
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by hahannuh, Jan 22, 2007.

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  1. Samurai King's Apprentice

    Oct 20, 2006
    On a distinguished road. OMGWTF!?
    Ok, what would you say if I said........

    9th grade?
  2. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nope, not in this world anymore, people are expecting more from employees these days, people who drop out of school now will get nowhere when compared to 30 years ago.
  3. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    True. What is the point of dropping out of school like in Year 9 though?

    Wouldn't one rather prefer to go all the way to Year 12, and then go to college? I mean, it's my prefered choice of how my education is going to be like.

    Because if you do stop school at Year 9, you'll have a big disadvantage for your future career or job.
  4. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    i understand both sides of the argument. i am a senior in high school and am planning to major in graphic design and minor in creative writing. this means that math will have very little to offer me in my future career. but schools teach students this to make them well-rounded. not all high school seniors know what they want to do, so schools provide them with enough info so that they can choose from many different subjects, even if they dont go to college.

    still, my government economics teacher shared an article with the class the other day. its was written by a college professor who said that the educations system is purposefully keeping their people ignorant because this makes then easier to manipulate by the government. think about it, if you have a group of intelligent scholars and you present them with bogus government plans, theyll knock it all to he**. but if you have a group of ignorant people and the gov does the same, they wont know what to think about it and go right along with the gov. this does not mean that teachers are to blame, but the school stystems may be.

    also, schools set a very poor example of expectations and responsibility. even at high school you are constantly monitored if you skip, or do not do your hw, or fall asleep in class. most colleges will not give you in school suspension or detention if you do this. theyll just let you fail the class. its the same with work places. theyll fire you. students are too monitored and should be encouraged to find their own motivation and responsibility.

    i think one of the most faulty courses in school is history. every year you learn the same things with a little more added info. ive only studied the vietnam war once, and ive yet to study almost anything beyond that point. government economics is a helpful class, but its taught in a very basic way. unless you are lucky to have an honest and good teacher, you only learn the rules and laws of gov, and not the corruption and disputes of gov.

    also, my parents went to school in argentina and there they say they learned history about the entire world, not just their country and the main european countries (and the other "main" countries like russia). they learned geography of other countries and this really helps students to grasp more that they live in a world of many different peoples and cultues, something my US education has never done.

    i also agree that the education system does not prepare students for careers. its teaches them the information needed, but not the methods. on top of that, many school encourage students to persue "quality" careers like medicine and law, and do very little to support art, theater, or less "quality" careers. students are given the wrong impression. they think that you have to be a straight a student and attend the best colleges so that you can go out into the world and get a job behind a cubicle to start earning those big bucks. students are not taught that even those who drop out of school, with the right motivation, can make it big.

    anyways, as much as i rant about the issues, school has helped me. ive watched myself grow as an artist and writer. science has helped spark my mind and understand more about the world i live in and even about my own body. even though i am not a big fan of math, i find myself understanding reasoning and logic better. so while the system undoubtedly has many faults that could easily be altered, it has still helped me become the educated person i am today.

    sorry for the long response.... :o
  5. Axel Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Partying, making tags and Staring at the Sun.
    Zomg, poor CIn. Everyone's calling him a girl.

    On topic: My old history teacher taught us american history but at the same time we learned current events. Each day we would learn the news and he would explain us all this stuff and we learned quite a lot. Especially cuz he was an uber cool teacher.
    I guess it's up to the teachers.
  6. Sora_Riku_masters Destiny Islands Resident

    Boring Convo

    Why Are We Talking About School Its Summer Vacation
  7. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    My teachers aren't like that. They tell us stuff we actually need to know (like how the government works).
  8. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    In my eyes, the teachers don't care on how well you get educated, it all depends on the $$MULAH$$

    Or at least that's what it's like at my school. I barely learned a single thing, yet I'm sure the teachers got their bonus check.
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