Enigmatic Soldier Boss Battle

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Monkey, Mar 31, 2007.

  1. Monkey Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2006

    =) Self explainable. It's the boss battle against the Enigmatic Soldier.

    Sources: Mike from KHN, Redsonic and BurnGriffith.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Monkey, Mar 31, 2007.

    1. Spiritoso
      o.O Too cruel.

      Must build up defenses.

      WTFudge? This is really, really odd.

      As for Aqua and Ven...? They could be the names of the other two shorter soilders. Another possibility. And it's giving me a headache.
    2. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      well, who else do we know as ven and aqua? no one. and why would the soldier say aqua....ven...if the other soldiers weren't them? i'll bet thats their names.
    3. gabbiesnow
      I think Aqua is the name of the girl knight...

      Hm. Well this is awesome.
    4. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      well, now we need the E.S.'s name. aqua , ven, and ???
      i'm trying out my avatar as one of the knights, i only have the program "paint" so i'm very limited. anyone have a suggestion on how to make the print more readable?
    5. Desmonic
      Well I think a name for him should be Extraordinarily Strong.....
    6. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      that too. i kinda noticed that the move the soldier used to kill whoever was facing him looked like riku-ansem's attack. remeber in kh1, right in front of the giant dark keyhole when you battled possessed riku. he shouted "oblivion!" and did that really annoying fast attack where he shot across the field in every direction. but he only went straight. what the soldier did kinda looked like that, where he just shoots across, comes back, and shoots across again. i wonder what other crazy fast moves he has?
      hint: try using reflect!!! it works on every boss so far!
    7. Desmonic
      Maybe he has a mix of fighting styles from other bosses...and by using them in the order he wishes to he can create a fighting style thats very unpredictable and extremely powerfull..
    8. L337 kybldmstr
      L337 kybldmstr
      I . . . Will . . . Beat . . . Es . . . First . . . Time! >:)
    9. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      i bet someone will. or they'll claim they did. if the game comes out in the u.s., my plan is to basically beat the primary game first, get to level 99, create TONS of power ups, defense ups, magic ups, ap ups, save all my elixers, megaelixers, ethers, and yeah, get ultima and fenrir and others. i'd try using reflect, like i've been saying. you take no damage (at least for a few seconds) and the knight will charge into you again aand take damage when the reflect breaks.
    10. Desmonic
      good tactic, altough reflect might not be so effective as you think... the E.S. attacks (the few one i saw that is) do great distances in the field so after you cast reflect and he attacks, when he comes back your reflect spell might not be working anymore and you get hit loosing alot of energy
    11. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      reflectga lasts a bit longer, and as long has negative combo is NOT equipped and combo plus is added (or whatever one gives you more combos) you can do reflect repeatedly. woth negative combo, i did 2 reflects in a row, but i guess if you have bad timing, the E.S will kill you.
    12. DarknessKingdom
      Wow...this guy just screams 'pwnage'.

      Great find!
    13. Desmonic
      True, but if your in the air I don't think you can do 2 in a row, so it probably is a good tactic to stay as much as you can in the ground..
    14. Mienai Kitsune
      Mienai Kitsune
      That's insane. A 2-hit KO:eek:
    15. Aqua
      Uh, wow.

      Can we say "infinite pwnage"?

    16. Desmonic
      yup, hes pretty damn strong..
    17. carbajosa
      Lol i beat seph in lvl 67 without an ultima weapon but that? it needs a lot more concentration and more alert to his attacks.. so fast
    18. Fruityla
      Very intriguing translation there : ) This knight's story sounds like it's going to be quite interesting. I can't wait.

      Aqua and Ven? I wonder if that's those other two armored people's names.
    19. Aqua
      Wait wait, the name "Aqua" was in the translation?

      -looks at username- Whoa. xD; I totally didn't know that. WE-IRD.
    20. SlvrmanX
      :eek: damn....he does ALOT of damage

      i'm gonna LOVE fighting this guy!

      ...although i'd probably die about....twelve times lol

      you know what i just thought of? Since you get to this battle through Disney Castle, that might explain how Mickey's at the end of the new secret movie...