I just cleared a bunch of space on my computer and have started thinking about emulators. Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about emulators and emulating. Do you have any recommended sites which I can download the emulator? Which games do you suggest I play? Any tips about emulating? Any problems often associated with emulating? Any help will be very much appreciated. Thank you.
What console are you looking to Emulate? For the PS2 a favourite among many is PCSX2. You also need to make sure your computer meets specific requirements to run emulators. Checking around on the PCSX2 forums is a good idea before you start.
PCSX2/Dolphin Emu/Desemume/PCSP/JPCSP (PS2/WiiGamecube/DS/PSP) all require a fast computer with either Nvidia or ATI. All the other system emulators should be able to run fine on any hardware
Well, we can't link to sites on here, but I'd recommend DeSmu for DS games, it runs perfectly and has never lacked for me. What's more, it can play GBA games as well.
The emulators themselves are not illegal. The legal grey area comes entirely from the ROMs and ISOs. That said, yeah, emulation is technically illegal if you don't have a legal copy. That said, this is going to be the only realistic way to play games like Suikoden II if you're not willing to pay $200 for it because Konami refuses to PUT THE ****ING GAME ON PSN OR XBL DESPITE THE FACT THAT ITS A TWO HUNDRED ****ING DOLLAR GAME! GAH! ANGRISH! Sorry. Lost my sanity slightly there. Also, Visual Boy Advance is the best GBA emulator and ePSXe is the best PS1 emulator... even if you need to find the PS1s BIOS files... which are illegal to distribute.
Agreed, emulators let people play the old games. Like sonic or super mario. Finding the emulators is the easy part, it's the roms that get difficult, not that I know anything about that. You're just going to have to do your own searching to find what you want. Like others have said though, if your system doesn't have good enough stats, you're not going to be running PS2 games (and equally processor consuming systems) Good luck anyway, and even if you can't find anything . . . at least your system is free some more space.
I suggest, that if you're going for the PSP option, to give Persona 3 a shot. (Before anybody says anything, I've a legal copy in my PSP right now, so it's all good in the hood.) Good game, though the only problem is the framerate when it reaches the clock. I use... PCSP, which is usually quite reliable on most cases.