We are all familiar with Harold Camping, the leader of Family Radio and the one who predicted that the end of the world was suppose to be this last Saturday. After hiding out the rest of the weekend, he finally spoke to the public one his call in show. Did he apologize to those lives that he may have ruined with his wrong prediction? Hell no! What did he do instead? He decided to say that the Rapture and the end of the world will come all at once, five months from now, on October 21. Now, I was one of the Christians who did not believe Camping's prediction. I've learned that no man, and not even Jesus knows the day or the hour that he will return (Matthew 24:36). I know not to believe people who say that they do know the date, because to me, that means they know more than God. While the Bible does say what it will be like in the End Times, it doesn't mention a specific date at all. In fact, I don't believe that God gave anyone any clues to put into the Bible. Yet, this guys says that it'll all go down on October 21. The Rapture, giant fire ball, the whole sha-bang and then some! While I do agree that the occurrence of the Rapture is debatable, the fact that everything goes down in one entire day just proves how ass-driven this guy really is. First off, the Book o Revelations, the last book in the Bible that tells of the End of the Earth, it does give specific time lines of events while no actual days (the Beast of the Sea speaking out against God for forty-two months, Revelations 13:5; the witnesses preaching in the Holy City for 1,260 days, Revelations 11:3). Last time I checked the news, Obama was losing popularity, no other politician was trying to unite the world, and no dynamic duo of preachers were at the Holy City. I know this seems like an over reaction, since I know this guy is totally wrong. Still, Camping is still seeing himself as a great leader, who is still right, and that there is nothing wrong in changing the Bible. He completely left out Revelations in his theory, which isn't exactly a good thing. In Revelations 22:19, it states that he will "add plagues" to anyone who adds to the Word and take away "the Tree of Life" from those who take away. [/rage] tl;dr: A preacher is going to Hell because he's wrong... source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ys-God-bring-Rapture-OCTOBER-21.html?ITO=1490