read it and weep you see a KH scene also i shall leave now
Thanks? I guess. Not looking into buying it, but thanks. I just don't feel like wasting $180 on a camera. Plus YOU CAN'T USE HACKS!!!
You can still use hacks on the DSi, in fact it's probably even easier because it comes with a SD card slot. Also, the fact that the DSi has more built-in RAM means that GBA games will be able to be emulated.
I'm not shelling out that kind of money for something that is worse than what I have. No GBA slot and no hacks? Who cares if it has a camera! ~Edit~ You can? Whatever, I'm still not getting it.
The battery shortage makes me not like it. What's the point of a stereo that only lasts for several hours? lol The bigger screen is nice, though. I might not get it since it lacks the GBA port, since most of my games rely on it (megaman mostly lol).
I see this as not a new version, but a DS with bells and whistles. Bigger screens are a perk, lower battery life is not. Camera is ok, but I don't need one on a game console, that's why i own a digital camera. Buying games online...seems interesting however, I don't want to rebuy GBA games if this is the only means i have to play the classics.
Low battery life only matters if you feel that you must play with the light on the maximum setting. Otherwise its not much of a big deal. I am curious as to what kind of DSiware will be on it. There is some old gameboy color games I wouldnt mind getting my hands on again (Pkmn silver, DQ III, etc) since the cartridges wear out on me pretty fast. The camera is gimicky, but the pictures arent that bad despite it only being .3 megapixels. People tend to forget that going only by MP is a horrible way to judge a camera. I can see it being useful if they can intergrate its use in some games in a non-annoying way. This is more of a purely optional buy, more like the Gameboy Micro and such.
i'd love to get this (if it does come to australia) the low battery life doesn't bother me one bit either. Although the DS having a camera does seem a bit starnge but it does sound cool XD
It kinda makes me wonder, with the camera, if they could port cell-phone games to it. Specifically, I'm thinkin' about Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII; didn't they use a camera in part of the game...?