitude for the rest of my life. I slow down a bit and take a moment to catch my breath. But that's when the smell of cigarette smoke hits me like a bomb. I look to my right, hoping that I'm right, and sure enough three or four men are lined up in an alley, smoking to their heart's content. One of them glances at me and I look back at him, not a single hint of emotion on my face. He drops the cigarette on the floor and pulls another one out of his jacket pocket, along with a rich blue lighter. I begin to walk away and smile once they're long behind me; the lighter was the same shade of blue as a certain police box I know and love. She loves it too. "Soon," I remind myself. "You shouldn't be worrying about that yet." And then I remember the biggest problem. All of these houses look the same. Well, I suppose they're technically "estates" or whatever, but the point still stands. The brown brick buildings seem to go on forever, and each one almost blends into the others. I take out my MP3 player from my pocket and check the time. 7:00 exactly. Things aren't looking too good. I pick up the pace, double and triple checking the address that I managed to find from all those years ago. As the buildings continue to extend into eternity, I look around on the off chance that it's still there. Part of me wants to stop being so optimistic and give up, but the other plays a single quote over and over in my head. "I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." I smile at no one in particular and look around for that wonderful thing in the window. And that's when I see it. That glorious glow coming from a second-floor window to my left. Upon closer inspection, I can see two very familiar shades of black and blue, and the smile that's already on my face grows more than it has in years. I walk slowly up to the door but hesitate before my knuckles are able to make contact. What if it's not the right place? What if she isn't here? What if she's moved on? And then I remember all of the times that we talked. All of our inside jokes, all of our lighthearted insults and all of the times I'd call myself her "personal stalker". I need to stop making pointless excuses and start having more faith in myself. After all, what good is a stalker who's too afraid to take the first step? My hand inches closer and I think of what I'm going to say. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. I can hear footsteps approach from the other side and I put my hands in the pockets of my hoodie. "Who is it?" I freeze. It's been so long since I've heard her voice, but this is the first time I've ever actually heard it in person. My mind goes totally blank. "Silence will fall when the question is asked. All those times, I never realized it was my silence…" "Hello?" I sigh deeply and look up at the peephole. "Well then," I think to myself. "Allons-y." "It's been a while." Silence. Nothing but silence. "At least, I think a year would be considered 'a while'. Timey wimey and all that, right?" Seconds melt into minutes, and it feels like time's stopped just for us. Suddenly, I can hear a click and the door opens. I smile, getting that same feeling that I've always gotten when we start talking to each other. It's really quite hard to explain, but I've always thought of it as a happy anticipation filtered into the purest form of joy. Or something utterly cheesy like that. "I hope I can come in… it wasn't exactly a fifteen minute ride, you know." She smiles back at me and we hug, finally speaking without a screen or lag or ridiculous time zones to get in the way. "This is a hell of a birthday present, eh Nubs?" ~END Oh, now this is where it gets really good. You see, I was originally going to make you a single Doctor Who/Kingdom Hearts crossover AMV that would be around a minute long. I even started over a month ago just to give me enough time to finish it. Pfft, who am I kidding? I discovered songs and found out that I could do dubstep just a bit better than I thought, so I overdid it… but I also underdid it. Meaning, you have like five different videos (one of which I may steal for the 10th anniversary AMV contest), but NONE of them are really finished per se. The best full video I could manage was an Eleven vid to The Kill that’s only around forty-five seconds long. I would’ve loved to use our headcanon, but I couldn’t get my hands on series seven, and it just wouldn’t be complete without that ONE scene. But anyway, without further ado, here they are. Enjoy Nubs, because I’m just going to LOVE seeing you top this next year >:3 I think both of us have earned a day off at this point. Spoiler: Kingdom Hearts Spoiler: Kingdom Hearts meets dubstep Spoiler: Tennant and dubstep Spoiler: Sad Smith ;~; Spoiler: OMG IT’S A FULL VID!!111!!!1!69! I’ll be on Skype today in case you want to do some talking (even though, you know, we're still talking as I type this up). And even if you don’t, you know I’ll still be here; despite all the nagging and punishments and low grades, I’m always online. ALWAYS~ <3
Well, she's the one who'll send KHV off with a fond farewell once we're done with it. also, she's the Whovian admin, so yeah~
I tried to like more... but xenforo... grrrr! Thank you so much Cat, this is actually amazing and I will keep it forever! I will have to top this next year... the question is how... I am going to have to rewatch all of these again because INTERNET LAG! GAHHH! Worst time to show up like EVER! The tiny bits that I saw were amazing and you have skills with that dubstep man! This has made me smile a lot and I'm glad you kept me up. I don't know how else I can express my gratitude! But thank you so much! I may express it tomorrow somehow when I have some time xD
I tried liking this even more, but all it did was unlike. ;~; Pfft. You think you can top the two fanfics, the drawing colored in, the drawings of your OC that I DIDN'T show you, and the five videos? I can't wait to see what you do. <3 Yeah, I do. But then I don't. tl;dr - low self-esteem sucks Yeah you are. You know I wouldn't do this without a good reason... unless it's not the night before your birthday. xDD And once you've gotten over all that cheese. Seriously, I think I've just made you overdose on calcium.
Now that I've finally managed to watch them with no lag... THEY WERE EPIC! I reaaaaaaaaallly want you to be proud of yourself because the timing was just amazing and the thought you put into all of this and the time as well was just immense. Thank you again!
Aww, thank you. I could always try sending you the original files if you'd like (I have all five on a USB). You're quite welcome. And apart from the whole deadline, this was really a great help in motivating me to keep on with the AMVs. That said, I suppose I should be thanking you too. :3
Nah it's fine, I have them on youtube! Don't take them down ;-; but if you do then send me the files :3 Also liking because I can't like the first post enough!
Well in that case I'll write up descriptions and make them all public. I haven't uploaded much on that channel lately. Same with your posts babe. <3