I feel bad for all the men and woman who have to suffer diseases like this there whole life and i will always wish them best of luck how do you feel about this and look around on the comments they are horribly cruel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBohmdsUXF4&feature=bz302 and it is horrible how people use these on their youtube videos or icons ex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCEzbPSBt9c&NR=1 or that little girl who could not stop eating of a disorder how do you feel about this?
I know, it is really sad an pointless. Those people are suffering and people on Youtube are making fun of them. It's not cool at all.
Don u wish u could sock the ppl who does all these ******ed things in the face...I mean, this is just wrong and extremely sad...
I think it is very sad people have to suffer with such diseases like this and the video was posted and well, informative. However, even though some people commented stupidly about it, I don't diss the person that posted the thing up. We tend to disassociate ourselves from what we cannot see or understand. Growing up with a sister who has cerebral palsy, I know that people can be cruel and stupid. Most of my fights in school pertained to going after some people who would steal her quad-canes and poke her with them etc and well, it rather ticked me off. Also, I don't really see as many nasty comments as I do of 'wow, that's different' or 'poor guy', or religious zealots trying to defend their religion again, Most people seem to post they are surprised and/or feel a lot of sympathy. There are some nasty comments or things like 'it's Jabba the Hutt' but even those really aren't that bad when considering it's an expression of shock and humor is often a way that people face things that are different and just mind boggling. In the end, I would be more ticked off at the people who had ridiculed the guy in life picking on him and making his life miserable than the people on Youtube commenting with surprise, shock, and some stupid humor. There are some extreme people in there that say really insulting things that made me frown, but I'm glad the movie is there to see because it was interesting and sometimes you have to excuse people who make fun of others in this way. The people that were really lame are just attention hos any way so they aren't anything to pay attention to. Now the second link you posted...yeah, that's pretty crappy.
I feel so sorry for the elephant man, seeing him like that. I mean not only does he attain suffering from this, but also suffering from the taunts of people such of those. Though, I'm glad some people care for him and help him a lot, for they are turly making a miracle for that man.
I agree with, Newbie on that one. Humans are the one thing that'll laugh at anothers misery, I mean don't get me wrong, I do, if its my friend and they laughed at me when I get hurt. But those are disorders people or are trying to. Take for example the little girl, she can't stop that, but still people laugh. As for the elephant man, I heard the man is getting several surgeries to cure that. I respect those brave people. I have a retarted friend named Shane I respect him for being brave enough to get through with his mental illness.
anyone ever get that weird feeling...when you think its really funny,but yet you cant laugh at it?...I just had that feeling. poor fella...
I wish people would stop making a joke of everything, especially people with disorders. Some people just don't know when to stop. =/
Whenever I see people making fun of a defenseless person, I feel sorry for him/her. Sometimes, I just wished that those kind of attitudes never existed in this world.