E3 2008 Discussion

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Destined, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. Titanguy654 Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 16, 2007
  2. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
  3. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  4. Falco Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 4, 2006
    A Town that you don't know of.
    where exactly do you watch the press conferences?

    I just go to these three sites, G4TV.com, E3.com, Gametrailers.com.
  5. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Some watched them on gamespot.com, ign.com. I watched the conferences on tv on G4.
  6. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    In my opinion, Microsoft's line-up this year was a lot stronger than any of the others, mostly because they've branched out so much in the genres that they were not really known for (casual and RPGs). Having secured some quality JRPGs for this year and next, as well as adding some particularly innovative casual titles like Taking It To the Movies, as well as an Xbox Live interface update with some new features, as an overall package, I think Microsoft won E3 in terms of content.

    However, despite that, I absolutely loved Sony's presentation at their press conference today, and completely thought they had the most entertaining segment this year. The use of LittleBigPlanet to help display their statistics and PSHome still reminds me of what sorts of innovations Sony is taking to try to create a community as large and cohesive as the XBL community. It's still a very young system so I hope the best for it in the coming years.

    Nintendo wasn't particularly of any interest to me personally this year, and it only makes me feel better about my choice of selling my Wii. Nintendo is really going somewhere else this generation and I don't think I can follow. It's not a bad direction of course, since they are still the industry leaders and are obviously following a route of success, but after seeing their line-up and watching them 'attempt' to appeal to the hardcore like myself, it's just not a system for me anymore.

    Concluding from this, I feel like that each of the companies have shown their major strengths (whether or not these were their intentions or not remains to be seen):

    - Microsoft has more then ever become one of the (if the not the most) versatile system(s) on the market in terms of games. Investing in snagging major titles from areas they were weaker in has worked to their advantage in more ways than one. I used to be more divided in my opinion on which console to get for what reasons because it used to be so clear cut in terms of which genres were more affiliated with which console, but the 360 has more than ever closed this gap.

    - While also still retaining some merit as a versatile system (reputation carried over from the sucess of the PS2), I feel like Sony's versatility has been more focused on things other than gaming. This includes 'bringing your PC to your living room'. Now with the blu-ray winning the format war, functioning as a blu-ray player along with its additional features of media servers and the like, the PS3 has become somewhat the #1 media device on the market in my opinion.

    - Nintendo's obvious and in my opinion, #1 selling point is their awesome way of not just catering to the casual gamers, but Nintendo has also developed a way to draw new people into gaming who weren't really ones themselves in previous years. In most cases, casuals almost always outnumber the hardcore, so it's no surprise that catering to a casual crowd is a direction that works, and Nintendo has shown that in spades.
  7. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    i watched this mornings E3 '08. i saw what nintendo had to offer, and it looked pretty good. it's good enough that i might save money to buy a DS. i was wondering why they didn't show 358/2 days in their presentation. It's a highly anticipated game, and has some development. i really lol'd when they played the mario theme on WiiMusic.
  8. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
  9. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    I saw that comic. XD

    Sony had the best conference by far, but MS still has the best line-up, the FFXIII annoucment is the big shocker of the event.

    MS are really concentrating on the core gamers and attracting them which is working and this is what is giving the 360 an edge over the PS3. Sony got cocky with the success of the PS2 and instead of following the trends of the PS3 just created this multi-media console and just expected the people to roll in and buy off the bat and it's taken until now for Sony to really act, the line up is getting better, but it's not straying too far from what is making the 360 popular, almost like it's lagging behind a year or 2 of the 360. While it's playing catch up the 360 is expanding it's audience. But then again LittleBigPlanet and Home counter-act that. Personally I have no idea what Sony are doing, they are trying to do so much, they have got the potential but not delivering and just delaying. I believe Home will be awesome....when it comes, maybe it will come packed in with the PS4.

    Wii press conference. Epic fail. Didn't really deliver much and has pretty much done what Sony did in 06..maybe not quite as bad, but close.
  10. flash_gamer Moogle Assistant

    Jul 29, 2008
  11. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    I'm waiting for Sonic Unleashed.And KH re:com coming in December.
  12. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    I'm still hurting from that..

    The reason I bought a Playstation 3 was for Square Enix exclusives.