Oh jeez this'll be my first AMV or GMV or whatever the hell you'd call it in...3 years? Well, I did a Silent Hill one some 2 years ago that nobody liked... Anyway, worked on this for around 4 days? Hope you guys like it. Be sure to read the description. [video=youtube;-vrsV0bktD0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vrsV0bktD0&hd=1[/video]
Woah this is pretty good seeing as how you might have gotten rusty after 3 years. I really liked the use of color correction in some scenes to create a darker(there's probably a better word to describe it) atmosphere in the video. I felt some effects could've been toned down or done away with but overall the video was good and the scenes flowed together so well. Why can't I edit like this?