Ed It Out

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Rawr, Nov 9, 2006.

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  1. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    ooc: Dang.I was gonna ask him if he would make Inuyasha a keyblade<:(
  2. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    naruto looks at cloud " hey!,are these the keys?"
    cloud shakes his head yes
  3. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    Danny walks out of the shop via intangibility"boo."
  4. cloudfinalfantasy Banned

    Oct 11, 2006
    dance water dance avenu
    (pulls trigger dies and wakes up in the hospital) i wonder if i could get a visitor? he thought
  5. hahannuh Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 22, 2006
    tifa left the hospital and was walking around. she went inside the restaurant for a cup of hot water. it's getting cold.. she thought to herself.
  6. Rufus Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 25, 2006
    Houston, Tx
    "Kairi... I don't think its a good idea to slap people, especially your best frie-" Sora took a short pause. Wait a sec... "I GOT HIT BY A CAR?!!!!!!!!!" he said screaming outloud.

    (0oC: Gasp! :P)
  7. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    0oC-Now he shouldn't be playing Roxas, now should he?
    Know that, heh, I"m Axel
  8. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    "Sora, calm down!" Kairi said, grabbing onto him. "If you yell, the nurse's are going to come back in here, and take me away. Yes you were hit by a car, you've been in a coma for two weeks now. That's why you don't remember anything. I don't know how you got amnesia, but it has to be a result of it." Kairi said, trying to sound calm.
  9. Rufus Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 25, 2006
    Houston, Tx
    "So.... cuz I got hit by a car.......... I lost my memory....? What was i doing?" Sora asked Kairi.

    (0oC: 2 days in a coma? D: more like 2 weeks XDD)
  10. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    (OOC: ok, I'll edit, though remember, Kairi was out to, so she isn't sure what's going on either ><)
    "Yeah...you were looking for me and Riku...we had gone of on our own to talk for a sec, cause Riku was giving me this awkward vibe. So we ducked behind an alley, and when you saw us, you came walking over, and some dumbass hit you."
  11. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    ooc:I'll be using colors for my characters from now on:Red for Inuyasha and Green for Danny

    "Well,if it isn't Sora.So you're finally awake.I'm Inuyasha."

    Danny is flying around the island."Sometimes it's hard being half ghost."Sees Sora.Lands"Hi.I'm Danny Phantom,and you are?"
  12. Rufus Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 25, 2006
    Houston, Tx

    "Well........ I'm sure it wasn't that serious...." Sora said looking at his hands. I seem to be alright.... except for the fact that I can't remember anything....." he said sighing. "At least I know why I'm here.... but when can we leave? This place gives me the creeps." he said whimpering and closing his eyes tight.
  13. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    "Well, if you can convince the doctor's that you don't have amnesia, maybe they'll let us out of here. Then we can go back to Riku's and work on getting your memory back. I'm sure Riku could help, and would be happy to see you."
  14. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Hey!Don't just ignore me answer me Sora!"

    "What he said!"
  15. Rufus Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 25, 2006
    Houston, Tx
    "Right! Convince them........." Sora said. "Well.... it shouldn't that hard." he said shaking his head and making a fist. "Yeah.... I-I can do that....."
  16. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "That's it!"shows claws

    "Allow me"Danny overshadows sora and turns him around to notice him and Inuyasha
  17. Rena88 Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 30, 2006
    Candy Mountain XP
    OOC: we can be another character? hm...

    Deep within a forsaken forest, a mysterious man strides alone. His gait slow but steady. His body cut and bruised and his clothes but tatters, signs of his many battles. Blood blankets his skin. Some dried and brown from lack of attention. Some streaming down his limbs, still fresh from the last scuffle. His hair is matted and unkempt. His eyes, faded grey to reflect the emptiness of his innermost being.

    He keeps a firm grasp on his fatal sword, as if ready to strike. He stops abruptly and turns his attention to a nearby brush. Had he heard the snapping of a twig? For a long moment, all is calm. The only sound being his slow and shallow breaths.

    Then it came at him. A beast so grotesque and vicious, none could compare. It leapt at him, determined to ensnare his arm within its muscular jaws. But the man leaps back, just out of reach and, in a defensive stance, prepares for a second attack.

    They both standoff for what seemed like minutes. The six foot, dog-like beast remains crouched, standing at the ready like the man. Its jet-black, wiry fur standing on end. Its massive front claws flexing, shifting the earth underfoot. A low growl rising from deep within its chest. Teeth bared, revealing their yellow hue, evidently stained from the blood of countless victims.

    Its eyes set deep within its abnormally large skull. Piercing orbs of amber. The man searched these eyes. They reflected uncontrollable rage without a hint of regret. “We’re one in the same, my friend,†the man coaxes the beast. The beast simply twitches its tail and draws its elfin ears back. Both of us thirsting for blood but...

    At that moment the beast lunged at him. But he was fully prepared for the rush. He struck the creature’s shoulder with his blade as he sidestepped. The beast retorted with a swipe of his menacing arm, barely grazing the man’s chest. It was about to come headfirst into the man, trying once again to sink its daggers for teeth into him.

    But everything came to a stop. The beast stood frozen, blood trickling from its mouth. The man was the cause of this sudden halt. He had brought his sword down on the creature, point first. The blade now rested between the creature’s eyes and out through its bottom jaw. Its eyes slowly glazed over and its giant frame began to slump.

    The man slid his sword out of the hairy sheath it had created. The body of the creature landed on the ground with a thud. Its mouth wide open, tongue dangling from the side, blood still flowing from its open wound. “...gaining nothing.â€

    Eight days. He had faced this kind of conflict for eight days. It never brought peace. He had slaughtered these murderous monsters left and right. They could no longer harm innocents. But what was the use? More would come. More would attempt to kill. He was a walking stench for these beasts.

    The man walked away from the corpse. There was no destination in mind. Isolation had become his closest friend, his blade his only ally. He eventually came upon a gnarled tree and leaned against it for support. He releases his sword, its tip sinks into the soft ground and it remains upright. He brings his newly freed hand up to his chest in order to suppress blood flow.

    The pain never came. It had simply become second nature. No physical pain phased him anymore. It just fueled him. Fight to live. Live to fight. That was all that mattered now.

    Eight days...An eternity could not compare.

    OOC2: (the character will be revealed slowly) darn twi and his literary influence... :confused:
  18. Rufus Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 25, 2006
    Houston, Tx
    (0oC: KeybladewarriorNexus1993, are you in the hospital? D: if so, how the nurse let you go to my room XD)
  19. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    ooc:Yes.Inuyasha forced his way through and Danny phased through the wall.
  20. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    ooc:uh...Rena you have to let vin know about your second character before you can play as the character.Sorry.
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