E3 2010: Starting June 15th...

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    E3 2010 kicks off Monday, June 14th 2010. Fans will be gathering to Los Angeles, California for one of the most anticipated video game conventions.

    This year's convention has the fans from the KINGDOM HEARTS series eagerly waiting for some new footage from KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep.

    So, what exactly can we expect from the E3 2010 convention?

    Square-Enix will be announcing the KINGDOM HEARTS ReCoded title, which appears to be a remake of the Coded title that entered the mobile phones in Japan.

    Fans were assured that this title wasn't going to be released, but Square-Enix has surprised many fans by putting this title on the Nintendo DS.

    Last but not least, what is the title that the community is sharing it's hype about?

    If you guessed KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep, then you're right, but seriously that wasn't a brainier (laughs).

    Fans worldwide have been waiting for the long anticipated release of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep. The secret movie from this title was first shown in the release of KINGDOM HEARTS II.

    Fans believed that this was a tease for what we could expect in KINGDOM HEARTS III, but was later announced as a title that would go back ten years before Sora was a keyblade wielder.

    After waiting for a full four year, fans can rejoice for KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep that will release in North America and Europe on September 2010.

    Wait, there's more!

    At this year's E3 2010 expo, fans will be revealed with a trailer and playable demo for KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep.

    Plus, the content that Square will share with fans from the ReCoded title.

    Alright, I think this wraps up our post for tonight (laughs). With that said, are you guys ready?

    I want to ask one more thing. Will you guys stick with us on the latest developing stories from E3 2010? :)

    We'll see you there!

    And for some giggles, why not check that last promotion we made for KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep?

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 13, 2010.

    1. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I am gonna be checking back every day during E3! I am so pumped! Post anything learned as soon as the info is available! =D ​
    2. ChaosFinale
      Tomorrow is the big day for many of the big announcements coming.
    3. TheCrownedRoxas
      Does anyone know what channel its on with Cox Arizona Centrail?
    4. KeybladeSpirit
      More importantly, what networks are hosting it?
    5. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      G4 is hosting it live. I'm not sure what channel it is, but I'm sure if you search you'll be able to find it. I did, and set it on record in case I had to miss it.

      But I'm so excited to hear more about BBS. I don't want too much to spoil it, but I am looking forward to coverage on that. And of course, on the ReCoded title.
    6. Stardust
      ...Am I missing something here? @_@

      As for the actual event, I'll probably let the whole thing play out then come back here and to gaming news sites to see what all went on. It looks interesting this year, but I don't usually watch coverage for this stuff on TV =P.
      BBS I've always really been looking forward to (I wasn't so interested in Days), and I've always liked the concept behind Coded, so sounds like a good year to me.
    7. Shikou
      i really hope the Demo is going to be available to download from Media Go thats all i want thats close to KH BBS :D
    8. Mike
      Hope that helps...
    9. KingSimba01
      Cool. Is Re:Coded one of the three new titles Nomura was talking about then?
    10. Egypt
      I don't know if I'll watch it on tv. I can't sit in front of my tv waiting for the games that I'm looking for to to come on.
    11. Luminey
      Well microsoft just killed gaming today. Sony will pwn with BBS, can't wait until tomorrow
    12. nekodoru
      I will stick with you people so much, I might not go to school.... dumb kidding aside, I'm being quite honest here. Thanks for delivering news, my little country hardly shows E3 in television!
      .... more curious about re:coded than BBS right now though, 'cause we all now the latter will eventually come to us, right? oh gee Cx
    13. Sabby
      If you guys don't have the channel for G4 Tech TV then go to G4TV.com or


      : )

      I'm actually watching the EA conference right now, but I'm taping sony's conference tomorrow

      Super ready for KH news​
    14. Vanitas
      Kingdom Hearts III - PS3 exclusive with Playstation Move support

      I have my hopes up
    15. Dawn
      @TheCrownedRoxas You could check out zap2it website. That's how I found E3 premire from GT. Anyone with digital box has G4. It is different for everyone, though.

      I'm staying home for both Nintendo and Sony. Loved Ubisoft's games this year. I'm planning on buying them. Pre-ordered BBS already.

      I'd like to see Square combine with Ubisoft
    16. silverhikari
      KH: BBS
      KH: RE: Coded
      Unknown Kingdom Hearts Title.

      Three KH games will be noted at E3 2010, but it's doubtful any will be KH3. We're to close to FF13's release date for them to pull that out.

      E3 got kicked off on Monday the 14th. SONY'S CONFERENCE (AKA the KH slot) is on Tuesday the 15th.
    17. 1ofamillion
      thanks for the info guys. I will be happy with just BBS, but any other games are just a bonus :)
    18. KingSimba01
      Wait, so there's another KH title to be announced too? Wasn't it going to be just Re:Coded and BBS?