Eight teens kidnap and attack a 16 year old girl.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Saintlikesgirls, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Personally if 6 girls beat the crap out of me resulting in lasting damage, I too would be most amused that they got a punishment. In fact I would be over the freakin moon, she has every right to be pleased about that.

    I still cannot believe how many people seem to think it is perfectly justified that this happened.

    So the girls who beat her just have a bad temper but she is a brat? Hmm neither side is perfect, but I personally think the 6 girls who dealt the beating are more at fault and more in the wrong than the girl who posted a few nasty comments.

    Seriously what kind of message is this to give out? Like no one on here has ever said anything nasty or mean about someone else? lmao anyone who claims that is lying.

    Words are words and yes they can be hurtful, but they do not result in hospitalisation or physical scars.

    No matter how some of you try to justify it, what those girls did was wrong. Have you seen the video? Have you heard what happened? They didn't just lose their temper, they PLANNED it, they PLANNED that attack. I would love to know how a planned, violent assult like that is seen to be apparently alright by some of you.
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    It's all over the news now.

    Six girls beating up one girl with two guys as look outs. That's just morally wrong. The kids are charged as adults with kidnapping and assualt. I hope they go to jail.

    The saddest part is not one of them said that it was wrong or left
  3. KnightReaper Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 4, 2008
    It's so sad to see things happen like this, knowing there are dirtbags like this in the world. These kids just ruined their lives. They can't go to college with a felony. Even if they don't put the word kidnapping, people will still know. These kids are then most likely going to get sued and the teen's parents will lose their houses, but in my opinion they rightfully deserve this.
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Blame...the Internet?..Blame the dumb b*tches who were dumb enough to do something like that!blame the parents for not teaching their kids the right way. It's not like the Internet beat the crap out of the girl! and from the sound of it those girls we're close to 16 or older and we're smart enough to not do something so f*cked up.Whoever got bail needs to be put back in there for life along with the rest of the attackers.
  5. KnightReaper Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 4, 2008
    Yeah, and kidnapping is life in prison and they are tried as adults. This is some serious stuff going down.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    It really kind of bursts my bubble that people continue to blame the 'internet' for being so evil. Myspace is the anti-Christ for children? Oh brother. They are not even bringing up in this how the girl was apparently mocking some of the other kids on Myspace in the first place, if it is the same incident. Games, music, the internet, these don't create bad natured people. It's time to blame the people who do bad. Not other sources. Despite popular opinion of some idiots, people do have minds of their own and can cognitively think things through and know better.

    I do feel bad for the girl for getting beaten up. It certainly does not take 6 girls to beat up one like that. Even if I think by the reports of this that go into further detail that the girl was a snob, this was uncalled for. I do hope those teenagers who did this learn this behavior is just not something to be tolerated and that there are other ways of dealing with someone like that including the famous 'ignore' option or to just tell someone to go **** him/herself and cut the crap. Sometimes people have to learn the hard way even if we figure that by the time someone is a teen they should know better. Bullying and beating up on people never solves anything. Now they get to learn the legal side of it since they wouldn't listen to a conscience. =:/
  7. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    It's not the Internet's fault that the teens attacked the girl. They knew what they did was wrong. It was their fault, not the Internet's.
  8. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    This is old, but just as sad. I hate people like this so much.
  9. Da Freak Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 5, 2006
    up your blarg
    Why is it that parents always blame something that is irrelevant to the situation when stuff like this happens? There's something more than the internet afoot. Did they atleast interrogate the girls to see why they did it?
  10. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    its one thing if she didn't do anything to deserve it and they beat her up= not exeptable


    she did something and they hurt her for it = wrong but you could figure that that was gonna happen..

    she probably knew she had it comin

    she is probably one of those *****es that attack people online and is to afraid and insucure to say it to peoples faces..she sorta had it comin to her in my opinion

    its one thing if she didn't do anything to deserve it and they beat her up= not exeptable


    she did something and they hurt her for it = wrong but you could figure that that was gonna happen..

    she probably knew she had it comin

    she is probably one of those bi *tches that attack people online and is to afraid and insucure to say it to peoples faces..she sorta had it comin to her in my opinion
  11. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    That's messed up, seriously. Who the hell does that? I mean, even if she did post some stuff about them in a bad way....it doesn't mean the guys have to go and beat the crap out of her. Seriously, those dudes need to work on how to respect women; even she did something to them. >.>
  12. jsko90 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 25, 2008
    Do any of you guys know what the punishment for those teens will be? I think they definitely deserve some prison time for this.
  13. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    I think that they are both wrong. I mean HELLO! Words are more powerful than the sword! But even worse, words can provoke the sword. They both were wrong, one is not worse than the other they were both just as wrong as each other.

    the lesson here is don't talk about people anywhere because words hurt and a rumor always finds its way to everyone including the person being talked about, and don't let your anger get the better of you. CONFRONT THE PERSON ABOUT YOUR PROBLEM! (caps make the statement)
  14. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Karma's a biach, aint it? It always comes back at someone, sometimes sooner then later. But if anything, what the girl did was f'ed up first of all, since it pisses me off how much of a ho she is. Anyone who has to do something on the internet instead of to someone's face, I really don't care for, so I don't really care how badly she was hurt.

    But now let me continue. I also think that it is f'ed up for a bunch of kids to have beaten HER (note that it is pretty f'ed up that they had to go after a girl, probably meaning that they were a bunch of losers), and sent her to the f'en hospital (even though I don't care for what happend to her, I do care for the fact that people beat someone up bad enough to send them to the hospital), and since they did it in a group, its pathetic. Of course, fact is is that these days, that kind of stuff is practicly a fad. Ever watch the news? Only a few nights ago they had somethen about a group of kids beaten the **** out of this girl for no reason, and even when the girl went into a store for help, they kicked her out, and all just so they could get it on video and put it on the internet.
    Now I'm just sayen that that is the reason why these kids beat her up like that, but what I am saying is that now adays it is more accepted, and people encourage it more often.
  15. Repliku Chaser

    I don't know why there are still people that think it was -boys- who beat her up. It was 6 girls who beat her up. So it's not a matter of 'respecting girls'. It was girls against a cheerleader who seemed to have a snotty attitude and was pushing their buttons and they decided to take revenge against her for saying nasty things on Myspace. So they got the brilliant idea to go beat her up and post a movie on Youtube about it. It's not really a good thing she got beaten up of course, but it was girls who did it; not boys.

    Also, I don't think the kids deserve 'prison time' for it. I know some will disagree with that but I grew up in a rough neighborhood where this kind of thing has happened and the reason it's getting so much publicity is because a cheerleader was beaten up and also they were stupid to make a movie on youtube. Taking this stuff out, the kids did take her somewhere and beat the crap out of her but didn't try to kill her. If they go to prison, these kids may have -no- chance to become better people. Prison is really ugly and has a tendency to turn adults into repeat offenders because they can't get jobs, they meet others who offer to 'help' them and get them in bad career choices, and they also can get beaten up or raped there. Now, put a teenager tried as an adult there and this could really ruin their lives substantially more.

    This doesn't mean I don't think they should be punished. However, I think being in a Juvenile Detention Home away from their families, doing community service, and finishing school from a D-home is more the way to go and even though it is hard, it is a form of rehabilitation so that when they would leave, they could still do things that those who've been to prison have a hard time doing. Some community service to get them to do jobs that help others and making an impression on them might turn them around. Being around 'worse' kids that grew up in harsher situations might open their eyes. Being away from the shielding of moms and dads that aren't taking this as serious as they should would be a reality slap. Made to finish school so they can get jobs etc would be a necessity so they can be productive at all to society. Since this is the only form of 'rehabilitation' we even have, I think it would be better to use it because adults just don't have this luxury and there's enough proof to show many people sent to prison for things like this come out worse after.

    Sorry for rambling on, but I thought I'd present the case that we do have a different way of approaching this that might be more constructive than keeping these kids locked up and permanently integrating them into a life of crime instead of doing what we should with them which is trying to get them to be better people and see the error of their ways. There are so many people in prison as adults and kids don't need to be there too for this sort of thing. Hope some people out there agree.
  16. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    actually they already got punished, and when i heard their punishment i was like "are you serious". they all went scott free, the only punishment they had was not having any internet connection for 2 years, not being able to contact each other or the victim, and having to go to a new school. i heard the 18 year old got tried as an adult tho. but i think their punishment was WAAAY too light.
  17. Repliku Chaser

    Well if that's all that happened, yeah it does seem light. I just meant that I'd hate to see it also go too harsh as well. Thanks for updating me. I was looking for what happened and what charges they had but google failed me. =:/ and I was too lazy to keep looking after 2 pages.
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.

    Well the victim instigated them on myspace I guess,that may be why.but its still bullsh*t,I agree.

    No internet for 2 years?..that's hell for me xD

    And people know their names now,and their faces are all over the internet,they'll be hated for life.