'Ello, I'm Anime Monster

Discussion in 'Introductions & Departures' started by animemonster, Jul 17, 2007.

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  1. animemonster Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2007
    The World That Never Was
    Hello, I am Anime Monster. I recently got into Kingdom Hearts (a travesty, I should have started playing the games ages ago) and enjoy it very much.

    My favorite charters are:

    1. Axel (I watched the Re: Chain of Memories cut scenes that are subbed in english and fell in love with his character. Before I watched those he was tied for first place with my second favorite character).
    2. Demyx (He's the funniest dorkiest ever, and probably one of the toughest bosses in Kindom Hearts II, at least in my opinion.)
    3. Zexion (I haven't seen a lot of the cut scenes with him in them, at least not in a language I understand, but I already like him)

    The only character, so far, I can't stand is Riku, and I know I'll get flamed for that one by all that fan girls who'll all say essentially the same thing: "OMG!!!111 HoW CaN U NoT lik Riku?" or something to that effect. If you can't speak in anything BUT chat-speak (lingo, what ever anyone is calling it today) then please don't say anything (I don't mind the occasional "lol" or "OMG" but as you can see in this post, I prefer proper sentences and capitalization). There are lots of reasons I don't like Riku, and if someone asks, I'll organize my thoughts on it enough to say something other than, "I just don't like him."

    Which brings me to another pet peeve of mine...Riku/Sora (or the vice-versa). I'll admit it right now: I'm a yaoi fan girl, however, I can not stand Riku/Sora (or the vice-versa). I don't understand all the people who say it's canon or subtext, or anything. It might just be because I dislike Riku, or that it's the most over used yaoi pairing I've ever seen in a fandom, or something else that I can't even name, but I don't like it. This one I don't have clear thoughts on. I like just about every other Kingdom Hearts pairing I've read: Axel/Roxas, Axel/Sora, Axel/Demyx, Demyx/Sora, Roxas/Sora, Xemnas/Saix, etc. (or the vice-versas).

    Anyways, now that I've gotten significantly off topic, and bored anyone reading this to death, I'll get back on topic, which was introducing myself.

    Yes, I am Anime Monster, I'm a writer and reader of fan fiction (particularly of the yaoi variety). I like Kingdom Hearts (particularly KH2), Final Fantasy VII, DNAngel, Gundam Wing, Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Trigun, Fruits Basket, Inu-Yasha, and Artemis Fowl. I am by far not a grammer nazi (or a spelling one for that matter) but I prefer that I can read what is being said to me, rather than going: wtf? I also don't mind random Japanese, either.

    Other places you may find me regularly:
    Novice Writers (I'm a global mod)
    Without Him...Without Her (I'm a moderator)
    The Holy Wood (which I'll be on a lot more when I finally get an RP idea)
    My Livejournal (I'm actually on communities more than my own journal).
    My ff.net Profile (I haven't posted anything here in awhile...mostly because I've been writing almost nothing but smut...)
    My Adult Fan Fiction Profile (in the Video Games/RPG section) (more of my recent stories are on aff.net)
    My Ficwad Profile

    Other ways of contacting me:
    Windows Live Messenger (MSN Messenger): animemonster88@yahoo.com
    Email: animemonster88@gmail.com (if you send me chain letters or spam I'll be very angry)
    PM me on the first two forums listed or here.
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Okie dokie then!

    Hello and welcome to THIS site ^^ post lots,
    have fun,
    read the rules, etc etc
    no flaming please
    only spam in the spam zone ^^

    Oh I like your siggy btw! ^^

    see you around :)
  3. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    That's gotta be the longest intro I've seen yet...And that's hardly a bad thing.

    Ello! ^^

    :lol2: to KHvids!
    Have fun, read the rules and enjoy your stay.
  4. ~Misa-Chan~ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 16, 2007
    I want to goo zee moon :O *points at moon*
    Hi and welcome to kh-vids just remember to read the rules, spam only in the spam zone and have fun! hope to see you around! ^_^ any questions just PM me
  5. Xigbar The Freeshooter

    Nov 24, 2006
    In a house.
    Hey, welcome to KH-Vids.

    All you have to do to fit in is:

    • Post lots.
    • Respect the Admins and Mods.
    • Obey the rules.
    • And have fun.

    But have a great time.
  6. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    I'll have to agree to that, but it's a good thing. Show's you that he's open.

    Anyhoo, welcome. Hope you enjoy yourself here & i hope to see you around. :D
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