
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by T3F, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Are emotions are gift or a curse?

    Interesting yeah? Well think about it for a second: if humans didnt have any emotions then we wouldnt be able to feel depressed. There would be no way to get our hopes up and therefore no way to bring them back down. We would hold no sentimental value to memories or past people in our lives, so when they die there would be no grief. Love would cease to exist (woo hoo!), it would just be some person you hang out with all the time.

    On the other hand, if we didnt have emotions, there would be no such thing as happiness. We would all just be blank faced robots doing their daily jobs and making the world go round. If there is no emotional attachment to anything, then there would be no strikes, no protests, no one would get annoyed with their job because they wouldnt have the ability to...

    Think about it: would life really be better if we were all just mindless robots roaming around? I mean sure, theres no such thing as emotional pain, but there would also be no such thing as enjoyment. The world would be quite dull if you ask me...what to you think?
  2. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    emotions that hurt us are a necessary evil in life, without the positive ones, there'd be no progression in the human race, ambition wouldn't take us to the moon, compassion wouldn't develop medicine, love in generally wouldn't maintain society, without emotions there is nothing meaningful for us all.

    Yeah sure, we get sad, we get mad, but it's getting over these things that we become improved in our positive emotions and use them to advance the world as it is.
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Tough question. Sure, I'd be happy with no sadness or depression in the world, but I still want happiness and joy to remain. I guess it's part of being human.
  4. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Hmm, this is a hard one.

    Sure we all hate being depressed and heartbroken, but the good and bad are each necessary to balance out the other. If one half of the emotional spectrum didn't exist, the other would just become meaningless, and who knows what would happen.

    Still, this is the sort of thing that really makes you think about the human condition.
  5. Leblonk Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 4, 2012
    Over the hills and far away.
    I think they are a bit of both. I hate emotions because they are ilogical, uncontrolable, and generally serve to turn me into the human equivalent of a weeping fig. But, if I may become philosophical, and quote the Screwtape Letters for a moment, "it may surprise you to learn that in His efforts to get permanent possession of a soul, He relies on the troughs even more than on the peaks; some of His special favourites have gone through longer and deeper troughs than anyone else." So! The emotional termoil serves to bring us closer to God, which gives emotions a very difinit purpose in our lives. I hate the emotions, mainly because I'm getting all the egative ones at the moment (I blame it on hormonal imbalance) but they are here for a reason, so we have to deal.
  6. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Either way you look at it you have your fits, I have my fits, but feeling is good.

    This is a topic I am quite heavily invested in, personally (wrote my college essay about it ololol). To pull an analogy from Kurt Vonnegut Jr., life is best looked at as a stretch of the Rocky Mountains; peaks and valleys. Emotionally, we have ups, downs, and middle ground. I know that when you're really in the thick of it, when it seems like there's nothing but the valleys, it can be tempting to just say well eff this and assume the position of stoicism, but that completely abandons everything that makes us human. You'll be stuck in that constant "middle ground." This may just be a personal preference but I hate the feeling of mediocrity, of just waking up and feeling "okay," a quiet indifference to the world surrounding. That is far more frightening to me than any depressive episode. It is... not a good place to be.

    It goes without saying that it sucks to be stuck in one of those valleys; we can all swap horror stories about that, I'm sure. But when the tradeoff is that, perhaps rare, but pure, unadulterated happiness... I think it's worth braving any dark time.

    And even if we could discard just the negative emotions, happiness's value would be diminished, I think. We need to take the good and the bad; the bad times make the good times all the more valuable.
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Can I feel ambivalent about feelig both types of emotion? XD

    I mean on the one hand i care about how I feel some times, somedays I am annoyed and wish to be left alone by other simply because I do not feel the want to talk to others, or some days I feel the sadness of being alone and want to hug someone closer more then usual and more deeply so because it makes me feel better.

    On the other hand, i could not care less about whether I feel emotions at that part. At work, when I deal with people I may not like and the such, I turn off my emotions in a way, and deal with them and the job they involve me in. I am more content if i dont feel anyrhing at those points in my life, because i know that i could feel regret for my emotional actions later on.

    It use to be that I was an extremely wmotional person, the slightest inane thing could trigger me to anger or seanes and their ilk, and my life was so much harder to deal with then as a result. Instead of fighting them, which was failing me anyway, i took a leap of faith to simply accept these feelings wholly and not just let them happen, fear them and try to stop them. I choose to embrace them and not fight to almost encourage their flow through me, and it help me bend them to my will. I could mold them more easily, become calmer or moreproductive in my ues of the said emotion. Granted it disnt always work out, but it help me shed the fear of the control on them. When i didnt think of control I was able to.

    So I've had a mixed experience with them to say the least.
    But their apart of me and who i am. So I wouldnt want to be rid of them, they are familiar and part of what makes me enjoy life when i can, I just let the bad times roll on and know that the moment will change and it will get better, if not by time alone then by my actions.
  8. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Without knowing the feeling of pain and/or sadness, you wouldn't be able to identify happiness.

    I enjoy emotions. I am a very emotional person, though I never really display them to others. I do enjoy feeling them though. I can enjoy being sad, if that's what I feel I am supposed to feel at the moment. I enjoy being happy, because being happy is (duh) great; especially compared to how I feel when I'm not.

    Sure, it can be overwhelming certain times, and might not always fit in that exact moment, but it's a necessity to have emotions. That is what makes people great. As mentioned before, we wouldn't do the things we do if it wasn't for our emotions and our consciousness. Can you imagine how shit music would be without any form of emotion? It would be like most of the songs playing on the radio.

    Emotions are awesome. They are never bad, per se. (Yeah, people commit suicide, but that's the minority that can't handle emotions properly.) You just have to realize the fact that there are ups and downs in life. There is no doubt that without emotion life would be dull, they've even made (at least) a movie about the future, where no humans feel emotions. It's, ironically, a sad existence.

    Emotions, fuck yeah!
  9. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Emotions are side effects of desire. Humans get sad when they are denied their desires and happy when they achieve them.

    Humans are driven by desire, and emotion by extension. If you stop desiring to think, then you will not think. To lack desire is to cease acting in any form. It is equivalent to dying.

    To wish for something and not be glad that you obtain it makes little sense. Desiring a thing and not being upset that you do not have it also makes little sense.

    Unless existence itself is a curse, desire cannot be. Emotions are necessary for existence, especially individual existence.

    Even the idea that it is preferable not to feel is based in feeling. Pain is the sensation felt when you do not get what you want. You want to avoid pain by definition because you want something and experiencing pain means you are not getting it. Getting what you want is to be sought after, and the opposite is also true; that not getting it is to be avoided.

    1. Pain is the sensation of not getting what one wants. [ Pain = Unfilled Desire ]
    2. Not getting what one wants is worth less than getting it because it not one's preference. [ Unfulfilled Desire < Fulfilled Desire ]
    3. What is worth less is bad by definition. Axiomatic. [ Unfillled Desire = Bad ]
    4. Pain is bad because it is a sign that your preferences are not currently fulfilled. Substitute pain in for unfulfilled desire. [ Pain < Fulfilled Desire; Pain = Bad ]
    5. What is bad should be avoided by definition. Axiomatic. [ Bad = Should Be Avoided ]
    6. Pain is bad. Substitute. [ Pain = Should Be Avoided ]
    Thinking that pain is a curse is the same as thinking that not getting what you want is a curse. Stopping wanting something gets rid of the sensation of pain but in that case you are using the desire as a reason to get rid of the desire. That is a circular argument.

    It is impossible to destroy desire when you are using desire to destroy it in the first place.
  10. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I wouldn't want to live devoid of emotions, but then again I wouldn't "want" much at all without them. I think they're neither a blessing nor a curse.
  11. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Feelings... "gift or curse", huh?

    Well, without emotions the world would be in "peace", because it wouldn't exist the "Evil". Indeed, emotions is what we have to blame about the great disasters in this world.

    Do you remember Kairi's Grandma's tale?
    Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight for it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And Darkness was born in their hearts. The Darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's heart. It covered everything, and the world disappeared.
    But small fragments of light survived, in the heart of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It's the world we live in now. But the true light sleeps, deep within the Darkness. That's why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to the innermost Darkness will be open, and the true light will return. So, listen, child. Even in the deepest Darkness, there will always be a light to guide you.
    Believe in the light, and the Darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the Darkness away.

    True peace and true light. People came and screwed up everything, the whole world is now ****ed. To rebuild their mess, we gotta believe in the Light which shines even in the deepest Darkness.

    I think it's a good Tale to put in this discussion. With our emotions, people wanted to have more, more, more, and even MORE than what they need. It would be easier to live in a world where everyone don't have any emotions for all the eternity... but... what would be the point of living this way?

    Yes, emotions may be the cause of the people got all mad in this world, but it is also our cause to live. Everyone is making something for their feelings, and Justice is only an excuse. We need to believe in the light... we need to let our feelings of "light" guide us for what we need and want to do, for the sake of the world.

    Summarizing once again,
    Feelings are the reason for us to be in this world, but it is also the reason for us to fight for a better world.
    Feelings are a gift. It is what move us, it is we need to believe in something in order to keep on going forward, otherwise there is no reason to live at all.

    Thanks for reading. :3
  12. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Nice way to look at it. I liked how you used the tale Kairi's grandmother kept telling.