I gave up for the longest time but i was bord so i tried again. i put stock in the right for a reason. i like it but eh what ya think?
Well, it's better than other stuff you've done. But it still feels pretty amateurish. Firstly, the stock looks pretty bad in quality. It's always important that you get a high quality stock. There are many websites that have cut-outs, and these are easier to work with, since they are already cut. Also, the effects feel a bit meshed up, and they don't really contribute to the depth of the whole tag. It's just like you just slapped the effect there. Overall, it seems you're getting better, but you need to improve a whole lot more. Also, best if you use renders from now on, at least until you get the hang of tag making.
I don't even know where to begin. First, stock is in horrid quality. Did you do it or did you just find it? Second, a lot of the effects look slapped on. Like, you didn't even try to make them blend. Next, what program do you use? That way, I can give you better advice.
I highly recommend that you look into some tuts. As for this, it seriously looks like you spent 3 minutes just slapping random stuff together and calling it a tag. Like the others said, that stock you used is low quality and icky. Next time, look for high quality stocks/renders. For nice high quality renders I suggest going here: http://planetrenders.net/ http://animerender.com/