i am reading "a doll's house" by christopher hampton and i have to answer these question but i don't really know them so whoever read "a doll's house" can you please answer these question... Spoiler what does the conversation about doctor rank say about how women are treated in this society? Spoiler what annoys helmer krogstad? Spoiler why does nora decided she might have to commit suicide? Spoiler to what extent are nora and dr rank living parallel life? Spoiler how has nora transformed from innocent to worldly understanding? Spoiler what has been the cost to nora of her subservience to torvald? these questions came from Act 2 of the book
1. Do 2. Your 3. Own 4. Work 5. Lazy 6. Butt There you go, hope this helps, and enjoy the A+ i just gave you :3
Don't cheat. Really. You're 17, you should have a lot more sense than to cheat. Cheating is immature and stupid, plus, it doesn't help anyone. If you cheat and a college finds out, you're immediately out of being a candidate. So stop cheating and do your own damn work.
What is beautiful about English class is that there's no "right" or "wrong" when answering interpretive questions--as long as you can defend your viewpoint, you can pretty much say whatever the hell you want. Read the book, write what you feel.
Yeah, you most likely won't be speaking to the author so you can make up the stuff you think they mean. English is enjoyable, some of these questions don't even require any interpreting just finding the answer.