Enigmatic Soldier Boss Battle

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Monkey, Mar 31, 2007.

  1. Monkey Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2006

    =) Self explainable. It's the boss battle against the Enigmatic Soldier.

    Sources: Mike from KHN, Redsonic and BurnGriffith.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Monkey, Mar 31, 2007.

    1. The7seventh

      I'm starting to think that this place or battle grounds is similar to Dive into the Heart ( The place where Sora and Roxas fought ) I think this battle is more about the keyblade and less of an actually battle.
    2. M00n3y
      Just before the battle started I saw that the movie had 3 seconds to go. So I thought that you didn't get to see the fight. But then it was like: *woosh* *woosh* 'aaah' XDDD

      I strongy overestimated that e.s... God I can't wait untill i get my butt kicked by him. =P

      WOW yeah, that could be true >.>
    3. XxxXehanortxxX
      I saw this before it was posted. O_o

      Well, at least it wasn't as short as the Larxene vid that is 45 seconds long. He seriously dies the second the fight starts because she did a thunder move that killed him.

      The worst part about this is, Nomure didn't even beat him yet.

      Damn it Nomy. >_<
    4. The 13th Soul
      The 13th Soul
      yeah ast first i thought it was fatel crest then i took a closer look and noticed it wasnt. its actully the keyblade you get froum defeting Roxas which is called Acrossing Two (which kinda sounds to me like a weird keyblade name to me or somthing idk)
    5. Donaut
      His attacks are WAY strong. Plus, what keyblade does he have?
    6. finalform1
      it looked like he was using sonic blade
    7. Cody
      I think it's the Roxas keyblade.
    8. Bmario17
      The translation to what the ES is saying thanks to libregkd and mors
    9. The 13th Soul
      The 13th Soul
      it is the roxas keyblde i just said it in my other post lol

      anyway, somthing i noticed about the E.S is his keyblde becuse it dosunt have a keychain to it like sora has witch he can change to use diffrent keyblades
    10. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
      Wow. Dude got pwn3d. @_@ Thanks Monkey! :)
    11. M00n3y

      this is the keyblade... Looks cool right?
    12. The7seventh

      It doesn't have a keychain because it is created from hearts. Remember the Dark keyblade in KH1, it didn't have a keychain either because it was created from the 7 princesses hearts. That keyblade he's wielding isn't genuine ( which is why that Roxas look-a-like's keyblade snapped so easily. ) ^_^
    13. finalArcanaXXX
      2 hits!!! (Air dodged the first one) whoa this guys looks unbeatable
    14. Sword_Goddess
      Couldn't resist watching this one. On the shallow side, I'd like to say that the Keyblade and the armor are gorgeous.

      Also, that's one of the shortest battles I've ever seen.
    15. Desmonic
      Do you guys think that is the reason why hes so powerfull?
    16. Mari
      That was...

      Okay, so I died like that when I tried to beat Sephiroth in KHI at level 40 something D=

      God... this dude is tough.
    17. neokeymaster

      I think I might be able to shed some light on this confusion,

      Aqua...Ven = perhaps these are the names of the 2 other knights

      It isnt you that I have chosen = perhaps this very guy is that strange voice from KH1, perhaps hes the one who chooses the keybearers and I think hes mad cus sora is the keybearer cus when we think back, riku was the original chosen keybearer but it was passed to sora, perhaps he think that sora is Xehanort and that hes killed riku and stolen the keyblade which would explain the battle.
    18. rikurep
      t.....t.t...tw.......2 MOVEs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's all it took!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      omg..............we're all gonna die:eek:

      is he somehow responsible for who's chosen by the keyblade? and he someway knows xehanort.....possibly before he lost his memories

      +no doubt that the other e.s are named aqua(blue hair) and ven.....(blonde?)
    19. Desmonic
      I wonder how fighting this guy is going to be... Who has faced and defeated Sephirot
      knows that he has 3 phases during the battle...Will this guy power up like Sephirot or will he stay on the same power lvl til the end of the battle?
    20. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      i'll bet this guy will power up like sephiroth. i mean, he's the toughtest character yet! he'll probably have like, 4 different sets of moves.
      by the way, the spell "reflect" would probably work here. it works on every other boss, so he should use that. i keep reflect in my quick magic list because its so useful.