This is just to see what is more popular in the hand held systems my coice is DS because of its more fun games and cheaper price tag have fun Fav games for ds FF Chocobo tales Metroid hunters Mario 64 DS
It's hard for me to decide. I have both. The fact that I don't need to worry about my DS crashing or pixelating, just like my PSP does, is a definite plus. The battery life is also much superior to that of the PSP. On the other hand, I'm not liking the selection of games for the DS. I only have 3, because there haven't been any others that look good to me, and I've been looking to buy new games for ages. The PSP is a tad bit better gamewise, but it's still lacking good titles. DS for battery lifespan and upkeep, and PSP for games. Equal, I guess. was hard 2 decide!i hav both(actually the psp belongs 2 my brother) but the DS is mine.=)and on the psp u can watch vids and use the internet! but the DS is just pictochat and video games and stuff!but overall i would say the psp is my fav!
If all you care about is your games then the DS. If your the type who likes to customize there gaming to the very last detail then the PSP. It really depends on what type of gamer you are.
As an owner of both... I like both! But my PSP is quite old and I'm rather picky when it comes to games as I like fighting(Not the kung-fu types) and puzzle games. For features: the PSP. Internet access,video,music and picture storage.It's like an iPod where you can play games. For the games: The DS. Most of the games on the DS appeal to me. So it's a tie.
Do I really need to say it? >_>; I like both actually, I own both. But the PSP has not had a quality hit in a while, as the DS has had quite a bit and is getting more. Sure, the PSP can customize things better and you can listen to music and watch videos. But I personally don't download stuff like music and vids very often, so that doesn't appeal to me. And since the DS now has internet, the PSP doesn't win in that department anymore... So I voted for the DS.