This Sketch is for you RoxaSora2010 ;] hope you like it XD I recently became a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist :D I obtained a passion for sketching ed so i did and here it is l l l v >comments please< :3
WOW I mean.. WOW xD *Just recently became a fan too* Thats possibly the best sketch of Ed I have seen... EVER <3 Don't color it in, its perfect as it is x3 That rocks so much xDD
excellent sketch. It almost looks like a pro's work. Everything is neatly done, no errors, no mistakes. I'd make a critic comment or something, but I dont think that I can ^_^ 10/10
*Flying glomps Taffy* Epic win! 8D Thank you. :3 It's cool, the clothes are simply perfect, I like very much the shadings and the face is ok. 8D
I envy your work. Seriously everything looks professional. 10/10 Never seen a better fan made ed sketch. It actually look like he did in the anime.
very nice 8D just the top of the head seems a bit taller than is should be, but that's not bad at all xD
This is amazing. I may have told you this before, but this looks like a professional's work. Well...with your drawings you're not far of from professional. 10/10. Keep up the great work.
OoO......................................................................................... *speechless* That.... is.....just.....pure.......awesome! O.O I can't believe you drew that. I don't think I'll be able to catch up to you. XPPPP I'd give it more than 10 maybe like 50/10 XDDDD 10/10. ^^
So many FMA fans, so many. :D It brings me joy. IT'S AMAZING! 8D IT'S AWESOME! It's dead on. Seriously. It's... I can't think of an adjective good enough.