Electric collars: Miracle Aid/better than collar/Abuse/Quick Fix?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Sara, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I was taking a walk on the beach when I found a really obedient German Shepherd wandering a short distance from his owner. The owner was calling him and I heard a loud yelp come from the dog a minute later. I thought the dog was playing too roughly or something and I ignored it. I was coming the other way and spotted the owner, I spent a few moments petting the dog and speaking to him and noticed two collars. I asked him and he said it was a shock collar. He said he rarely used it and just used it a few minutes ago to get his attention and only uses it for that purpose. A few minutes later I walked on, but the question rolled around my head for a bit, so I decided to ask:

    What is your opinion on e-collars, a device used to give electric shocks to dogs via collars used by owners as a training aid to correct dogs over things over other training methods? Do you think it is the best training out there, better than even the collar on allowing dogs to walk freely, do you think it's abuse, or do you think owners use it to cut corners to not train their dogs properly?

    I honestly think it's part abuse, part quick fix. People want results now, they don't want to wait weeks, they don't want to wait months. They want a perfect pet as soon as they start out. They also have this belief that it will prevent the dog from choking to death with a collar and stop the cruelty of a gentle lead and/or harness using such a device because a few shocks and the dog will walk next to you nice and obediently.

    I don't like the e-collar. I have seen dogs perfectly trained where all you need is hand signals and a soft voice and the dog will listen perfectly. Yes, it takes longer time, but if you're going to have a dog, you need that time put in anyway. I have seen dogs on beaches walk right next to their owner without any leash or voice command with no devices and nothing else other than the trust for their owner. My cat comes mostly when called because he knows I'll pet him as a reward and he sometimes gets food. i never used any other training methods and neither did my family on training our pets except voice commands and gestures. We've never had any problem with our animals.
  2. Xenao Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 1, 2013
    United Kingdom
    Harming a dog will never work, whether it be by hand or by electric collar, it will just end up making the dog worse.

    you're right about the quick fix part, any dog can be taught to be obedient on or off the lead by a bit of time and persistence.
    letting the dog get hurt is just going to make that dog scared and anxious about being with its owner

    i personally think its wrong
  3. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    I think it's wrong, no one animal or human should have to be hurt like this and as for the 'to get his attention' reason, I find to be BS. You don't shock another person because they are ignoring you or didn't hear you so why do it to an animal?