Birth by Sleep Enemies and Symbols

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by twilightsbringing, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    Here's some tidbits I noticed about the various enemies of the Kingdom Hearts series. Just thought it might be interesting to you all.​

    Symbol: Appears to be a heart in chains/thorns. (Shape reminds me of Terra's belt buckle except with no chains) Normal colors: red and black
    Characteristics: Glowing eyes (light within?), violent movements, usually appear in numbers, "mindless," hold hearts captive

    Symbol: Appears to be a broken heart, also upside-down. Normal color: grey (twilight?)
    Characteristics: Hidden/shaded eyes, graceful/flowing movements, occasionally appear alone, are capable of "thinking," supposedly without hearts

    The New Enemy (From BbS)
    Symbol: By what I can see now, it looks like a shattered heart. Or perhaps a decayed heart. Normal color: ?
    Characteristics: Not much is known at this point. Eyes, or at least the ones I've seen, are a deep red. I've heard they move fast, but that's just what I heard. We know they existed before Heartless and Nobodies.

    I could go into archetypes/symbolism with the colors, but I think I'll spare you for now. XD​
  2. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    Me and a friend of mine figured this out:

    All Heartless execept the fiery globe and Icy Cube have yellow eyesadn a black head. Most have something covering the black.

    All Nobodies have a zipper over their mouth.
  3. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    Not all "common" Nobodies; Dusks are the only ones with the zippers over their mouth. That is a good point though when it comes to symbolism.
  4. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    The New Symbol is the same as the symbols on terra's and ven's belts.
  5. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    No. Here, take a look :

    You can also see this symbol on the Dark Soldier's chest from the KH2FM Secret Ending. Terra and Ven's belt buckles are different.
  6. Mild Wind Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Isn't that a heart?
    Well it looks like one xD ( just in black / white )
  7. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    Sure, it is similar to heart! XD I was saying before that it looked like a decayed heart.
  8. Sion Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 15, 2007
    I think that it's the symbol Roxas had drawn on the table in the false Twilight Town. Remember? It was the Heartless Insignia, followed by the broken Nobody crest and something that looked like a reveresd cresent moon with an upward pike.

    Roxas's hand is in the way of seeing it all, but I think this was done with intention as both the Heartless and Nobody symbols have those points at the bottom (Heartless) and top halves. (Nobodies)


  9. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    That is actually a crown. O.o Xaldin made a render of the notebook a little ways back, but since the site has updated, I can't seem to find the gallery! DX
    (Stupid Roxas and his big hands)
  10. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    Ehm,how do you,how does ANYONE know,that the new enemies move fast...?We haven't seen any videos!Oh and what is your point...?Maybe this should go to another section...I mean,since terra is a keyblade master he can't have any connection with the heartless!So this topic would be more proper in another section , since the info is good,but has nothing to do with bbs. xD
  11. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    You're wrong. It concerns the new enemies in bbs. I think Nomura said they move fast in a interview but that might have been a mistranslation. And threads don't have to have a point, really. I thought this info was interesting, so I made a thread about it. Maybe other people would find it interesting...
  12. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    I have a theory about the new enemies. I think that they are what is left over of a heart after it has been eaten by a heartless.I think they could be called reminiscants.
  13. Zeftnon - The Superior Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 12, 2006
    Press Ctrl+W to find out...
    That's not possible considering Heartless didn't exist at that time. I actually think the new enemies are called "Dis-Souls" (from unreleased trailer of new games), as in, decayed souls of a person. If a person is made up of a body, heart, and soul, and there were no Nobodies at this time, when a person gave in to the dark back then, their souls would form into their own type of creature.
  14. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    Oooh Yay! Theory Time!
    I always thought that darkness will "eat away" at a heart if that heart steeps in the darkness too long. Remember the bit about dark portals in the Secret Ansem Reports? That's exactly what I am talking about. Maybe the new enemies are beings whose hearts have been "decayed" into nothing by the use of darkness. And to regain hearts, they must steal them from others. When they do regain a heart, perhaps they become what is called a heartless (heart in chains).
    Nobodies... I think they have half a heart, or just a broken one at least. Think about it: a Nobody is formed when a strong-hearted person "loses" their heart. Perhaps the heart, not wanting to completely surrender, breaks itself into two, leaving one side of the heart a "second chance" at getting the other half back. That would explain why Nobodies are able to have memories and "feelings." (Nobodies do have feelings, just look at Axel). It also explains why Nobodies look and act different than their others: it's only one side of their heart, so it's obvious that they can't be the same.
    Gawd I hope that makes sense! XD
  15. Sion Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 15, 2007
    That does makes sense, and DiZ said as much about Roxas possessing his own heart. He said it when Roxas talked with Kairi after he fell from the station tower.

    DiZ: Namine's encounter with Roxas put his heart in contact with Kairi, and that in turn affected Sora.

    I found it odd that Nobodies, supposedly who did not possess hearts, (This just referring to the Organization as they still look human and pretty much act that way too.) could display emotion even if it is to a lesser degree. Namine very well felt sad during the ending of chain of memory as she had a tear roll down her face. Same for Axel or Roxas during Rememberance (Since we do not know which one shed the tear) who cried as he faded away.

    So DiZ should stuff his face with better research tatics and fuller answers. XD

    Edit: And was it Vexen who said that the other side of your heart knows this place? (Refering to the Virtual Manor as that's where Roxas had first been found by Xemnas, also that is where he had been born wasn't it?)
  16. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    Yes it was Vexen, and DiZ/Ansem the Wise really made a lot of mistakes. He often contradicts himself, too. Same with KH2 Xemnas.


    I think Roxas is what's left of Ven's heart, if the whole "broken heart=nobody" thing is true. Maybe Ven's heart was destroyed and shattered into pieces. If that's true, one piece went to Sora's heart, only to be released when Sora unlocked his heart with the keyblade, thus forming Roxas. But, where are the other pieces?
    This theory could also explain the Terra/Xemnas/Xehanort jumble, but that's not really the point of this thread. If anyone is interested I'd be happy to share my thoughts on it.