Thoughts? I feel that this game is going to be very good. Well thought and is most defintely a better parody of video games the The Simpsons Game. I like the variety of weapons (you'll get what I mean if you watch the video), how the Russians are hacked into zombies, and the 2D soldiers and the boss is the ****. They know what they're doing and I'm keeping an eye on this on.
This game is either going to be great or ****ing suck. I'm hoping for great since it's got some humor in it and NPH who I ****ing love.
The way you shoot reminds me of a mix of Dirge of Cerberus and 24 the game. It looks nice, but there is a good chance that this might be a bad game. I hope not.
Gameplay seems stiff so far, it's not looking bad but not good either. The game is relying to much on the humour from what I've seen. I think I will rent it to see what it's like, the jokes seem kind of forced and well very bad american sitcom like but I will hold my judgement until I play it.
It's got the easiest 1000g ever next to Avatar. Literally get 60 points for watching the whole credits. You just know Andy Jackson is going to fuxing love it D: