Having heard the severe reputation of EA with a TON of different franchises they bought. Ultima, Mass Effect... I am basically seeing now EA sucking and bleeding this one dry that collapses the franchise completely. Maybe Bioware of whatever left of the company after EA's takeover and disaster of publicity that Mass Effect 3's ending turned out to be. (Whether or not you like the ending, there was terrible press from the ending of the game. It's still pretty controversial in some fields of the Internet.) Maybe DICE will help, I never heard of DICE before. But it doesn't bode well in my humble opinion.
Personally, I think this could be a horrible turn for future Star Wars Games. EA has gotten a lot of crap the past few years and it may spread to the Star Wars games. I can already see potential games being swamped with overwhelming amounts of microtransactions and DLCs. The only thing that shall raise my head to EA is IF they manage to bring back Battlefront 3...IN A GOOD WAY. Not some crap where 20% of the game is bought and the rest through DLCs.
On the one hand, LucasArts wasn't doing too well with the license in the first place. Though 1313 looked to be turning things around (even if I wouldn't be too terribly happy with a Boba Fett game since I prefer expanded universe stuff to be its own thing), they still did idiotic things like cancel KotOR 3 in favor of The Force Unleashed, half-assed The Force Unleashed II and canceled Battlefront 3 when it was about 90% finished. On the other hand, unless the recent idiocy that lead to their CEO's departure taught them a few lessons, EA will likely not be much better. We'll have to deal with pointless and excessive microtransactions, DRM and, possibly, half-assed yearly sequels and half-assed DLC (and no, I'm not criticizing full expansions that happen to be DLC. I really have no idea where the outright hated for DLC of all kind came from all of a sudden. DLC is a great way to add more content to a game and expand its replay value. Crappy DLC doesn't keep good DLC from being made, after all, just like how crappy games don't keep good games from being made).
My initial reaction is either very good or very bad when it's audible. Bad initial reaction. EA will definitely cash cow this franchise, it's like a gold mine for extras they can tape on that people will want to buy. The future is disturbing for Star Wars....
The thing is that Star Wars is already kind of a cash cow, not in the way / extent that EA handles it but it can't get much worse. ... can it? Edit [parsehtml]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>With Mass Effect, EA showed they were able to anger the fans of a sci fi trilogy. That’s why EA and Lucasfilms are the perfect partnership!</p>— CEO Kaz Hirai (@KazHiraiCEO) <a href="https://twitter.com/KazHiraiCEO/status/331522259959291905">May 6, 2013</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/parsehtml]Classic.
Mass Effect hasn't really been much of a cash cow by EAs own complete doing. Stuff like mobile apps, dlc in comics, and such were stuff Bioware has been wanting to expand in and just hasn't been able to until they were acquired by EA. And if people blame the story's ending on EA, i'm sorry I don't like EA, but it's not them they should be pissed at or Bioware as a whole. Complain to the writers or even to the Projector Director. It's like blaming a rogue police officer in the USA onto the President because he's at the top of the government food chain. Still, I can only hope that they learn from past mistakes. Really won't know till they announce and even just release their first licensed game unto the world
And after Disney acquired Star Wars I was the one saying that maybe they could breathe some life into the gaming side of the franchise. Got egg on my face now, haven't I?