Dude that's "gay"

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Xemnas7355, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. Xemnas7355 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 23, 2007
    :lol: A lot of posts made me do that! Well a lot of you raise up the point that gay used to mean Happy! I already knew that, but It made me think that is actually really interesting that a word can have such a drastic change in meaning! But once again :lol:
  2. he's-got-a-heart Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 8, 2007
    Cloud 9
    I think it's just become like a swear word, because in the beginning people hated gays so much. But most people aren't actually refer to actual orientation when they say 'this piece of homework was so gay'

    Just like when people say 'Lord Almighty' and 'Jesus Christ'. There names are used as swear words but rarely mean the actual thing.
  3. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    wow, you explained it so well!!!!! i couldn't put that into words, but yea, that's what i agree with
  4. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    Are you just out of your mind? If I call someone ******ed does that mean I hate all ******ed people? F no it doesn't. Its just a commonly associated word for a negative term that is used loosely as an insult. Its like calling someone stupid.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    I don't agree that most people today hate gay people. As I've said, many of my friends who are in fact gay use the term. Maybe back in the 70s and 80s and early 90s it was used much more negatively but today it just seems to mean something that is out there, not average, maybe a bizarre colorful thing, or something a stereotypical gay person might do/say/wear. Since even gay people use it, it doesn't seem to have the connotations that it used to and for that I'm glad.

    On a similar note, saying someone is ******ed doesn't mean the person is mentally ******ed or someone hates the mentally disabled. It means you are calling someone 'stupid' or 'dumb'. So yeah, I really don't see anyone really saying something is 'gay' anymore as being related to the fact people 'hate gays'. That's kind of extreme or gay people themselves wouldn't use it. That'd make no sense.
  6. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    I never said that you have to hate ******ed people to call them ******ed.
  7. TheNumbone Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 15, 2007

    AHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!i don't really care how ppl use the word anyway...LOL!!i think its funny!!!!!OMG!!LOL!!or maybe im just bored cuz im at school and they blocked sites like myspace and stuff but i found out that this one isnt blocked!!!XD!!!but anyway..ya..i am....but im different than most ppl that are..cuz i like sports..and..i HATE pink...and..ya..fave colors red...and my friends are all girls..but theyre tomboys...so ya...lol....and my best friend is the only person that knows about it :)..hahaa..but anyway...ya...i hear ppl use the word like that all the times...and every time, i think its funny...so ya..doesnt bother me..

    OMG!! I made myself sound all happy in the last post!!aaah!!k..let me say something really quick before ppl start saying stuff like "wow..hes cheerful..."..k..MOST of the times..i'm depressed..i think that was just cuz i was SUPER incredibly bored....so ya...waiting for freshmen to come back to class....grrrr....im in a freshmen/sophomore/junior/senior class..computer class thing..or something...but..the freshman got called to an assembly thing..so..there are like 4 ppl in here..so he let us on the computers....so ya...
  8. Repliku Chaser

    Wow, lighten up on the text talk next time, please. It was an annoyance reading this rather than a pleasure. This is 'intelligent' discussion and text speech on a forum really doesn't do much of a job to convey that. Hate to pick on this but really, that was just out of hand.
  9. Xemnas7355 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 23, 2007
    I agree that was annoing.....
  10. Bou Banned

    Aug 21, 2007
    To be honest, using "gay" as a derogatory word isn't anything to cry about. Ignore it, brush it off; it's simply a sign of America's dwindling youth and intelligence. People say it without realizing what it means. I never call people ******ed or gay, I feel that it gives the wrong impression to bystanders and makes you sound stupid. One of my friends 9 year old little brother said "This game is so ******ed!" when I was at his house, but he doesn't know what a ****** really is. It's a word he's heard, and knows means something negative, so he adopts it into his everyday language. It's not like he actually thinks the game is mentally ******ed. I'm sure it's the same way for little kids who call things "gay" nowadays, just like in the story you gave us at the beginning of this thread.
  11. RPGgamer Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2006
    between dark and light
    Everyone has different thoughts on different things. People may take 'gay' as an insult or use it as an insult because it means your different. But one thing you have to remember is that these insults are only words. They don't actually have a meaning in life, but they are wandering words that people use. Plus, a lot of people don't accept different people, and uphold different things against them.
  12. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    Its "gay" xD that gay is an insult, but really, thats just modern slang. Its quick and easy to say, and is pretty much equivalent to stupid these days. That doesn't make it right however, and I try pretty hard to not use it a lot, but sometiems Im just like "man, thats so gay =/" and eh, I dont feel bad about it. Same sort of thing as calling someone a ******, its not right, but it works, and obviously you don't mean it literally.
  13. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Man, to me, it doesn't matter. When I use the word gay, I mean stupid. Actually everyone says that, and they mean stupid. :/ Here's an example:

    " Man, this dress code is gay."

    I'm not calling the dress code a homo, i'm saying that it is stupid, and nobody should take that as an offense. If they do, then I would explain to them what I meant, and I wouldn't plan on stop using the word.(Especially since they know i'm not calling it a homo) It's meaning alot of words these day, nobody I know says it happily, I haven't heard anyone call someone else a homo, but we use stupid all the time.
  14. Repliku Chaser

    It's a fad word like the F word that is used to describe a lot and well, I would just hope people learn some other words too which can be used to express things more clearly. Everyone doesn't understand what someone is talking about when someone says something is 'gay'. If I say the word 'gay' I mean usually it's something homosexual or has to do with a homosexual or is the homosexual, and usually not in a derogatory way. There are people who randomly use it for anything that is negative and odd around them and it is kind of lame. I get what they mean but some people don't and take offense.
  15. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    IYO most people hat gays eh? well that's opinion and not fact. Yes I know all about the american extremist's who love to say their 'god' laughs when gay's die but if you ask me those people are worse than those who believe in Jaashin (a religion where not killing so many people a day is a sin and their deity is called Jaashin). Where I live not many people like them (but they only talk bad about them behind their backs thus showing evidence they fear them or they would say it to their faces directly.)
  16. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    I just realized. When people say,"That sucks." They really are saying,"That sucks ****." As if it's a bad thing to suck other men's genitals! (sorry. Just had to say that.)
    Know what? I'm going to start saying,"That sucks!" whenever something good happens! LOL.

    Like, all the straight guys at my school say That's Gay all the time. It really pisses me off.
  17. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Saying thats gay is stupid. End of discussion.
  18. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I am trying all I can to stop myself saying that now but yes it is hard, I think it won't be an insult in many years to come- it will probably mean something completely different that you wouldn't expect.
  19. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    this term annoys the hell out of me, all it shows is ignorance. That is all I have to say on this matter. good day.
  20. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Just adding the word 'gay' to every insult that you can think of is pathetic. Those that constantly use the word, 'gay' as an insult, should go read a dictionary.

    ...that's I've got to say.