My first ever piece of Digiart. Please be gentle ... It has a deep personal meaning which I will not disclose here. If anyone wants to know, you can PM me. CnC?
It looks to me like either bacteria or a newborn baby being formed. I have no idea, but whatever it is, it looks good.
O.O ... ¬.¬ ... *sigh* I posted this on antother forum and they said exactly the same thing. The ones on the outside are trapping the one on the inside and draining their life away. The black threads are not spindle fibres and it is not mitosis or miosis.
I'll go ahead and move this to traditional art section if you don't mind. And I must say that I like the strokes of the "cage", how some of the lines ends halfway. It gives an impression that it won't matter what the lenght of each of them are, they'll keep coming to trap the light anyway. Or that's how I see it. I take it the white glow behind all of them is originally the life energy that is being stolen by the dark thingies? The flat look is pretty fitting imo, mostly for that light thingy in the center. Though if you want more sense of shape I would suggest that you add shadow and highlights on the dark thingies and leave the white thingy as it is.
okay, I take the comments, I'll fix some stuff up coco and I'll repost it here. I put it there because it's digiart not really trad art, which I would class as painting and drawing but whatever. I won't repost tonight, english homework ... pins, eyes ¬.¬ okay, sorry for doublepost but here: