Followed a tut... Nothing too amazing, but I like it. ;D And I think my text is getting better, too. Cnc?
It's pretty good :). But, I say remove the text from his throat lol. Also, I say remove the lines from the left, because it ruins the flow IMO. And I must say.... you need to re color this tag XD Good job, though.
I wanted to see if anyone would notice that text on his throat. xD I'll recolor it in a second... EDIT: V2 up.
3rd one is really good. Everything looks good. I don't really see anything wrong. The text is getting much nicer from you. Only thing negative about this is a bit of the pixely edges in the edges of the render. Otherwise, excellente.
V1 or V3 ftw. If only it wasn't so gray on the left, it'd look so amazing. More light on the face should do it, imo. Otherwise, great text and shapes. I'd like to see some depth, though. Good job, Misty.