
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by SoraUchiha, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Okays-Simple question-Why dont people not accept the Weird and Wonderful with open arms rather than Bullying them into a big black hole??? I've gone through this all my life and it crossed my mind just now,Just this very second-Why do people call us "Freaks" and how come they arnt the ones who are the freaks??how come they arnt classed as the weirdos?? Why is it like a witch-hunt?? Your thoughts please.
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Whatever is 'normal' in soiecty is beaten in people's heads at a young age and for those who can actually think for themsleves obtain their own way of doing things-ie. dressing, acting, etc-which is different from the 'norms.' They have it in their system that whatever isn't like them is wrong and try to 'right that wrong' persay. And many people will follow them to 'fit in with the corwd.' Rather sad, but that's how it's always been. Though at least there are more and more people accepting all types.

    At least this is my opinion.
  3. EvilFiretruck Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 10, 2010
    Behind you
    Because they are trying to be cool and act great in front of their friends and some people who do that end up with a dislocated arm and if you can answer for me why if you have long hair straight away your a goth/emo
  4. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    I feel that most think of them as creepy or scary people, most people cant accept the fact that everyone is different. They think that if your a guy persay and you wear make up thats black and paint your nails black or something along those lines, your automatically considered a freak or weird or anything else along those lines. I feel that they cannot aaccept those people into society. This goes along with race, its the same system that people have with other races. They think that because they look different and/or have a different skin color that they are freaks or weird and shouldnt be here. They arent any different then us. Goths, Emo's, Punks and so on arent much different, sure they tend to have different thoughts and hang out with different people but they are still the same. People need to accept that.
  5. AngelNaminé Moogle Assistant

    Apr 26, 2009
    I used to get called emo a lot, but I think people have grown up now, unfortunately that can't be said about everyone. I still get called a freak, emo and weird and stuff like, but I take that as a compliment. ^^ But I know they mean it as an insult. I think people like that are just self-absorbed and have nothing better to do with their sad lives so they pick on others. I suppose it also has to do with how everyone is just different. Like if someone likes one type of food and someone else likes another, to each his own, like how people just dress and act differently. And I respect other people's tastes and ways of life, but it's the people who can't accept that not everyone is like them and hate anyone who is different that really piss me off. I usually try to ignore them, but sometimes it just gets to you. But I'll never change. ^^
  6. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    I get called weird,a freak,death obbsseessed and sad because of the music i listen to. And i really dont get why. Everyone has different tastes,likes and dislikes right? So i really dont understand how people think they have the right to judge everyone else on who they are,just because theyre different. Sometimes the only way i can escape being called a freak and stuff,is listening to the music that gave me that label. It just sucks how everyone has an idea of the perfect person,and if you dont fit that idea then your weird. Sorry bout this rant,but i get so sick of this stuff.
  7. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Because a dude wearing mascara and having hair that looks like a woman's while wearing suspiciously tight clothes is weird. I'm not going to be apologetic about that, it's weird. Yes, I wear black every day. Yes, I wear pants when it's too hot to wear pants. And yes, I listen to goth and death music all the time.

    It's weird. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that, but it IS weird and saying that it isn't is just naive. I will never blame anyone for calling me weird, because I am
  8. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    I used to roll with all the emo/goth/punk kids and the funny thing is I've matured and they're still clingy co-dependants dating 14 year old girls (some of these men are now 18 going on 19 so I don't approve of that) in reality I say their tastes are pop rock and lots of my ex friends are my ex friends because of that age gap thing and a total lack of clicking.

    I totally believe in self-expression, piercings make up and clothing does not make me judge anyone but god they were (still are, considering they're friends with my sister who is four years my junior) so...Irritating in hindsight and while I didn't mind them at the time, they hated me cos I wasn't them. I liked different music, didn't do my hair like that and my sub-culture was gay in reality so I had a very different personality.

    Now I roll with more "indie" friends I guess but they're open minded folks and friendly. they take people from any shades and often a nice mix (not those NME hipsters indie, just people who like whatever and be whatever). At least now we go the pub for drinks to socialise rather than sit outside in the cold talking about god knows what with a bottle of cider on a Saturday. Some people do that culture cos it's cool or because it's different and want to seem different. I don't like that at all. I think it is part of growing up trying to be massively different then you mellow down...or keep dating underage people.

    Be you, be it dull or unusual in reality you will have mundane factors and typical factors along with unique ones. Don't just push the unique stuff, your mundane things are so beautiful also. Part of growing up is finding you and it might not be that culture in time for all you know. But if it is, fair does just don't scowl at me in your quirky BDSM costume and mask during a Gay Pride Walk (Long story, I took once glance at interestingly dressed people and got the filthiest scowls ever)

    Yeah, be whatever and don't refuse to follow the crowd for the sake of it. Some bits of crowd following might appeal to you, admit into it and accept it as part of you if it does but enjoy your originality too.
  9. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    I think it's mostly because people these days are just ass holes, who don't take the time to get to know others. I'm a goth/punk kind of person, and I've been picked on a few times in my life about it, but I didn't care. I just went on being myself. What I'm trying to get at is that, people shouldn't be judged by there looks, they should be judged by there actions.
  10. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    "Weird and Wonderful" is a very subjective term. Different strokes for different folks, one man's trash is another man's treasure, etc. Not everyone thinks that life style/clothing style is so great.

    The general belief of most of it's conformers are that they are non-conformists and go against the grain when in fact they just conform to something a bit different. Generally most people like this are perceived as ignorant.
  11. xigbar.nom Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 16, 2011
    I am emo and whenever anyone jokes about it i feel horrible in my stomach, even when anyone says it..
    I don't know why I am emo, I get so depressed though. I think in a way that it takes the depression pain away..?

    Sozzles for the late reply..I was just looking through random threads.
  12. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    Its the automatic response of most people when they see something different or unusual to crush it. The old saying 'the nail that sticks out is hammered down hardest' is appropriate.

    I myself am a fan of gothic literature, movies, fashion, etc. I wouldn't go as far as to claim I am a goth, I'm sort of a mix between a goth and a 'mainstreamer'. Of course, people who don't know me that well might see me with my long dark hair, dark clothes, punk boots, a long trenchcoat, etc., and immediately assume I must either be a psychopath, extremely depressed, or a satanist, despite the fact that I am none of those things.

    Then again, people who do know me don't give a flying frisbree what I look like or what music I listen to. Individuals who bully and label others like this are, thankfully, in the minority.
  13. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    Not everyone "beats on" the different kids. Although it may seem different there are some good people out there.
  14. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    People don't like people who are 'different'. Sometimes, yes sometimes, they're even scared of them. Did I say scared? Yes, yes I did.

    Fear generates a dislike. A fueled dislike turns into hate. Hate turns into words (if it's not already there), and words turn into actions - hence, bullying.