I haven't posted in here in so long. D: So here I am~ So many choices to choose from...trying not to flood the section... I'll just stick with two for now. Still make a lot of mistakes but been told I've gotten better... Read the comments for more details on the art~ http://hitna.deviantart.com/art/Black-Friday-135909234 http://hitna.deviantart.com/art/Naruto-134269770 For more work you can just check out my gallery~
I like the Black Friday one. ^^ *purrs* Much better. The Naruto one, I think there's something wrong in the shading. I'm not entirely sure because I did a quick scan because I'm in a rush. ^^;
The Elf looked awesome, I don't have much to add there. I really liked how high you placed her hair 0_0 Naruto has a misplaced right eye, but other than that, it looks good. Heep up ;)