Ed It Out

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Rawr, Nov 9, 2006.

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  1. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    Roxas looked around to make sure no one was snooping around in his house.

    "I had to go and look at Destiny Island. I felt something weird over there..." He explained.
  2. Rena88 Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 30, 2006
    Candy Mountain XP
    OOC: don't know what's going on but i'm posting the last part of my mystery man's story. he is revealed!

    He passed a carcass. These same remains were what was left of the mighty beast he had killed not a day ago. Picked clean. Maybe the reason he hadn’t been attack while he slumbered under a tree. Flesh-craving creatures would be too full from the feast to bother scavenging any further from it.

    It was not the appearance that made his stomach churn, It was the smell. Rotting flesh. At least, what was left of it. The stench could not be prevented from entering his nostrils. His lungs burned from the fumes. No matter how many times he saw it, he could never get over the smell.

    The man continued walking for hours, this time with a destination determined. The forest started showing real signs of life, not the type of life he dealt with lately. Birds could be heard singing and underbrush rustled from the scurrying of various rodents. But the canopy of trees was still too thick to let light through.

    He came to a shallow stream. He began wading through it when something in the water caught his eye. He stopped and looked down. It was his reflection, at least, he thought it was. This was the first time he saw himself while dwelling the forest. The sight almost horrified him. He was red and brown all over from old and new blood. His hair even looked like it turned black from its naturally light color.

    The water was turning red. It seemed to become blood itself. But he kept looking on. This is what I’ve become? Someone I don’t recognize... Those eyes. His eyes. The rage of a beast. Nothing urged this feeling at the moment, it was just there. In his faded eyes.

    He was finally able to break eye contact from the mirror image. He made it to the other side of the stream. Just ahead. There was a break through the trees. He could see sky. Was it always so blue? The man made his way cautiously up to the streaming light. This is it. It’s now or never. He closed his eyes and positioned himself in the clearing. His whole body illuminated by the sun’s rays.

    He felt it. The pain. It was more intense than ever. But...it did not hurt him this time. It no longer affected him physically. It was all emotion. His cheeks became drenched, tears were streaming. He fell to his knees and kept his head tilted back, staring straight into the sun.

    Somewhere...deep inside this pain...were the feelings he longed to have again. The love, the joy, even the sadness. He would live through this pain until he experienced those feelings once more. Finding an inner strength, beyond the pain, he slowly rose. I have to go back. To be with them again...

    He began walking again toward his goal. His body felt heavier now. He was struggling. But even this resistance could not stop him. He was drawing near to the edge of the forest. The outline of buildings and houses could be seen.

    He made it to the town. The streets seemed quiet. The blue one. He had to find the blue one. After dragging himself a few blocks, he found it. A blue house with white trim. Home. He slowly made his way up the front steps and turned the doorknob. The door silently swung open.

    His vision was blurred again. New tears had surfaced. He could only make out the shadows that were his friends. “Kairi...Sora...†He fell to the floor. The blood loss had been too great. All went black.
  3. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    The door flew open and a dark figure stormed inside, caked in dark old blood. Kairi looked over in shock to find Riku. "RIKU!" she ran over to him, grabbing him up in her arms. "Where have you been? What have you been doing? You look awful! What happened?" She continued asking questions, but she was getting no response. She didn't care though. She felt it was all her fault he had dissapeared in the first place, and now he showed back up, days, maybe weeks later, and looked like this.
  4. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    0oC-Holy shot! That's a lot of typing.....0.o

    Roxas looked up. "I need to go. Now. And so do you. I'll see you later. I'm sorry." He jumped up, put on his Organization cloak and ran out with his keyblades in his hands.
  5. Rena88 Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 30, 2006
    Candy Mountain XP
    OOC: well, i had 3 weeks to write it (even though i did it in one sitting). XD i'm gonna wait for Sora and Kairi to work things out while Riku's passed out. rufus!!!
  6. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    0oC-Okalie Dokalie!

    Roxas ran down the street, the sky seemed to be getting dark.... He had to hurry.
    He ran further and further down the street and found Kairi in a room with a man lying on the ground. "K-Kairi? W-who is that....?"
  7. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    (OOC: *bonks DR on the head*
    Rena just said she was leaving it for me and Sora to setle things >> how exactly can they do that with Roxas there? xD
    *bonks again*
    Plus, how would you have known to gone to the house? These are the things you have to think of when role playing my friend. You can't just go somewhere, you need a reason. Wow, I'm in a nice mood today ^_^ I guess being away for so long allowed me to get rid of a lot of my anger >>)
  8. hikki_kairi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 7, 2006
    inside my dark heart
    namine was approaching kairi's house, i wonder, how's everyone doing?, suddenly....."AAHHHHH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....", she screamed in pain. this.......this........can't.....be......happening!! Not now.....please....... not now....., she said to herself while the pain was getting a lot worse by the second. "HELP! ANYONE!? please help me...... ugh....", she fainted.

    (OOC: since when did twi became nice? XD jk!)
  9. cloudfinalfantasy Banned

    Oct 11, 2006
    dance water dance avenu
    kratos walked right in front of namine "hello may i help you im visiting kairi today kairi can namine come in? ok yeah come on in"
  10. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    (OOC: Alright! god-modding, powerplaying and poor grammar in one post! w00t!!! And no, Kairi did not say you could come in ^_^ She never answered the door.)
  11. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    (OOC: ok guys i 'm adding a bad bad any suggestions? OH yeah twi I was wondering if you could talk misty in letting me reform n00bs?

    Ichigo walks on to the beach " hhhmm what a weird feeling I'm getting about this place" he coutinues to walk towards his new home
  12. hikki_kairi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 7, 2006
    inside my dark heart
    (ooc: namine is unconscious DR needs to take her in the hospital)
  13. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    (ooc: hey did you get DR PM?)
  14. cloudfinalfantasy2 Banned

    Jan 29, 2007
    Kratos sighed and,left for the battel grounds and,waited.
  15. hikki_kairi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 7, 2006
    inside my dark heart
    (ooc: what happened?)
  16. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    Roxas sat down in the ruins. "I feel like it's been forever since I've been here..." He said aloud.
  17. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
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